2020-09-29T00:14:50 #kisslinux soliwilos: sure! will add an example when i get a chance. 2020-09-29T00:19:30 #kisslinux :) 2020-09-29T01:13:16 #kisslinux I'm not sure exactly what is wrong with my setup however I am building vim with python support so I can use vim-orgmode. However It does not load due to flow: symbol not detected for python. Anyone else ever try this? 2020-09-29T03:02:17 #kisslinux I think it has something to do with the math library but not sure why. 2020-09-29T04:07:13 #kisslinux o/ 2020-09-29T04:07:32 #kisslinux I'm finally getting my vim setup nice I've never dug into plugins before 2020-09-29T04:07:57 #kisslinux o/ 2020-09-29T04:08:03 #kisslinux Anyone know of a vim plugin autocomplete for c without a dep for python? 2020-09-29T04:12:03 #kisslinux I use maxboisvert/vim-simple-complete 2020-09-29T04:12:20 #kisslinux Does that use clangd or something else? 2020-09-29T04:12:24 #kisslinux It uses vim's completion 2020-09-29T04:12:26 #kisslinux set complete=.,w,b,u,t,i 2020-09-29T04:12:33 #kisslinux I'll try it out 2020-09-29T04:12:35 #kisslinux ALE also supports completion 2020-09-29T04:12:43 #kisslinux Which can use clangd, ccls, gcc, etc 2020-09-29T04:13:03 #kisslinux https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale 2020-09-29T04:13:15 #kisslinux Thanks! 2020-09-29T04:13:19 #kisslinux Just set: let g:ale_completion_enabled = 1 2020-09-29T04:13:29 #kisslinux Do you use a plugin manager or just manually install? 2020-09-29T04:13:46 #kisslinux plug 2020-09-29T04:13:58 #kisslinux Yeah that's what I use as well 2020-09-29T04:14:26 #kisslinux I also set: let g:ale_lint_on_text_changed = 'never' 2020-09-29T04:14:30 #kisslinux I tried neovim I don't get why you would use it over normal vim. Am I missing something? 2020-09-29T04:14:32 #kisslinux and let g:ale_fix_on_save = 1 2020-09-29T04:14:36 #kisslinux Ok will add those 2020-09-29T04:14:55 #kisslinux This makes it only run the linter on save 2020-09-29T04:15:02 #kisslinux Not on every text edit 2020-09-29T04:15:11 #kisslinux Yeah that seems much better 2020-09-29T04:15:34 #kisslinux vim have added in the bigger features that neovim first implemented 2020-09-29T04:15:42 #kisslinux async, built-in terminal, etc, etc 2020-09-29T04:15:42 #kisslinux This seems very useful but I need to also find a plugin that suggest differnent functions as I type 2020-09-29T04:15:48 #kisslinux Do you use neovim? 2020-09-29T04:15:50 #kisslinux This does that too 2020-09-29T04:15:54 #kisslinux It supports autocomplete 2020-09-29T04:15:55 #kisslinux Ah nice 2020-09-29T04:16:00 #kisslinux Cool 2020-09-29T04:16:09 #kisslinux it's very comprehensive 2020-09-29T04:16:10 #kisslinux https://github.com/dense-analysis/ale#usage-completion 2020-09-29T04:16:46 #kisslinux Any other plug suggestions? 2020-09-29T04:16:49 #kisslinux It works with or without deoplete fyi 2020-09-29T04:16:55 #kisslinux gitgutter is very popular 2020-09-29T04:17:02 #kisslinux and fugitive 2020-09-29T04:17:16 #kisslinux I don't use any git integration stuff 2020-09-29T04:17:21 #kisslinux Never felt the need 2020-09-29T04:17:33 #kisslinux I appreciate gitgutter because it reminds me what I did haha 2020-09-29T04:17:46 #kisslinux fugitive doesn't seem super useful to me, but i also don't take advantage of a lot of vim features 2020-09-29T04:17:52 #kisslinux like buffers and splits etc 2020-09-29T04:17:53 #kisslinux Does it work better with deoplete? And also I just use git commands to check stuff personally however I have heard of gitgutter 2020-09-29T04:18:09 #kisslinux Maybe I will try out gitgutter 2020-09-29T04:18:31 #kisslinux you'd probably just use deoplete in tandem with ale if you liked your configuration for deoplete and didn't want to change it 2020-09-29T04:18:46 #kisslinux since ale is asynchronys you probably wouldn't see much difference... 