[2023-10-19T04:24:16Z] hi [2023-10-19T04:42:03Z] hi [2023-10-19T04:42:11Z] hi sad_plan [2023-10-19T06:12:51Z] oh [2023-10-19T06:12:53Z] holy shit [2023-10-19T06:12:57Z] amazon is 503'in [2023-10-19T06:13:10Z] wild [2023-10-19T06:32:50Z] http://0x0.st/HJMB.mp4 [2023-10-19T06:57:58Z] asimovsh: I can't seem to find the `build` file for hyprland but I found an old script to build it, let me send it to you [2023-10-19T07:00:36Z] hi midfavila [2023-10-19T07:00:38Z] asimovsh: https://0x0.st/HJMe.txt [2023-10-19T07:00:54Z] >pinging me [2023-10-19T07:01:02Z] hi everybody [2023-10-19T07:01:04Z] go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away go away [2023-10-19T07:01:09Z] >:CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC [2023-10-19T07:02:22Z] who [2023-10-19T07:02:28Z] yes [2023-10-19T07:03:26Z] mid is mean [2023-10-19T07:03:43Z] yes [2023-10-19T07:03:46Z] mean internet dummy [2023-10-19T07:04:14Z] a dummy would be nicer because it doesn't speak smh [2023-10-19T07:05:04Z] >he hasn't played undetale [2023-10-19T07:08:22Z] can someone here using kiss package wayneko [2023-10-19T07:08:27Z] and maintain it for life [2023-10-19T07:08:29Z] I'll pay [2023-10-19T07:08:32Z] Best program ever [2023-10-19T07:08:34Z] how much [2023-10-19T07:10:22Z] is it a port of xneko? [2023-10-19T07:13:58Z] hi vova_ [2023-10-19T07:16:07Z] sad_plan: hi [2023-10-19T07:17:59Z] sewn: cant you just maintain it yourself? and what is even wayneko? or xneko for that matter. cant seem to find either [2023-10-19T07:18:39Z] unless youre refering to neko? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neko_(software) [2023-10-19T12:31:23Z] sad_plan i am referring to the neko that chases your cursor [2023-10-19T12:31:31Z] it has some sort of name but i forgot about it [2023-10-19T12:31:42Z] and yes that [2023-10-19T12:32:16Z] oneko [2023-10-19T12:32:18Z] it was called oneko for X [2023-10-19T12:32:35Z] i somehow maintain its package for void despite me not having used void for a year [2023-10-19T13:46:36Z] hey [2023-10-19T13:46:38Z] so [2023-10-19T13:46:40Z] uh [2023-10-19T13:46:44Z] this morning was fucking wild [2023-10-19T13:47:00Z] would have responded but i was like [2023-10-19T13:47:01Z] busy stopping a robbery [2023-10-19T13:47:12Z] and no i'm not joking or exaggerating in the slightest [2023-10-19T13:47:27Z] i was at the store i work at grabbing snacks and someone tried holding my coworker up [2023-10-19T13:48:13Z] got hit by a car in the process [2023-10-19T13:48:15Z] * midfavila dies [2023-10-19T13:49:49Z] you ok? [2023-10-19T13:50:01Z] docs at the hospital said i'm totally fine [2023-10-19T13:50:03Z] despite getting fucking [2023-10-19T13:50:09Z] thrown a good two and a half meters by the car [2023-10-19T13:50:20Z] so yeah aside from feeling like i got hit by a car i'm fine [2023-10-19T13:50:24Z] that's crazy, no broken bones or anything? [2023-10-19T13:50:28Z] yep [2023-10-19T13:50:31Z] just a couple bruises [2023-10-19T13:50:45Z] one from the car slamming into my back, the other from the driver getting out and punching me in the face [2023-10-19T13:50:54Z] the car like [2023-10-19T13:50:59Z] plowed *straight* through the store's doors [2023-10-19T13:51:02Z] i'll post a pic later [2023-10-19T13:51:04Z] it's insane [2023-10-19T13:51:09Z] might end up in the news [2023-10-19T13:51:36Z] you could very well be a superhero [2023-10-19T13:51:44Z] maybe [2023-10-19T13:51:51Z] work is writing me up [2023-10-19T13:51:58Z] despite me doing this when i wasn't even on shift [2023-10-19T13:52:07Z] and i still have to work at 3pm today [2023-10-19T13:52:13Z] despite *literally getting hit by a car* [2023-10-19T13:52:14Z] seriously? wtf [2023-10-19T13:52:37Z] asshole from corporate came up to me and said "you aren't getting fired, but we're gonna write you up, and next time? don't be a hero." [2023-10-19T13:52:42Z] like no fuck you [2023-10-19T13:52:58Z] as a citizen of the commonwealth i have a moral responsibility to assist in preventing and stopping crime in my community [2023-10-19T13:53:32Z] no good deed goes unpunished huh.. [2023-10-19T13:54:08Z] yeah i guess so [2023-10-19T13:54:18Z] either way i'm charging the guy who hit me with the car [2023-10-19T13:54:27Z] he's super fucked [2023-10-19T13:54:30Z] everything's caught on CCTV [2023-10-19T13:57:35Z] mid is a hero [2023-10-19T13:57:49Z] mid is sore [2023-10-19T13:57:53Z] xwx [2023-10-19T14:21:29Z] https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fc04752b8-aaa9-49cf-8f02-7940693799f5_4000x2252.jpeg [2023-10-19T14:21:34Z] this is the storefront [2023-10-19T14:26:34Z] oh god [2023-10-19T14:36:37Z] vova_: u don't have a build in kiss package style? [2023-10-19T14:37:03Z] vova_: also how you build it without libglvnd? [2023-10-19T17:07:38Z] pretty much guaranteed writeup has turned into a probable termination [2023-10-19T17:07:42Z] *nice* [2023-10-19T18:48:57Z] asimovsh: don't know I used this "script" to compile hyprland on void-linux like last year or so