I wrote a new extremely personal post: gemini://hashnix.club/users/clseibold/20230923.gmi
7 months ago
@aelspire Thanks, I appreciate this. I cannot say how the Handmade Network community is now, because I haven't been there for a while, but what I will say is many are not kind to a lot of people, and it makes sense when Casey Muratori and Jonathan Blow exemplify this unkindness, and I believe there is a common (alt)right-wing thread that runs through some of the mods and some of the people who were most active on there. The post was mainly about a specific portion of the handmade network community that overlaps with this private Discord that I joined. However, many of the mods and the most-involved members were either mods on that private discord, or interacted in it. · 7 months ago
I've read your post and was pretty surprised. I was under impression that Handmade Network is nice community. But I was wrong, it seems.
That sucks…
Is there any other community of programmers which tries to manage bloat and spread positive programming practices like Handmate Network? Suckless community takes things too far IMHO.
I'm happy that you managed to escape this hell and currently you are feeling better. · 7 months ago