< So much for saving the world from links



Hi ew.

Interesting. Beyond potential "increased safety", I see your personal policy of typing in links as even better than copy/paste of URLs in terms of slowing down click rush.

That has me suddenly imagining a voluntarily used script to slow down click frenzy even more that reads a URL from stdin, clears the screen, then doesn't echo it back to stdout until some predefined amount of time (one minute, say). It would be up to the user whether they typed or pasted a URL into its stdin.

Obviously, one could simply wait a minute, but why not let a script keep track of that time?

For example:

#! /usr/bin/env lua
local url = io.stdin:read('*l')

=> https://midnight.pub/replies/8141 Write a reply

# Replies

=> /replies/8144 ~ew wrote:

A click-throttle!
And by the time your URL gets "accepted", you might not need it any more :)