< Ancient language scholarship



It's hard being interested in everything under the sun.

That's the truth! Definitely something I struggle with as well.

Learning by proxy seems like as good a method as any for right now, and I know for me, something like that would help new words stick better anyway.

Speaking of which, a couple questions, if I may:

1. What resources have you found for Classical Chinese? That's something I've been interested in for awhile, but have had a hard time finding books on it that aren't in Mandarin.

2. More generally, what's your preferred method for memorizing vocabulary? This is an area in which I struggle a great deal, and am yet to find anything that really works for me.

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~detritus wrote (thread):

I recently found a book entitled "Coptic in 20 lessons", looks tempting. Right now I've been reading about the development of ideas in Alexandria, so there's Greek everywhere! The Corpus Hermeticum is yet another reason to learn Greek.

What resources have you found for Classical Chinese?

I thought you'd never ask. There's a surprising wealth of resources for CC in English, actually.

And that's about it, the best books you'll find on the matter. I'll leave you to check them yourself, available for illegal download through the usual media. There are also a couple books on Buddhist Chinese if you're interested in *that* part of the language.

what's your preferred method for memorizing vocabulary?

I don't have any. I don't even make that much of an effort to memorize, really. At best I keep lists of the new words to which I refer back often, but it's not a very good method. I think the best method is to read a lot. But one has to find a good amount of graded readers, and ones that are not boring at that. It's a struggle.