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I mostly use it to practice Esperanto, plus a musician I like has his own server


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~six10 wrote (thread):

Is the MBR server active? Last time I went in there it wasn't. Also tried to get into the secret ARG channel but was too dumb to figure it out. What servers have Esperanto?

~sojourner wrote:

MBR is great. I'm not much of a casual talker, so I'm ending up just glancing at the chat while he streams. I'd probably get into IRC if I had someone whom I'd already know from elsewhere as an anchor (?). I don't have a great track record of internet acquaintance. Barely any record, to be honest. Every attempt at making a new pen-pal just falls flat, even without a non-native-language barrier. It feels artificial (probably mutually so) and so dies out after a few exchanges on random topics.

I've once half-assed an IRC server on my personal VPS. Been chatting for a few days with two friends until the novelty washed off and "our" IRC was left empty. I think it's still up, haven't bothered to check in the last few months.

~tskaalgard wrote:

Hej, ankaŭ mi uzas la babilejon de esperanto de IRC! Sed mi uzas ĝin kun Matrikso.