
class LangString

constructor(value, language)

🏷 @param


🆔 value

💬 A string

🏷 @param


🆔 language

💬 A language identifier, such as 'en'

🏷 @see


🏷 @see

IETF language tag

getter language


getter value

class Model

constructor(id, info)

🏷 @param


🆔 id

💬 - Identifies a named node.

🏷 @param {({

types: (URL|UniformResourceName|URL[]|UniformResourceName[]|Set.<URL>|Set.<UniformResourceName>|null|undefined)

datasets: {(object|object[]|Set.<object>|null|undefined)}

}|null|undefined)} info - Each dataset must conform to the DatasetCore interface. If `types` is not specified, then it is `http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Resource`.

🏷 @throws {(TypeError|Error)}

🏷 @see

DatasetCore interface, RDF/JS: Dataset specification 1.0

🏷 @see

rdfs:Resource, RDF Schema 1.1

getter datasets

🏷 @return {Set.<object>}

🏷 @see

DatasetCore interface, RDF/JS: Dataset specification 1.0

getter id

🏷 @return {(URL|UniformResourceName)}

🏷 @see

NamedNode interface, RDF/JS: Data model specification

🏷 @see

BlankNode interface, RDF/JS: Data model specification

static async readFrom(datasets, config)

🏷 @param


🆔 datasets

💬 undefined

🏷 @param {({

types: (URL|UniformResourceName|Array.<URL|UniformResourceName>|Set.<URL|UniformResourceName>|null|undefined)

modelClass: (function|null|undefined),

count: (number|null|undefined)

}|null|undefined)} config

🏷 @return {Promise.<Model[]>}

🏷 @async

🏷 @static

🏷 @see

DatasetCore interface, RDF/JS: Dataset specification 1.0

🏷 @see



🏷 @return {string}

async writeTo(dataset, graph)

🏷 @param


🆔 dataset

💬 undefined

🏷 @param


🆔 graph

💬 undefined

🏷 @return {Promise.<boolean>}

🏷 @see

DatasetCore interface, RDF/JS: Dataset specification 1.0

class Person extends Model

constructor(id, info)

🏷 @param


🆔 id

💬 - Identifies a named node.

🏷 @param {({

datasets: {(object|object[]|Set.<object>|null|undefined)}

}|null|undefined)} info - Each dataset must conform to the DatasetCore interface. If `types` is not specified, then it is `http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#Resource`.

🏷 @throws {(TypeError|Error)}

🏷 @see

DatasetCore interface, RDF/JS: Dataset specification 1.0

🏷 @see

rdfs:Resource, RDF Schema 1.1

getter emails

🏷 @return {Set.<string>}

async getEmails()

🏷 @return {Promise.<Set.<string>>}

async getNames()

🏷 @return {Promise.<Array.<LangString|string>>}

async getOneLineBios()

🏷 @return {Promise.<Set.<LangString>>}

getter names

🏷 @return {Set.<LangString|string>}

getter oneLineBios

🏷 @return {Set.<LangString>}

static async readFrom(datasets, config)

🏷 @param


🆔 datasets

💬 undefined

🏷 @param {({

count: (number|null|undefined)

}|null|undefined)} config

🏷 @return {Promise.<Model[]>}

🏷 @async

🏷 @static

🏷 @see

DatasetCore interface, RDF/JS: Dataset specification 1.0

🏷 @see


async writeTo(dataset, graph)

🏷 @param


🆔 dataset

💬 undefined

🏷 @param


🆔 graph

💬 undefined

🏷 @return {Promise.<boolean>}

🏷 @see

DatasetCore interface, RDF/JS: Dataset specification 1.0

📅 𝑪𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒅 𝒐𝒏 𝑴𝒐𝒏 𝑴𝒂𝒚 𝟤𝟢 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟦 𝟢𝟦:𝟧𝟣:𝟣𝟩 𝑮𝑴𝑻+𝟢𝟤𝟢𝟢 (𝑪𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝑬𝒖𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒏 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒊𝒎𝒆)