[2023-06-06T06:14:43Z] 🐈🐈🐈🐈 [2023-06-06T12:27:57Z] hi [2023-06-06T15:52:08Z] hi sad_plan [2023-06-06T16:31:13Z] chikcen yes [2023-06-06T18:39:35Z] anyone tried to replace auto{conf,make} with https://github.com/cheusov/mk-configure ? [2023-06-06T18:39:38Z] looks neat [2023-06-06T18:51:18Z] ive not, but ive tried some of the libtool replacement, and none of them worked for my usecase anyway. but ill check it out anyway. [2023-06-06T18:56:28Z] what are some libtool replacements you know? [2023-06-06T18:57:15Z] i can't seem to get mk-configure/bmkdep to compile [2023-06-06T19:10:10Z] slibtool, jlibtool, just to name a couple. neither worked for me atleast. either missing flags or something, i dunno. been some time since I messed with them [2023-06-06T19:12:56Z] bmake is weird, somehow proginstall (default install target) tries to install as root instead of user because of BINOWN/BINGRP [2023-06-06T19:14:04Z] something might be wrong with my system [2023-06-06T19:27:56Z] i dont think mk-configure replaces autoconf/automake oops [2023-06-06T19:30:44Z] > lightweightreplacement for GNU autotools [2023-06-06T19:30:51Z] says so in about, so thats their claim [2023-06-06T19:33:34Z] i would still need autoconf to generate configure and makefile [2023-06-06T19:33:51Z] it doesnt seem to replace it [2023-06-06T19:34:06Z] unless i'm using it incorrectly, their readme simply states to run mkcmake on a project with configure.ac and makefile.in [2023-06-06T19:40:05Z] to generate Makefile and configure from *.ac and *.in youd use autools/libtool. so it should replace it. now wether it works in a different story [2023-06-06T19:40:53Z] men I would rather use cmake/meson than ac and in [2023-06-06T19:41:13Z] hell I'd rather write a meson/make file for some small projects using autoconf or find alternatives because damn [2023-06-06T19:53:54Z] id avoid cmake initially, aswell as meson. regular makefiles, possibly with a configure script is the best imo [2023-06-06T19:54:06Z] i would choose meson over cmake though [2023-06-06T20:02:12Z] personally i like meson as a specification, the program itself isnt great. the dependency management, scripting of meson i believe is pretty nice [2023-06-06T20:02:39Z] makefile is cool too but i wouldn't imagine it would be working for stuff that needs much dependencies or rather advanced building and generation of other things [2023-06-06T20:03:06Z] thats where the configure script comes in, with bigger projects [2023-06-06T20:04:41Z] or cmake/meson [2023-06-06T20:05:22Z] well. yeah, but I like configure better, or meson. less so cmake [2023-06-06T20:05:34Z] configure is great untill you have to generate it [2023-06-06T20:06:05Z] thats the worst when thats the case [2023-06-06T20:06:10Z] in that case, id rather just use meson [2023-06-06T20:06:17Z] like maybe if configure didn't generate shell scripts and was a C program that just runs and generates on the project..