Chicken report 1

This is a new series called Chicken Report, in which I talk about plans and progress with my chickens. I've had chickens for about 3 years now, and I've been making every mistake imaginable, I am still stumbling trying to get a nice harmonious coop, so here are The News.

This year they've been lying like crazy, and all my 4 chickens brooded and gave some 4 chicks on average, now I need to manage to keep them alive. So far I've managed to keep them from running off in the morning and getting eaten. Now I need to keep them safe from each other. I have a very aggressive mother that managed to injure two chicks, one of which died. The second one wasn't hurt that bad, but she actually had a huge wound, so she was in the nursery for 4 or 5 days. She is back with her brothers but now she's losing feathers, probably something befell her skin from that injury, now I need to bring her back to the nursery! Having chickens is hard.

When I say they each had 4 chicks on average, it's complicated. actually one had 6, another 4, and then two of them brooded together and had 4, now they are BOTH the chicken's mothers and work as a team to care for them, it's amazing. Now my chickens are crazy and they always leave some eggs half-baked. I mean ALWAYS, and it's always a problem having a number of embryos in critical state. I don't have an incubator, but in the past they've managed to hatch in a makeshift incubator we improvised together, but they didn't really make it. Right now I just jammed those eggs back in my chickens where they sleep, but I am not sure they will hatch; they are warm, and one of them has a little crack, so let us hope for the best.

On a final note, I need to set up the space for the new chickens I'l hopefully be getting, and I also want to move the quails somewhere nice among them poultry. I want to make some sort of hydrological system then can all enjoy, so that I can just open the faucet and they can all be happy. I don't have many ideas but I'll think of something.

That's the first Chicken Report, I will update, maybe, maybe not, at least anually, or perhaps biennally, maybe never again. Stay tuned.