2020-06-16T01:45:15 #kisslinux I was playing around with the wiki formatting. Does anyone like this new format, I think some tags could go a long way 2020-06-16T01:45:21 #kisslinux http://ix.io/2pj2 2020-06-16T02:14:45 #kisslinux i would opt to use 4 spaces instead of tabs. but looks decent. could probably just get away with removing the decoration around text blocks and call it a day. 2020-06-16T02:15:37 #kisslinux in terms of the nav, it seems like a lot in the side nav currently could reside in the wiki. 2020-06-16T02:17:07 #kisslinux i am a fan of the top nav. 2020-06-16T02:30:18 #kisslinux I thought 8 might be good just to make it more obvious but since everything else uses 4 you're probably right 2020-06-16T09:41:52 #kisslinux Re: Format for wiki pages: Here just some thoughts. For me the layout with the boxes works a lot better when viewed local in the editor. On the website however, it is hard for me to catch the actual headings because the boxes are so heavy. 2020-06-16T09:44:06 #kisslinux I have also formatted the wpa_supplicant article. I removed the boxes. There are 3 empty linbes between each heading section and 2 empty lines to seperate the codeblock to the following text. 2020-06-16T09:44:14 #kisslinux https://termbin.com/4xuc 2020-06-16T09:48:28 #kisslinux I like the minimalism. On mobile it looks a bit akward because the heading line wraps 2020-06-16T09:49:15 #kisslinux I think the boxes, because of their visual heaviness, can work pretty good for important stuff like warnings and so on. 2020-06-16T09:51:45 #kisslinux Also I suggest to see the wiki seperate to the rest of the website, to not destroy the efforts which are already gone into it. 2020-06-16T11:42:07 #kisslinux keep https://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-b-and-i-tags in mind when using though 2020-06-16T11:57:21 #kisslinux pasting in firefox sometimes freezed it for like 5 seconds 2020-06-16T11:57:25 #kisslinux anyone else experiencing this? 2020-06-16T12:01:58 #kisslinux nope, notifications completley crash mine tho 2020-06-16T12:31:18 #kisslinux yeah mine too 2020-06-16T12:31:20 #kisslinux turned them off 2020-06-16T14:04:55 #kisslinux how? 2020-06-16T14:05:03 #kisslinux i cant find how to disable addon notification 2020-06-16T19:13:26 #kisslinux 2cents regarding the formatting discussion. it always bothered me that command prompts included the $ as a prefix for the same reason you cannot copy paste 2020-06-16T19:13:55 #kisslinux nd honestly, why $ as prompt character?) 2020-06-16T19:16:05 #kisslinux $ is just used as a "the following is a terminal command" thing I think, afaik it's mainly because that's how most shells show you're on a new line 2020-06-16T19:52:32 #kisslinux > nd honestly, why $ as prompt character?) 2020-06-16T19:52:42 #kisslinux ask stephen bourne 2020-06-16T19:54:31 #kisslinux and since it's the default prompt character in most bourne shell like shells, it makes sense to mark commands using $ 2020-06-16T20:15:35 #kisslinux the bourne identity 2020-06-16T20:17:06 #kisslinux for europeans: PS1="€ " 2020-06-16T20:17:17 #kisslinux lol 2020-06-16T20:24:48 #kisslinux yeah im looking at the source code for the version of bash distributed in version 7 of unix, and the definition is in msg.c but uh, no commit messages with any explanation deeper than that 2020-06-16T20:30:51 #kisslinux that's not bash, that's the bourne shell 2020-06-16T20:33:26 #kisslinux sorry, bourne, not bourne again 2020-06-16T20:33:35 #kisslinux https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MTS_system_architecture#Command_language << interesting 2020-06-16T20:33:56 #kisslinux > In batch jobs, following invalid commands and some other errors, MTS looks for the next line that starts with a dollar-sign ($) in column 1 as the next command to execute 2020-06-16T20:35:22 #kisslinux I wonder if Stephen Bourne used MTS 2020-06-16T20:39:05 #kisslinux that could be a reason. Some comment on stackoverflow also mentioned punch cards. 2020-06-16T20:40:45 #kisslinux oh, that's related to MTS actually, nvm 2020-06-16T20:42:05 #kisslinux dumb question.... anyone know of a reliable src that packages tarballs the closer to the latest git src version? im trying to find one specifically for x11vnc that is more recent jan Jan 5, 2019 -.- 2020-06-16T20:43:55 #kisslinux aarng: usually, in documentation, it's a convention to have "$" for user run commands and "#" for commands that need to be run as root. 2020-06-16T20:44:30 #kisslinux yeah, I know 2020-06-16T20:50:02 #kisslinux micro_O: in the original unix they used an '@' instead 2020-06-16T20:50:58 #kisslinux there's a lot of interesting history here: http://doc.cat-v.org/ 2020-06-16T20:52:02 #kisslinux my first bare-metal nix was actually some weird aix machine 2020-06-16T20:52:06 #kisslinux and i think it used % 2020-06-16T21:31:56 #kisslinux im glad its not solved with a full blown javascript framework to provide a copy/paste widget 2020-06-16T22:40:25 #kisslinux what's with all the join/leaving going on? 2020-06-16T22:58:39 #kisslinux netsplit