< the art of letting go



you and i share similar philosophies. i want to enjoy the remaining time i have on this rock doing what i please in my free time and, something else i've learned, is the joy of missing out—a life lived without societal expectations of "i shoulds" and the ability to truly prioritize my life based on what makes me happy.

a cheers to life, to you, ~ew!

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~ew wrote:

the joy of missing out

Yesss! Definitely! Quite contrary to what other forces try hard to make me believe. I think, you do not need a doctorate degree to realize, that there are so many things going on on this planet simultaneously, that "missing out" is neccessarily always true.

Thanks for your reply!

~bartender? A hot coffee with cream and sugar to greet this nice and cool morning. Then off to fix some of the enduring mess called work life. Thanks!