2020-09-29T04:19:00 #kisslinux I'm a complete noob to vim plugins I've used default vim for a long time 2020-09-29T04:19:33 #kisslinux popey has a really good 'standard' vimrc 2020-09-29T04:19:35 #kisslinux and some good plugins 2020-09-29T04:19:42 #kisslinux just simple qol stuff 2020-09-29T04:20:02 #kisslinux Is that someone on github? 2020-09-29T04:20:13 #kisslinux lol 2020-09-29T04:20:15 #kisslinux t-pope 2020-09-29T04:20:22 #kisslinux tpope* 2020-09-29T04:20:34 #kisslinux and yes 2020-09-29T04:24:07 #kisslinux Do I need to compile python support into vim for deoplete? 2020-09-29T04:24:31 #kisslinux Yes 2020-09-29T04:24:57 #kisslinux ccls + ale can do autocompletion for C with just vimscript though 2020-09-29T04:25:10 #kisslinux ^ 2020-09-29T04:25:11 #kisslinux ccls is v good 2020-09-29T04:25:33 #kisslinux Kk will use that 2020-09-29T04:25:53 #kisslinux ale also uses shellcheck for shell if found 2020-09-29T04:37:08 #kisslinux hey dilyn overall what have your impressions of clang been 2020-09-29T04:37:18 #kisslinux it's fine 2020-09-29T04:37:27 #kisslinux I like the format it prints while compiling better 2020-09-29T04:37:38 #kisslinux the errrors are more fine-grained/explicit/frequent 2020-09-29T04:37:45 #kisslinux errors+warnings i should say 2020-09-29T04:38:06 #kisslinux the fact that it does thin LTO instead of just full-blown LTO is cute and makes me feel leet and like a power-user without doing all of admicos work 2020-09-29T04:38:48 #kisslinux That's very fair. I'm thinking about giving it a shot for mue-linux 2020-09-29T04:39:22 #kisslinux Anything large that doesn't compile without it? 2020-09-29T04:39:36 #kisslinux with it* 2020-09-29T04:39:46 #kisslinux clang/llvm is in a strange spot right now because it used to provide far faster compile times and even better run times for many programs, but over the last couple years they've managed to make the compiler a lot slower/worse xD 2020-09-29T04:39:58 #kisslinux Ah lol 2020-09-29T04:40:05 #kisslinux but it's gotten a lot better at compiling things, from what I can tell (looking at mailing lists and stuff) 2020-09-29T04:40:16 #kisslinux for instance, musl used to not compile with clang at all (this was many years ago tho) 2020-09-29T04:40:21 #kisslinux Well I will think about switching over as I have it installed anyways for clangd 2020-09-29T04:41:12 #kisslinux All the reasons one might prefer clang to gcc I would not know for I am mere lowly end-user, not a programmer 2020-09-29T04:41:16 #kisslinux I'm having trouble getting ale set up for autocompletion 2020-09-29T04:41:25 #kisslinux And yeah fair enough. 2020-09-29T04:41:40 #kisslinux the biggest reason I prefer llvm is just the license lmfao 2020-09-29T04:41:46 #kisslinux Lmao 2020-09-29T04:41:49 #kisslinux which we've talked about before 2020-09-29T04:41:54 #kisslinux Yeah lol 2020-09-29T04:42:17 #kisslinux ale just has a single line to enable autocompletion; it should technically just pickup on any linters/whateveritcallsthem you have installed and use them 2020-09-29T04:42:38 #kisslinux like I have clangd and it automagically(tm) uses it for C(++) 2020-09-29T04:42:52 #kisslinux Hmm what does the autocompletion look like? 2020-09-29T04:43:01 #kisslinux It does not appear to be working for me 2020-09-29T04:43:05 #kisslinux I don't use it 2020-09-29T04:43:13 #kisslinux but there should be keybinds for it; i don't think it's tab complete 2020-09-29T04:43:29 #kisslinux Ah I'm coming from space vim and I really liked the autocomplete there 2020-09-29T04:43:36 #kisslinux Trying to figure out how to get something similar 2020-09-29T04:43:37 #kisslinux the github wiki page will have info; or probably :help ALE 2020-09-29T04:43:50 #kisslinux deoplete has *tab* completion I believe. So does omnicomplete, probably 2020-09-29T04:43:54 #kisslinux both of which integrate with ale 2020-09-29T04:44:10 #kisslinux the github page has an explanation for how to do that; it's a one-liner too probably 2020-09-29T04:44:19 #kisslinux CoC might also be a good choice? 