I have created a mailinglist on my misfin server! You can try it out by sending a misfin gemmail to misfin@auragem.letz.dev with the subject "Subscribe". For clients that don't handle subjects fully (like the original reference implementation), you need to put a "# " in front, so it should be: "# Subscribe". You should instantly get a gemmail sent back to you saying you have subscribed. Once you've subscribed, all messages sent to the mailinglist will be forwarded to you (except for your own messages).
7 months ago ยท ๐ gritty
@clseibold thanks! ยท 7 months ago
@gritty It's really cool. I recommend checking it out. I've already mentioned some clients and servers to someone else, so I'll just past it here too :)
I have a client here: https://gitlab.com/clseibold/misfinmail
I have also made a server program here, in case you want to setup your own server: https://gitlab.com/clseibold/misfin-server
There is also cipress's fork of the reference implementation here: https://gitlab.com/cipres/misfin ยท 7 months ago
Ive been meaning to check out misfin. ยท 7 months ago