// 2024-01-05, 1 min read, #politics #gemini
So, if you're reading this on web, there's some uproar over in gemini space because one ultra conservative, hyper religious asshole posted a horrible post supporting the genocide of the entire Palestinian people.
There's an aggregator service run by another person. Basically, any time someone posts to their gemlog (gemini equivalent of a weblog, or blog) they can submit their feed to the aggregator service and it will get listed for others to see. Well, Jesusy McGenocide did that, and the person who runs the aggregator decided to denylist his entire gemlog. As is his right. On his private platform. That he runs on the hardware he owns or rents.
The conservative fascists, bigots, and genocide lovers are up in arms. On one social media page they seem to be in the minority, and it's making them a n g e r y. On another social media page they seem to be more common, which is incredibly disappointing. I was very happy to see the owner/operator of the first one on the side AGAINST genocide though. Props to skyjake.
And then there's the mealy mouthed centrists carrying water for the fascists by saying 'you don't win against bad ideas by silencing them, you win against them by debating them.' Debate only gives them a platform.
There have been actual studies about this.
Further, they have no rights to be included in any private space. They will try to twist reality to confuse you. Do not give in to their lies.
They try to work their way into healthier spaces because their own spaces never work out. They can't recruit new people when it's just them talking to themselves. They rely on infiltration and pollution of other spaces to survive.