2020-09-29T04:44:37 #kisslinux CoC? 2020-09-29T04:44:45 #kisslinux https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim 2020-09-29T04:44:53 #kisslinux if you don't mind a nodejs dep 2020-09-29T04:44:58 #kisslinux for a plugin lmfao 2020-09-29T04:45:01 #kisslinux Eh nah lol 2020-09-29T04:45:11 #kisslinux I wonder what spacevim used 2020-09-29T04:45:23 #kisslinux It didn't need python I believe nor neovim 2020-09-29T04:48:01 #kisslinux I don't see anything in there plugins folder that I know of to be autocomplete 2020-09-29T04:48:20 #kisslinux looks like they might just have their own autocomplete that integrates with LSP servers 2020-09-29T04:48:37 #kisslinux which is a thing neovim does 2020-09-29T04:48:50 #kisslinux 0.5 has builtin-autocomplete support 2020-09-29T04:49:03 #kisslinux Does it? 2020-09-29T04:49:15 #kisslinux yeah 2020-09-29T04:49:29 #kisslinux it's gotten a lot better in the last ~6 months 2020-09-29T04:49:39 #kisslinux basically full-featured and 'finished' 2020-09-29T04:49:41 #kisslinux Do you use neovim or vim? 2020-09-29T04:49:50 #kisslinux I used to use neovim but I switched back to vim 2020-09-29T04:50:02 #kisslinux no real reason 2020-09-29T04:50:11 #kisslinux I miss one thing from neovim which is that the cursor changes when in insert mode 2020-09-29T04:50:19 #kisslinux I like normal vim more overall 2020-09-29T04:50:23 #kisslinux lol 2020-09-29T04:50:41 #kisslinux I don't know how to get it on vim and it drives me crazy for some reason 2020-09-29T04:51:06 #kisslinux I just have statusline and it changes colors to let me know xD I prefer a cursor that stays out of the way 2020-09-29T04:51:20 #kisslinux foot let me change from a [] to a _ for the cursor and I'm in love 2020-09-29T04:51:28 #kisslinux The cursor on neovim switched to like a | character 2020-09-29T04:51:57 #kisslinux Hmm maybe I will try that how do I go about doing that? 2020-09-29T04:52:42 #kisslinux have statusline change colors? 2020-09-29T04:52:48 #kisslinux I just use vim-airline; it's a built-in 2020-09-29T04:52:55 #kisslinux The cursor character to _ 2020-09-29T04:52:58 #kisslinux aaahhh 2020-09-29T04:53:28 #kisslinux in [cursor], style=underline 2020-09-29T04:53:53 #kisslinux 1.5.0 added a lot of config options. now we basically just need ligature support and it'll be strictly better than st 2020-09-29T04:54:32 #kisslinux Omg 2020-09-29T04:54:34 #kisslinux That is amazing 2020-09-29T04:55:42 #kisslinux I am having trouble getting ccls setup 2020-09-29T04:56:06 #kisslinux Lol I am terrible at configuring things 2020-09-29T04:58:35 #kisslinux you're using ale? 2020-09-29T04:58:36 #kisslinux https://github.com/MaskRay/ccls/wiki/ALE 2020-09-29T04:59:11 #kisslinux ccls is just a language server basically so you have to configure your linter/completer to use it 2020-09-29T04:59:21 #kisslinux let g:ale_linters = {'c': ['gcc', 'ccls']} 2020-09-29T05:00:28 #kisslinux I think perhaps I compiled ccls wrong 2020-09-29T05:00:35 #kisslinux it's in community 2020-09-29T05:00:40 #kisslinux Ah 2020-09-29T05:01:02 #kisslinux Thank you 2020-09-29T05:04:31 #kisslinux Also dylanaraps now that you are on. I understand wanting to get rid of as many deps as possible. But why is gettext excluded? To me it seems not that bloated