It is cool that in our modern times there are still some folks who write really small yet capable computer programs for fun and for competition, and then publish them far and wide. I want to be part of it. I want to keep demoscene alive. Because I know how much we actually need lightweight computer programs in the era of overcomplicated technology. Demoscene deserves your attention. Demoscene is alive.
4 months ago ยท ๐ gemalaya, devyl, lykso, at_work, arkholt
Amen. I discovered the demoscene in the late 90s and while I'm not technically capable enough to make one, I've been following demoscene creators for many years now. It's amazing how many of the people that create the CGI for movies and video games came out of the demoscene. The digital landscape of the world wouldn't be the same without it. ยท 4 months ago
the scene is dead. long live the scene. ยท 4 months ago
An image: gemini:// ยท 4 months ago