Iceman's Blog 1.0 ♺

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Back to the roots of blogging

Welcome to the blog of Iceman. 1.0 not for version number but to go back to the style and simplicity of the web 1.0. The only way to answer me is by email with /contact. The only way to find an article is to use the search function of your browser on this page. And if you don't like the white background, feel free to use the dark mode of your browser. The numbers before the title are just to understand chronology. There are some letters before : A for automotive industry, C for culture, F for live from France, M for music, P for poetry, ...and no letter for the other subjects.

About Me

Last posts :

2024-05-23 30 If you knew what they do…

2024-05-18 F05 LiveFromFrance S2E05

2024-05-13 P06 The absence of Silence

2024-05-09 29 Tale of a flower

2024-05-05 28 Infobesity

2024-05-02 27 Separating the (wo)man from the politician

2024-04-28 26 My first website

2024-04-23 C01 Civil War by Alex Garland (2024)

2024-04-19 25 Secrets of the blog

2024-04-16 24 The Monster inside

2024-04-13 F04 LiveFromFrance S02E04

2024-04-10 23 How Culture changes our point of view

2024-04-07 22 Tale of a pen

2024-04-03 P05 The Silence of absence

Archive :



older posts

This blog also exists in light HTML on :

RSS feed


All the content is in CC-4.0