while allowing programs to be more accessible. I was just curious as to why you chose to get rid of it in KISS. 2020-09-29T05:06:25 #kisslinux I only need English 2020-09-29T05:06:33 #kisslinux Remember, I made KISS for me 2020-09-29T05:06:41 #kisslinux Yeah fair enough 2020-09-29T05:06:48 #kisslinux I understand that now 2020-09-29T05:07:18 #kisslinux I am thinking about packaging it except have it detect if gettext is installed or not and if so enabling it for packages and disabling patches for gettext 2020-09-29T05:08:13 #kisslinux I personally don't need gettext either. And now thinking about it kiss pkg manager is so simple it'd be easy to pacakge it if needed. 2020-09-29T05:08:16 #kisslinux package* 2020-09-29T05:08:19 #kisslinux Yes 2020-09-29T05:08:22 #kisslinux That's the point 2020-09-29T05:08:23 #kisslinux ;) 2020-09-29T05:08:38 #kisslinux gettext et al are mad easy to package 2020-09-29T05:08:47 #kisslinux Yeah 2020-09-29T05:08:47 #kisslinux the fun is in removing them (: 2020-09-29T05:08:49 #kisslinux Also regarding musl + locales 2020-09-29T05:08:54 #kisslinux :X 2020-09-29T05:08:57 #kisslinux >Locale support is very limited, and barely works. 2020-09-29T05:09:03 #kisslinux Yeah that's true 2020-09-29T05:09:04 #kisslinux https://wiki.musl-libc.org/open-issues.html 2020-09-29T05:09:10 #kisslinux that was true six years ago, has that improved xD 2020-09-29T05:09:16 #kisslinux I need to clean up my repo 2020-09-29T05:09:32 #kisslinux dilyn: Not sure 2020-09-29T05:09:37 #kisslinux Let me check the gt history 2020-09-29T05:09:49 #kisslinux rich was asking people a few weeks back to look at the wiki and try to update it 2020-09-29T05:09:58 #kisslinux Thank you dilyn for pointing out the cursor it is so much better. 2020-09-29T05:10:09 #kisslinux Last commit containing 'locale' is from 2019-02-07 2020-09-29T05:10:22 #kisslinux the locale quote you mentioned is from an email circa 2014 iirc but I don't think he's a lot to improve it 2020-09-29T05:10:35 #kisslinux muevoid: #minimalism 2020-09-29T05:10:39 #kisslinux http://git.musl-libc.org/cgit/musl/log/?qt=grep&q=locale 2020-09-29T05:10:42 #kisslinux lol 2020-09-29T05:12:36 #kisslinux man that's sparse 2020-09-29T05:12:41 #kisslinux More recent post https://www.openwall.com/lists/musl/2017/11/08/1 2020-09-29T05:13:45 #kisslinux Alpine ship with: https://git.alpinelinux.org/aports/tree/community/musl-locales/APKBUILD 2020-09-29T05:15:47 #kisslinux looks like rich might just never want to progress beyond just (barely) implementing C locale 2020-09-29T05:16:16 #kisslinux I feel like there should be a better way of doing locales and not shoehorning it into libc and this is just an artifact of historical requirements 2020-09-29T05:18:37 #kisslinux Yeah 2020-09-29T05:19:34 #kisslinux Browsers make use of ICU which allows everything to be displayed 2020-09-29T05:20:13 #kisslinux What am I saying 2020-09-29T05:20:17 #kisslinux Emojis work in my terminal 2020-09-29T05:20:24 #kisslinux Emojis work in foot? 2020-09-29T05:20:28 #kisslinux loosely 2020-09-29T05:20:33 #kisslinux No color? 2020-09-29T05:20:42 #kisslinux 1.5.0 has an experimental feature that 'supports them' 2020-09-29T05:20:44 #kisslinux No color (dunno if related to my font though) 2020-09-29T05:20:57 #kisslinux foot is very nice btw 2020-09-29T05:20:58 #kisslinux I don't see any emojis if you've been adding them 2020-09-29T05:21:08 #kisslinux I haven't been 2020-09-29T05:21:12 #kisslinux πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ 2020-09-29T05:21:14 #kisslinux There you go 2020-09-29T05:21:16 #kisslinux yeah there we go 2020-09-29T05:21:21 #kisslinux 😊πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜‰πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜šπŸ˜œπŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜³πŸ˜πŸ˜£πŸ˜’😭😰πŸ₯° 2020-09-29T05:21:25 #kisslinux What font do you use? 2020-09-29T05:21:26 #kisslinux if I had an emoji font, they'd probably appear! 