created 2022/09/16 modified 2023/09/13 category rainmeter views 84
first edition of my modular grid rainmeter skin with highly customizable tiles
included tiles:
edit tiles.ini to modify the grid appearance and layout as well as the individual tile settings
edit @Resources/WeatherCOMJson/ to change the weather settings (you must use lat/long coordinates)
install the webnowplaying companion for your browser for media controls/display to work
with only this skin loaded rainmeter uses ~1.5% cpu + ~1.5% gpu in the background on a ryzen 5 2600X + gtx 1660ti
the weather tile is implemented using jsmorely's api parser. in case the weather breaks you can patch the @Resources/WeatherCOMJson/ file with the latest from jsmorely. if you need to patch the entirety of too, make sure you multiply UpdateRate by 25, eg. `UpdateRate = (3600 * 25)`. you need to do this since tiles.ini updates at 40ms but the default value expects an update of 1000ms
jsmorely api parser
the cover art tile, title + artist on the visualizer tile, and media control tile all rely on WebNowPlaying to function, please make sure you have the web companion installed for those functions to work, or the webnowplaying extension enabled in spicetify
spicetify webnowplaying instructions
the hover animations as well some audio tile logic borrow elements from eldog skins
features available in the new version: