Every time I have to interact with an airline's website, I always feel that some bug will cause it to malfunction because the website feels so unpolished.
The loading screens that appear make me anxious because they last for a long time, and they make me think that something froze. It does not help that I have uBlock Origin installed on my web browser, and I also have an adblock plugin installed on my OpenWRT router. I end up thinking that one of the two might have broken the website somehow since I doubt that these websites are built with adblock plugins in mind.
Funnily enough, arriving at the airport, checking in, and boarding stresses me out less than interacting with these barely-functional airline websites.
...also why is one's first name and middle game concatenated together without a space in between? Why is it still like this? Whatever.
By the way, this is a good time to state that I will be away from home for several weeks, so I will not log onto Ctrl-C Club for a while. The reason should be pretty obvious at this point :)
If any Ctrl-C Club members are reading this, please take care of my botany plant :p