2020-09-29T05:21:34 #kisslinux Lol 2020-09-29T05:21:41 #kisslinux Always forget I don't have one 2020-09-29T05:22:55 #kisslinux Pro tip for system fonts: cp C:WindowsSystem 32Fonts*.ttf /usr/share/fonts/TTF 2020-09-29T05:23:02 #kisslinux right now just using liberation fonts but want to try a new one 2020-09-29T05:23:04 #kisslinux (ie, copy paste the windows system fonts) 2020-09-29T05:23:12 #kisslinux Then you can forget about fonts altogether 2020-09-29T05:23:13 #kisslinux :vomit emoji" 2020-09-29T05:23:17 #kisslinux Lmao 2020-09-29T05:23:25 #kisslinux s/"/: 2020-09-29T05:23:41 #kisslinux I do it when I buy a laptop before wiping the windows install 2020-09-29T05:23:51 #kisslinux Works perfectly :P 2020-09-29T05:23:51 #kisslinux Really? 2020-09-29T05:23:54 #kisslinux Yeah 2020-09-29T05:23:57 #kisslinux I mean it makes sense 2020-09-29T05:23:58 #kisslinux Any reason? 2020-09-29T05:24:03 #kisslinux Yes 2020-09-29T05:24:14 #kisslinux I don't have to look for Arial-compatible 2020-09-29T05:24:15 #kisslinux If only I'd had windows once in the last six years... 2020-09-29T05:24:17 #kisslinux I have Arial 2020-09-29T05:24:45 #kisslinux Fair enough 2020-09-29T05:24:50 #kisslinux Plus 2020-09-29T05:24:56 #kisslinux Everything is covered 2020-09-29T05:25:08 #kisslinux With 0 effort 2020-09-29T05:25:25 #kisslinux if there's one thing Windows does, it's cover basically every font imagineable 2020-09-29T05:25:42 #kisslinux perhaps one of the only things I like Windows over Linux for is how 'simple' fonts are 2020-09-29T05:26:34 #kisslinux -> ls -1 /usr/share/fonts/TTF | wc -l 2020-09-29T05:26:36 #kisslinux 338 2020-09-29T05:26:39 #kisslinux See? 2020-09-29T05:26:51 #kisslinux > 1 2020-09-29T05:26:53 #kisslinux lmfao 2020-09-29T05:27:18 #kisslinux wingding.ttf 2020-09-29T05:27:21 #kisslinux This is a must 2020-09-29T05:27:29 #kisslinux Lmao 2020-09-29T05:27:30 #kisslinux I knew I was forgetting something... 2020-09-29T05:27:34 #kisslinux How could I forget about wingdings smh 2020-09-29T05:27:54 #kisslinux Need to add it to the install guide shm 2020-09-29T05:27:57 #kisslinux smh* 2020-09-29T05:28:10 #kisslinux save that one for april fool's 2020-09-29T05:28:19 #kisslinux Lmaooo 2020-09-29T05:28:25 #kisslinux just change the font of the website to wingdings 2020-09-29T05:28:40 #kisslinux https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Microsoft_fonts 2020-09-29T05:28:45 #kisslinux Arch have a page about it 2020-09-29T05:28:48 #kisslinux + some packages 2020-09-29T05:29:03 #kisslinux Though I'm unsure of if they host sources or you provide them yourself 2020-09-29T05:29:40 #kisslinux U can get them from the iso 2020-09-29T05:29:45 #kisslinux Yes 2020-09-29T05:29:54 #kisslinux I can't host them directly though 2020-09-29T05:30:00 #kisslinux They also have them in the aur 2020-09-29T05:30:03 #kisslinux Yes 2020-09-29T05:30:09 #kisslinux You must provide the sources yourself 2020-09-29T05:30:15 #kisslinux Gotcha 2020-09-29T05:30:18 #kisslinux It just automates the packaging process 2020-09-29T05:30:24 #kisslinux Legal reasons 2020-09-29T05:30:34 #kisslinux Yeah figured 2020-09-29T05:30:54 #kisslinux What is the autocompletion supposed to look like dylanaraps? Or is it a keybind? 