Morning Routine


For reasons unknown I was pondering my morning routine morning routine. This routine is not something I put any real concerted thought into and it's not set in stone. Just something I have arrived at organically I suppose but I do quite enjoy it.

During the school year the day starts off with waking the kid(s), making breakfast, getting ready for the day and taking them to school on the bike. When I return home I make myself and my wife breakfast and coffee and see her off to work. After that I usually sit on the patio(sometimes the dining table inside) and drink another coffee, listen to the birds, read the latest gemini posts and play palmdle on my palm pilot.

This is a good and relaxing way to start the day for me. The only flaw is that sometimes I'm enjoying the coffee on the patio part too much and I end up getting around to my real tasks later than I planned.

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