I’ve been eating only meat for the last two days while I recover from COVID. Per the lion diet I’m eating only meats, but trying to get more fat than protein. I probably haven’t been successful.
I’ve also been listening to interviews with Jordan Peterson. It’s outside my comfort zone, but definitely a lot of new material.
One of the central themes he is trying to get people to recognize is that we do not live in a patriarchal tyranny. Against that backdrop, he discusses topics like equality of opportunity vs equality of outcome in the work force.
Equality of opportunity is to provide everyone with a fair chance, though I’m not sure if he distinguishes between equity and equality. And equality of outcome is the idea that there should be equal representation across professions.
A woman in a debate (QandA) had a statistic that forcing equality of outcome, though counter intuitive, results in more productive teams and businesses. There is certainly a trend for diversity and inclusion in the workplace, but it seems like it would require a few decades to establish decent metrics.
updated: 2022-11-05 01:39:06
generated: 2024-05-25