2020-09-29T05:31:08 #kisslinux iirc there's a FOSS windows fonts analogue 2020-09-29T05:31:48 #kisslinux muevoid: I use it alongside the completion plugin I posted earlier 2020-09-29T05:31:57 #kisslinux Ah kk will try that 2020-09-29T05:32:00 #kisslinux Otherwise it requires C-X C-O in insert mode I believe 2020-09-29T05:32:13 #kisslinux Plug 'maxboisvert/vim-simple-complete' 2020-09-29T05:32:16 #kisslinux let g:vsc_type_complete_length = 1 2020-09-29T05:32:20 #kisslinux set omnifunc=ale#completion#OmniFunc 2020-09-29T05:32:24 #kisslinux set complete=.,d,w,b,u,t,i 2020-09-29T05:32:38 #kisslinux ('d' is ale in complete=) 2020-09-29T05:32:42 #kisslinux ie, omnifunc 2020-09-29T05:32:53 #kisslinux Check the help to know what the others mean 2020-09-29T05:33:03 #kisslinux :h 'complete' 2020-09-29T05:33:04 #kisslinux iirc 2020-09-29T05:33:46 #kisslinux Nice that works 2020-09-29T05:36:30 #kisslinux Hey dylanaraps would you happen to know how to get the cursor behavior from neovim in vim? 2020-09-29T05:36:38 #kisslinux It turns to a | character when in edit mode 2020-09-29T05:39:14 #kisslinux I'm not sure if vim supports it 2020-09-29T05:39:32 #kisslinux Ah perhaps something a plugin could do will maybe try digging into vim script later. 2020-09-29T05:42:24 #kisslinux Found it 2020-09-29T05:42:25 #kisslinux https://old.reddit.com/r/vim/comments/7i8zwt/how_to_change_the_text_cursor_to_a_vertical_line/dqxb09o/ 2020-09-29T05:42:37 #kisslinux Also https://vim.fandom.com/wiki/Change_cursor_shape_in_different_modes 2020-09-29T05:53:01 #kisslinux as a sanity check without me physically testing, if i have `pkg-config --exists libelogind || libelogind=no` and later --enable-libelogind="${libelogind:-yes}" I will only enable libelogind if pkgconf finds it yes? 2020-09-29T06:00:09 #kisslinux Yes 2020-09-29T06:00:22 #kisslinux huzzah 2020-09-29T06:00:26 #kisslinux Assuming command is written correctly 2020-09-29T06:00:38 #kisslinux Thank's dylanaraps my irc client was being strange 2020-09-29T06:00:43 #kisslinux Build systems typically have an 'auto' settng for this though 2020-09-29T06:01:11 #kisslinux polkit has an auto check for libelogind but it also will seemingly not respect excluding it 2020-09-29T06:01:36 #kisslinux i.e. if you don't mention it, configure fails even though it's supposed to automagically detect it 2020-09-29T06:05:14 #kisslinux How do I make it so a file has persmissions for a group persiting different boots. I know to do it once i do 'chown root.cdrom /dev/sr0' how do I make this stay across boots. 2020-09-29T06:11:02 #kisslinux etc/{inittab,rc.d/something.boot} 2020-09-29T06:11:10 #kisslinux Ah 2020-09-29T06:11:10 #kisslinux are the obvious choices 2020-09-29T06:12:01 #kisslinux I wonder how to do it a different way since /dev/sr0 may not be there on boot 2020-09-29T06:12:24 #kisslinux presumably something involving your device manager 2020-09-29T06:12:39 #kisslinux Yeah I will look into mdev 2020-09-29T06:12:48 #kisslinux Ah yes 2020-09-29T06:13:07 #kisslinux etc/mdev.conf would define permissions so that's a good place to start 2020-09-29T06:13:35 #kisslinux Yeah it looks like it does this for video so I believe should just do that except for cdrom 2020-09-29T06:15:44 #kisslinux Yeah I believe I got it working 2020-09-29T06:15:55 #kisslinux Thanks for the tip 2020-09-29T06:16:38 #kisslinux ofc 2020-09-29T06:16:43 #kisslinux i should do the same 2020-09-29T06:17:04 #kisslinux i need to reduce the number of boot scripts i have xD all the brightness ones can be handled elsewhere 2020-09-29T06:17:09 #kisslinux If you are also doing for cdrom just do sr0 root:cdrom 660 2020-09-29T06:17:18 #kisslinux Or are you doing for brightness? 2020-09-29T06:17:24 #kisslinux maybe one day 2020-09-29T06:17:35 #kisslinux i'm far too lazy (and intoxicated) to think about it rn 2020-09-29T06:17:50 #kisslinux Lmao 2020-09-29T06:21:39 #kisslinux Have you ever done any c programming dilyn? 