[2023-05-06T08:20:33Z] surf crash when visit some websites, eg: canva and godaddy [2023-05-06T08:21:27Z] after running gdb, seems like suspect is musl, still trying to figure it out [2023-05-06T08:24:48Z] anyone here experience crash when using surf/vimb when visit canva or godaddy? [2023-05-06T10:16:58Z] q [2023-05-06T11:14:05Z] hi [2023-05-06T15:54:41Z] hello [2023-05-06T19:57:44Z] henlo [2023-05-06T19:58:15Z] ruivlea: have you asked in the suckless chat? [2023-05-06T21:24:40Z] hi [2023-05-06T21:41:46Z] Hi [2023-05-06T21:43:24Z] might say screw implementing irc on a protocol level for now [2023-05-06T21:43:43Z] use libircclient as a backend for a xaw frontend just to get rid of nebula [2023-05-06T21:44:20Z] tip: reinvent the wheel when needed [2023-05-06T21:44:46Z] so profound [2023-05-06T21:45:04Z] yes obviously. i'm just not interested in writing an IRC backend right *now*. [2023-05-06T21:46:25Z] time mid time