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In case you signed my guestbook and dropped a question or a simple "hi", my replies can be found here.
Greetings to Lera and thanks for signing my guestbook! To answer your question: No, none of the ASCII art hosted on my capsule is mine and I mostly copied them from various ASCII archives on the "big web". The only art I customized is the "header art" on my index page, which originally only consisted of three stars.
Unfortunately, not all artworks were shared with watermarks. I've kept those with initials and names intact and even added some names to the caption (yeah, I also just noticed that I forgot to add the mandatory alt text to the art on my guestbook, I apologize) but those without are impossible to track down at this point, as most art is from the 90's/early-2000's. Naturally, artists of any uncredited ASCII art are free to reach out to me, so I can include the typical initials or even a link to their social media or homepage, if desired.
Greetings back to Stefan, the first guy that signed my guestbook!