2020-09-29T06:24:45 #kisslinux Now all that is missing from my vim config for me is a way to take notes and a todo manager possibly 2020-09-29T06:33:27 #kisslinux I borrowed my girlfriend's copy of kernighan and ritchie's C book 2020-09-29T06:33:33 #kisslinux so hopefully... I'll get it. 2020-09-29T06:33:39 #kisslinux put this maths degree to good use XD 2020-09-29T06:33:55 #kisslinux C is amazing :P 2020-09-29T06:34:02 #kisslinux I need to read that book though 2020-09-29T06:34:22 #kisslinux skimming through it it's more of a solid reference than anything else tbh 2020-09-29T06:34:33 #kisslinux Yeah 2020-09-29T06:34:43 #kisslinux Anything in mind you want to work towards in c? 2020-09-29T06:35:28 #kisslinux not really. if I want to do machine learning (which I think I'm super equipped to do) I should really be focusing on python instead 2020-09-29T06:35:44 #kisslinux Yeah 2020-09-29T06:35:45 #kisslinux but at this point I don't know what my next career move is so I'm just trying to learn something fundamental 2020-09-29T06:35:52 #kisslinux That's very fair 2020-09-29T06:36:19 #kisslinux I've never been personally interested in machine learning but a math degree is very good for it. 2020-09-29T06:37:28 #kisslinux yeah. my girlfriend was enrolled in an ML class last week and asked me about how to do her first homework assignment and I knew 90% of the material on it 2020-09-29T06:38:03 #kisslinux Do you mind me asking how old you are? 2020-09-29T06:38:05 #kisslinux the only parts I didn't know where the python bits xD but there are lots of packages for python (is that what they're called?) that implement a lot of basic stuff for you 2020-09-29T06:38:10 #kisslinux i'm 27 in two weeks :X 2020-09-29T06:38:16 #kisslinux modules I believe 2020-09-29T06:38:21 #kisslinux Is what python calls them 2020-09-29T06:38:21 #kisslinux yes that's it 2020-09-29T06:38:48 #kisslinux Also that's funny im turning 17 in roughly 4 weeks 2020-09-29T06:38:57 #kisslinux so much life to live 2020-09-29T06:39:02 #kisslinux i peaked at 17 2020-09-29T06:39:03 #kisslinux f 2020-09-29T06:40:32 #kisslinux f? 2020-09-29T06:42:22 #kisslinux SO YOUNG 2020-09-29T06:42:27 #kisslinux 'press f to pay respects' 2020-09-29T06:42:35 #kisslinux lmao 2020-09-29T06:42:37 #kisslinux iirc it's a meme sprung up out of a call of duty game 2020-09-29T06:42:43 #kisslinux it's bed time now tho 2020-09-29T06:42:45 #kisslinux gngngn 2020-09-29T06:42:48 #kisslinux gn 2020-09-29T06:42:49 #kisslinux o. 2020-09-29T06:42:51 #kisslinux o/ 2020-09-29T06:42:52 #kisslinux * 2020-09-29T06:42:53 #kisslinux o/ 2020-09-29T12:46:28 #kisslinux soliwilos: https://github.com/mcpcpc/kirc/issues/43 2020-09-29T12:56:10 #kisslinux mcpcpc[m]: I'll take a look, thanks. :) 2020-09-29T13:09:11 #kisslinux mcpcpc[m]: I guess loading the pem certificate through socat wouldn't be an option? 2020-09-29T13:11:42 #kisslinux soliwilos: let me try a few things. was hoping for β€œnative” support. 2020-09-29T13:17:56 #kisslinux I'm not a dev, but I'll do some research. Try to help in the ways that I can, at least. 2020-09-29T13:23:07 #kisslinux not in front of my pc, but you might be able to run `socat stdio openssl-connect:,cert=` 2020-09-29T13:25:25 #kisslinux then specify `kirc -s -p -e` 2020-09-29T13:25:45 #kisslinux you will still need to register you fingerpint with NickServ 2020-09-29T13:30:09 #kisslinux soliwilos: added a comment. nice little snippet i found 2020-09-29T13:30:27 #kisslinux Reading elsewhere that sasl external authentication happens in the ssl/tls layer, so socat might be the way to go. 2020-09-29T13:31:00 #kisslinux mcpcpc[m]: I'll go look, thanks. :) 2020-09-29T14:44:22 #kisslinux soliwilos: updated the comment. think i figured it out. try the second example. be aware that i have not tested it (so check the syntax). 