SDB stands for String DataBase. It's a simple key-value database that only operates with strings created by pancake. It is used in many parts of r2 to have a disk and in-memory database which is small and fast to manage using it as a hashtable on steroids.

SDB is a simple string key/value database based on djb’s cdb disk storage and supports JSON and arrays introspection.

There’s also the sdbtypes: a vala library that implements several data structures on top of an sdb or a memcache instance.

SDB supports: - namespaces (multiple sdb paths) - atomic database sync (never corrupted) - bindings for vala, luvit, newlisp and nodejs - commandline frontend for sdb databases - memcache client and server with sdb backend - arrays support (syntax sugar) - json parser/getter

Usage example Let's create a database!

$ sdb d hello=world
$ sdb d hello

Using arrays: ``` $ sdb - '[]list=1,2' '[0]list' '[0]list=foo' '[]list' '[+1]list=bar' 1 foo 2 foo bar 2 ```

Let's play with json: ``` $ sdb d g='{"foo":1,"bar":{"cow":3}}' $ sdb d g?bar.cow 3 $ sdb - user='{"id":123}' user?id=99 user?id 99 ```

Using the command line without any disk database: ``` $ sdb - foo=bar foo a=3 +a -a bar 4 3

$ sdb - foo=bar foo bar a=3 +a 4 -a 3 ``` Remove the database ``` $ rm -f d

## So what ?
So, you can now do this inside your radare2 sessions!

Let's take a simple binary, and check what is already _sdbized_.

$ cat test.c int main(){ puts("Hello world\n");

} $ gcc test.c -o test ```

$ r2 -A ./test
[0x08048320]> k **
[0x08048320]> k bin/**
[0x08048320]> k bin/fd.6/*

The file corresponding to the sixth file descriptor is a x86_32 binary.

[0x08048320]> k anal/meta/*
[0x08048320]> ?b64- SGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=
Hello world

Strings are stored encoded in base64.


More Examples

List namespaces ``` k ** ``` List sub-namespaces ``` k anal/** ``` List keys ``` k * k anal/* ``` Set a key ``` k foo=bar ``` Get the value of a key ``` k foo ```

List all syscalls ``` k syscall/*~^0x ``` List all comments ``` k anal/meta/*~.C.

Show a comment at given offset:

k %anal/meta/[1]meta.C.0x100005000 ```