Retrace 0x0003 -- Morgana's Log
Tags: retrace, copper, oct
Mar 13 2024 02:49 AM (MDT) (day 328)

Gemini Server Updates

That was far easier than I thought -- after switching to using python, I got a basic Gemini server up and running nearly instantly. (With only minimal tls/openssl tinkering!) I suppose this is likely due in large part to my familiarity with python when compared to rust, but it was honestly quite nice to just write up a hundred or so lines and have a working server. (although I'm sure they're both great languages!)

Anyways, given that I have the server up and running, I guess for the first time ever we're online! It only took me six tries, haha. I still have archives of the old never-quite-published phlog and gemlog posts, so I may need to sort through those and also upload them to Retrace -- although likely under a different archive directory or something, as my writing has somewhat improved since then (and they're wildly out of date.)

Travel & Family

On this upcoming Saturday I'm heading back home for a week, so hopefully I can relax and get some coppersmithing done. I've made five rings since I've started learning the craft, but I've lost them all over the years -- one got accidentally flung into the wilderness during a frisbee game in a state park, one got left in the basement of a building after giving a talk on Californian sea otter population models, two got stolen while I was working on them, and the last one just vanished while moving (probably to the bottom of a box somewhere). Anyways, I'm once again out of my own rings, so I plan to make some more -- that hopefully won't go anywhere this time!

I'll also be spending time with family, so expect a bit of writing on that -- thankfully, we get along wonderfully and they're all great people, so it should all be positive. Speaking of them all, I ought to introduce one of my siblings to Gemini -- I assume they'd find the idea interesting and they're a great writer/artist, they'd probably have quite a lot of cool things to add to this space. (Yes, if you're reading this now, I'm talking about you, Oct!)

That's all for tonight, it's now 3:30 am so I ought to eat some dinner (terrible college schedules, can't wait until that's done) and head to sleep.

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