Midnight Pub

Howdy, everyone!


Hey everyone, I'm plasmon, a physics undergrad.

You can find me on Cohost

or on my neocities page (which is undergoing maintenance thanks to what I think is something with the API).

In any case, I'm pretty happy to be here—it's cool to have a hidden spot on the net, and I plan on just hanging out and chilling. Owing to a lack of math typesetting and stuff, I don't think I'll be able to do much of anything talking about some in-depth physics or math, but that's alright—I wouldn't want to risk ruining the napkins here with my chicken-scratch.

My main interests are

In any case, I hope you're all doing well tonight.

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~inquiry wrote:

Welcome, plasmon!

I've not done any reading along the lines of physics in quite a while, so this is the first time I've seen the term "quantum optics". Care to share a brief take on it?

~immy wrote:

Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here at the pub

~zampano wrote:

Welcome to the party! I usually the occasional bits of physics I stumble across to be fun, but I lack the background to get into the more esoteric stuff that I find more interesting. Maybe one day :)

Our music tastes definitely overlap, at least as far as those two go! I’m an old (in both senses of the word) goth, so like a lot of their ilk. Sometimes more aggressive stuff, depending on my mood, of course.

Deus Ex is a classic for a reason! Meanwhile, I actually picked up one of the more recent-ish NFS games on PS5 due to it being like $2 or something. Haven’t played it yet, as the backlog is real (and large).

Finally, a question: how have you found Cohost? I’ve avoided Twitter like the plague I believe it to be, and while I dabbled with Mastodon, I never really got into the habit of using it. It’s too easy to feel like shouting into an empty room, y’know?

~turboblack wrote:

Cohost its a new Github?

~ew wrote (thread):

Good morning ~plasmon, welcome to The Midnight!

~bartender? Coffee with cream an sugar --- its too early in the morning for experiments. Thanks!

Physics. Yes. I have spent a good part of my lifetime with that. I did venture into the realm of astrophysics. Symbiotic double stars, äh, white dwarfs accreting hydrogen-rich material from their companion red giant or similar. The dwarf grows a skin of "degenerated" matter, and at some point nuclear fusion can set in an produce a giant surface explosion. One of these objects, T Cor Bor, is expected to trigger soonish. So yes, even in astronomy your favorite comes in quite easily :)

However, I have changed fields towards computing, working at the blurry line which separates hardware (like wires, components, and controllers), enhanced with funny things like FPGAs (field programmable gate arrays; which are configurable hardware, if you will), and pure software (starting at obscure boot loaders, loading a not so obscure boot loader, loading and starting an operating systems kernel and it's associated user land).

Wherever you go, have the appropriate amount of fun!
