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👋 Some facts about me. I am 39 years old and I identify myself as male(which matches my biological gender). I am introvert by requirement as to manage my energy level, but I happily enjoy extrovert & social activities and events(just not too often).
🌍 Sweden
🗣 Followers 0 · Following 0 · Logs 4 · Docked 4 months ago
Today I learned that there is a type of people that would rather upend the whole world and just random try things when encountering a problem hoping to fix it despite knowing full well that playing the game of random testing solutions without any understanding is really not likely to fix any non trivial issue. Let me just throw random numbers at the routing table to fix my connectivity issue.
💬 0 Replies · 1 Thumb · 3 months ago
My pod is now up and running using agate om ubuntu. gemini://gemini.io23.net As adding stuff depends a bit on how many steps are required i wrote/cobbled togther a file upload service in go(happily surprised at the apparent simplicity of the language). A Painting gemini://gemini.io23.net/files/83F26105-DFB5-46F2-8DB0-83D09E72CCAB.jpeg Another painting gemini://gemini.io23.net/files/EDDE02FA-CBAA-42F6-B47E-EE26E5025C4C.jpeg
💬 0 Replies · 1 Thumb · 3 months ago
Recently, I’ve been thinking a bit about what inspiration is and also with trying to derive where it comes from as to see if I can tweak something to be more inspired. The reason as to why is because I am trying to get into the habit of creating one doodle daily with watercolour to improve my technique as it would much preferable to prototype my ideas before I start putting them on something with acrylic and after oil as the process is both excruciatingly slow and nice in other ways. I am also making some preparations to get a pod of my own up and running(stay tuned).
💬 1 Reply · 1 Thumb · 4 months ago
Bus-ride & first entry here I am not quite sure as what to post as the very first post however I feel it might be a convenient time to simply out myself as a “autist” and get it over with, questions are welcome. I feel quite good about gemini as it brings me back some long lost feelings i had back when the internet still was fairly new and companies didnt yet figure out how to productise netizens. Hi everyone nice to make your acquaintances.