[2024-03-12T12:44:22Z] rgfujrgafwertagweagrtfzragtfzrtagwejwrtag\arwtgrwtgrawtgratwg\yrtagw\y7trw\97ytnyb24t2aat2b4b4t2anbzxwtnthxjbzdbtnhkx34wnygbxvuhxbgvjknhjlretuiarxbtuhxtdbhjtxbjlnrtughuinrguhnxgjhncjngxnmhcv,hnbtq 78rtuhnitr4eus g n7yet uhn3tq 4uotb78antbwpantzbw [2024-03-12T15:51:09Z] riteo: I do have dbus but it is disabled for pipewire, and the dbus daemon is never run [2024-03-12T15:51:48Z] it's only used for the portal stuff, in a namespace [2024-03-12T15:53:23Z] did you enable dbus support in the pipewire build? [2024-03-12T16:52:19Z] phoebos: sbase has fixed the sbase-box-install upstream. so we can now remove the patch in community. http://0x0.st/HhUK.patch [2024-03-12T20:47:10Z] Hey guys [2024-03-12T20:47:25Z] someone have a link for java build? [2024-03-12T20:57:30Z] ehawkvu: I fixed esources file in the pr. it should be ready now [2024-03-12T20:57:54Z] asimovsh: I think ehawkvu has some java related things in his repo. else kiss-lang might be it? depending on what you want that is [2024-03-12T20:58:23Z] alpine linux's aports repo, can also be a pointer on how to build it [2024-03-12T20:59:48Z] asimovsh: https://github.com/echawk/kiss-java-boot maybe this works for you? [2024-03-12T21:19:08Z] also can i isolate dbus for only connect a bluetooth earbuds? [2024-03-12T21:19:21Z] just need need it for bluetooth audio [2024-03-12T23:17:32Z] testuser[m]: I did not enable dbus for pipewire but I have a daemon constantly running at the user-level [2024-03-12T23:18:31Z] I did not want to bother with having to wrap specific programs to use it [2024-03-12T23:19:23Z] (sorry for the delay, I was more active last week as I was sick but now I'm going to school again)