Notes on RT-11 -------------- RT-11FB V05.03 APL-11/RT-11 V2.0 rt11.ini configuration file for pdp11 shell script to run rt11 on an emulated PDP-11/53 PATS.BGS doc file listings patches and outstanding bugs copy ms0:APLRT*.SAV dk: type v5user.txt look at v5user.txt compile check this dibol check this rename APLRT7.SAV APL.SAV dir dk0: dir dk1: dir dl0: dir dl1: dir sy: dir *.com list all com files dir ms0: list files on tape dir ms0:*.com list all com files on tape dir ms0:readme.doc show devices show terminals show all help setup load vm what does this do? unload vm remove vm time displays time apl runs APL-11 terminal...tty fortran att rq1 110476.tpc tpc is a tape image file set ts enable set ts0 format=tpc show ts0 format ctrl-e to exit mnemonics --------- .AB absolute value .FL floor .DD dieresis .DL del .DE decode .DM diamond .EP epsilon .GU grade up .GD grade down .GO go to .IO iota .UU up union .DU down union (intersection) .DQ domino .XQ execute .SS subset .SO jot .OR or .RO rho .NE not equal .NT not .NG negation .IB i beam .PT file pointer .BXPP quad pp APL-11 for RT-11 ---------------- )CLEAR clear workspace )LIB not yet implemented )ORIGIN returns or sets origin, no shortforms )SAVE MULTI saves workspace to MULTI.APC )LOAD MULTI load workspace MULTI.APC )FNS list functions in current workspace )OFF exit back to rt11 5 .FL 7 returns floor e.g. 5 .DQ A matrix inverse of A A[.GD A] sort elements of A in descending order A[.GU A] sort elements of A in ascending order .BX _ A _ 3 set A to 3 and display it .BXCR 'MULTI' displays listing of MULTI .BXPP returns the number of digits of precision .DL MULTI[.BX] .DL displays listing of MULTI .LO 1 displays pi A _ 1 2 3 B _ 1 2 3 4 5 A .SS B is A a subset of B? returns 1 A _ 1 2 3 B _ 4 5 6 C _ A .UU B set C equal to the union of A and B C _ A , B same 100 ? 100 generates 100 random numbers from 1 to 100 program to generate the times table .DL M _ MULTI R [1] A _ .IO R [2] M _ A .SO.# A [3] .DL control codes ------------- ctrl-u deletes current line limitations ----------- there is no )HELP