[2024-05-04T02:25:39Z] sewn, icebarf_: aight I'm taking the pictures, sorry for the delay [2024-05-04T02:28:54Z] oh ffs I took like 4 photos and the batteries went out [2024-05-04T02:29:21Z] They might be enough though, lemme check [2024-05-04T02:32:50Z] yeah they should do the trick, especially considering that I have no idea how to show them to you [2024-05-04T02:33:23Z] I could host them to the null pointer? [2024-05-04T02:45:14Z] aight I downscaled them and whatever, I'm uploading them there [2024-05-04T02:48:56Z] I hope you're ready. I'll append the URLS in one message: https://0x0.st/XXx0.jpg/back-view.jpg https://0x0.st/XXxG.jpg/fron-view.jpg https://0x0.st/XXxD.jpg/inside.jpg https://0x0.st/XXxk.jpg/inside-shaky.jpg [2024-05-04T08:02:16Z] GYATT [2024-05-04T11:50:51Z] has anyone else experienced an error building python-markupsafe with python 3.12? it seems like "python-setuptools" should be a dep [2024-05-04T11:51:17Z] because 'distutils' was dropped in 3.12 [2024-05-04T12:43:37Z] riteo: wth lol is that a laptop fan inside your computer?? lmfao [2024-05-04T12:43:59Z] how old is the machine btw [2024-05-04T16:30:40Z] has anyone encountered this issue with meson before? [2024-05-04T16:30:40Z] ERROR: Failed to lock the build directory: Function not implemented [2024-05-04T16:39:05Z] oh, wait, I think I know the issue. I recently disabled couple configs in the kernel. its probably the culprit [2024-05-04T16:53:40Z] lol how did anything work with flock being disabled [2024-05-04T17:13:04Z] icebarf_: it is a laptop inside a computer case [2024-05-04T17:14:09Z] the atx power supply powers the three HDDs set up in a ZFS-something configuration where 1 is the redundant thing and two have the data or something [2024-05-04T17:15:05Z] there's no main disk, the OS is alpine linux in diskless mode running from a cheap USB drive, look in the shaky photo next to the regulator (the thing with the big coil attached on the "wall" of the case) [2024-05-04T17:19:29Z] testuser[m]: so far I belive only meson break actually :p [2024-05-04T17:20:56Z] s/break/broke/ [2024-05-04T17:21:20Z] I actually went a few days with it disabled, before I started noticing it tbh [2024-05-04T17:30:35Z] icebarf_: I have no idea how old the system is honestly. It came from my uncle and it was plenty broken: shitty keyboard, dead battery and flaky hdd. It reports a i7-3630QM thuogh [2024-05-04T17:41:26Z] btw, actually, this is the v2. It's called "boscaiolo" because it comes from a tinkerboard (raspberry pi clone) in a lumberjack-branded shoe box with the same power supply, fan and so on. [2024-05-04T17:41:42Z] (lumberjack means boscaiolo in italian IIRC) [2024-05-04T18:43:15Z] yup it means that btw, just checked [2024-05-04T18:44:23Z] I also got pictures for that in my desktop PC's HDD upstairs