Me, my siblings and a friend went to see Barbie and Oppenheimer. Both are excellent, but you really shouldn鈥檛 marathon movies like that. It surprisingly takes a lot out of you!
10 months ago 路 馃憤 dasos, gritty, ruby_witch, jr_the_frog
I would most definitely recommend both films, just on separate days. I would do watch them with friends if you feel scared of watching Barbie. 路 10 months ago
I'm definitely looking forward to seeing Barbie someday! We almost never get out to the theaters though.
I think I can skip Oppenheimer unless I see it on a plane flight somewhere, that's usually when I catch up on my movies. :) 路 10 months ago
I came pretty close to doing that but chickened out and just saw Oppenheimer. I only slightly regret it, but Oppenheimer was really good! 路 10 months ago
Hoping to see Oppenheimer for sure. I am big nuke nerd (along with my any other nerd-ish interests lol) so one I have been looking forward, too. Heck, I have a picture of Oppie in my living room xD 路 10 months ago