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🗣 Followers 9 · Following 7 · Logs 3 · Docked 2 years ago
Ugh. Finally done with all the renovations in my ”server room”. warmedal.se was down a lot longer than necessary because tilde.team was down too. ”What?” I hear you saying. Because my router restarted I got a new public IP. I have a script that updates DNS enteies when this happens, but that script calls a web page on my tilde.team user to check which IP I currently have. Today that page has only returned 502 Bad Gateway 🤷 Anywho. Back up and I have no more renovations that should affect it (famous last words…)
💬 1 Reply · 7 Thumbs · 10 months ago
I need some help. There’s been a whole lot of replies to my post ”How Many Computers Do You Have?” and I started collecting them and updating the post with links to them. But I haven’t had time to follow up on it since the 17th and now I can’t find the ones posted between then and the 27th 🙁
💬 1 Reply · 0 Thumbs · 2 years ago
I’m on station now. I saw that someone had @ me and thought that maybe I should be on here