2020-09-29T14:52:14 #kisslinux soliwilos, btw I reinstalled the hole thing, and noticed that linux-headers in kiss are 5.4.45 and after compiling 5.4 kernel, now everything works :) 2020-09-29T14:53:05 #kisslinux 2020-09-29T14:55:44 #kisslinux mcpcpc[m]: I had some other things to take care of. I'll have a look now, and thank you again. :) 2020-09-29T14:56:07 #kisslinux bsl: That's great. Feels good to get stuff working. 2020-09-29T15:03:50 #kisslinux Back in a bit. 2020-09-29T15:19:16 #kisslinux mcpcpc[m]: Sadly I got an error from socat. 2020-09-29T15:19:35 #kisslinux which line? 2020-09-29T15:20:16 #kisslinux mcpcpc[m]: The second one, the command itself runs fine, but when I try to connect with kirc it complains about the certificate. 2020-09-29T15:20:32 #kisslinux socat[15033] E SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(): error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory 2020-09-29T15:21:41 #kisslinux I tried with key= instead of cert=, where I get further, to a SASL authentication failed. 2020-09-29T15:23:28 #kisslinux I tried both with being in the same dir as the pem file while running the socat command, and giving the full path to cert=.. Not sure why it would say there is no such file. 2020-09-29T15:36:09 #kisslinux soliwilos: hmm will play around with it when i get home in a few hours. thanks for trying tho! 2020-09-29T15:42:09 #kisslinux mcpcpc[m]: My pleasure, and thank you for looking into this. :) 2020-09-29T16:14:13 #kisslinux mcpcpc[m]: I made a mistake in the socat command with the cert=, and after correcting it and adding -x 'wait 5000' to kirc it works! :) 2020-09-29T16:14:40 #kisslinux nice!!!! 2020-09-29T16:15:24 #kisslinux :D 2020-09-29T16:17:27 #kisslinux glad to hear. just out of curiosity... did you happen to try without the `-e` argument? 2020-09-29T16:18:13 #kisslinux No, but I can give it a try if you'd like to know the result. 2020-09-29T16:20:18 #kisslinux The server simply says I need to identify with sasl if I go without the -e option. 2020-09-29T16:30:43 #kisslinux soliwilos: good. just wanted to make sure. lol. 2020-09-29T16:31:00 #kisslinux soliwilos: thanks again. will add this to the documentation. 2020-09-29T16:50:23 #kisslinux mcpcpc[m]: If needed for reference I used these: http://ix.io/2zbc 2020-09-29T16:59:34 #kisslinux soliwilos: perfect. updating it now. 2020-09-29T17:38:49 #kisslinux mcpcpc: why the double parentheses in the puts for version in kirc? 2020-09-29T17:45:30 #kisslinux E5ten: errr no good reason. leftover crud. fixed :) 2020-09-29T18:03:33 #kisslinux Hi. I did a fresh install of kiss linux just now, but it won't boot; can't open /dev/ no such file or directory 2020-09-29T18:03:35 #kisslinux How do i debug this? 2020-09-29T22:58:05 #kisslinux o/ 2020-09-29T22:58:17 #kisslinux o 2020-09-29T22:58:52 #kisslinux How are you? 2020-09-29T22:59:40 #kisslinux i have a dog sitting on top of me at the moment. so decent :) 2020-09-29T23:01:13 #kisslinux I have a cat sitting on me at the moment :P 2020-09-29T23:01:30 #kisslinux lol. nice 2020-09-29T23:36:12 #kisslinux Does anyone know how to make it so Ale will only try to complete on certain files? for example c and lua files 2020-09-29T23:42:49 #kisslinux I don't think it supports that for completion, just linters 2020-09-29T23:43:16 #kisslinux tho there might be something in the :help files; it has extensive documentation that unfortunately isn't on the GitHub page 2020-09-29T23:43:25 #kisslinux kk thank you dilynm 2020-09-29T23:43:44 #kisslinux One other question since you said you use it gitgutter doesn't appear to work for me