Editions of early music by William Rehwinkel

Here you will find my editions of early organ music. My favorite pieces of music to transcribe are of lesser-known composers from the North-German organ school, originally written in tablature notation.

These editions are typeset using Lilypond, and the source files are embedded in the PDF-file. These are also uploaded on other pages such as IMSLP. However, they may not always be the most recent version and possibly include errors that have since been corrected.


Accuracy to the source is my highest priority. I welcome any corrections of errors due to misreadings in my transcriptions of early music.

Please send these corrections to me via email at william@williamrehwinkel.net.

When corrections are made, the document will be re-uploaded to this directory replacing the earlier version, so that the new edition will be accessible at the same URL.

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List of editions, arranged by source

D-B Ms. Lynar B 2

D-B Ms. Lynar B 3

D-CZu Zellerfelder Orgeltabulatur 1

D-Lr Mus.ant.pract. K.N. 207-16

(See pipe-organ.wiki)

D-Lr Mus.ant.pract. K.N. 209

S-L Samling Engelhart 216

S-VIl Visby Domkapitel H:3