馃懡 maxheadroom

The corrupy left tells everyone to FEAR THE RIGHT. even if it turns out to be the lesser evil. just FEAR THE RIGHT, so that the corrupt left can stay in power.

But they don't seem to think logically, as people will always vote the lesser evil. if there is no better option. And people will not vote those who financially ruined them will they? So only the fools who 'believe' the lies, they eventually vote for corruption. But they will pay the biggest price. Some european countries are changing course as they see the big plan is going sideways, and the loudest politicians start to jump ship after being exposed.

2 months ago


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8 Replies

馃懡 willowf

@maxheadroom Beautiful, amazing comment. Very smart, excellent writing. The clown bird ping-pong party is an especially illuminating conceptual framework. 10/10 never stop posting 路 2 months ago

馃懡 maxheadroom

@willowf So the left is not destroing any lives with their bullshit?

Only this who are deep in the left pocket enjoy the positives of the left shit. (and teh same is true for the right) But ALL those people who are not in 'cahootz' with their political bullshitters they pay the price. And those people are no-longer falling for the clownshow.

The problem is that tose people move to the clowns on the other side. When they SHOULD turn away from the bird instead. Specially in a 2 party clown bird show. But there they don't have that option. They are trapped in the left/right 2 party ping-pong match. 路 2 months ago

馃懡 willowf

@maxheadroom EU, US, doesn't matter, there's only one perspective that matters and it's MINE. And I love destroying millions of lives! That's why I'm always saying to FEAR THE RIGHT. You'll never hear any murderous partisans telling you to FEAR THE LEFT, a position famously never held by a right-wing party seeking to destroy millions of lives - thus your original post was correct to only discuss politics that tell you to FEAR THE RIGHT. 路 2 months ago

馃懡 maxheadroom

@willowf, it would be best not to fear any side, and just don't support either sides bullshit.

Still there should be good people on both sides, but those never have any power, they are just disposible pawns. Here in EU, we have a multi party circus, so there are other dynamics then in the US. Either way these clowns are destroying millions of lives. And I try to shine a light on the show. 路 2 months ago

馃懡 maxheadroom

@ userfxnet, I used to be on the left side of the middle. I'm not on any side anymore.

And yes in the US the right is also full of shit. It's merely a lesser evil. (From my european point of view) While from a US view point the left is a lesser evil. Both wings form the same evil bird. Europe is a slightly different mess and i see how my post should have had a note that it is from my EU point of view. But that's would have required more words then i was allowed to use. In my country the only ones who dare to present facts are on the right. BUT their solotions i can't agree with. I'm searching for alt. 路 2 months ago

馃懡 throatmuppet

get a load of this guy 路 2 months ago

馃懡 userfxnet

i dunno about a corrupt left, but I know that the corrupt right of the US is trying to filibuster a criminal trial for the sake of making a ballot open for a corrupt traitorous fascist thats seeking to claim immunity by rule of power like a momarch state, sooo imma vote for the other sleepy ass old guy instead of the one trying to chemically and physically castrate my latin ppl at the border and watch other wrongfully persecuted ppl die and suffer by their disgusting sadistic vindictive sociopathic rotted corpse hand ykwim lol. 路 2 months ago

馃懡 willowf

It's true, I'm always telling people to FEAR THE RIGHT, because I'm so corrupt and I love staying in power. I don't even turn right at intersections - why would I, when I can just make three left turns instead? Unfortunately for my corrupt goals of inflicting financial ruin on gullible fools, those sideways-wingers in Europe keep building intersections that don't even have a left turn lane. So much for evil! 路 2 months ago