Is it just me, or is GUS offline? Related: what other social networks/Twitter-likes are on Gemini?
2 years ago 路 馃憤 aka_dude
@bacardi55 Thanks! Tinylog created and PR opened. 路 2 years ago
There is a tentative at creating an "RFC" for tinylog if interested:
I've also been working on a TUI alternative to lace:
Please join the tinylog community (and add your tinylog in the repo :)) 路 2 years ago
@pixel Thanks for the tip! 路 2 years ago
@pixel thanks! 路 2 years ago
@warpengineer @lykso GUS has been down for months! you can use gemini:// i have it linked on my capsule! 路 2 years ago
GUS has never worked for me. 路 2 years ago
Forgot about tinylogs! This is the sort of thing I was looking for: gemini:// 路 2 years ago