hey folks, do do have pets? anyway, i don't consider them pets, they are living beings around me. my siam cat, i can not describe his behaviour... helped me trought the hardest time of my life, fscked up the dog of the neigbours while protecting me to the hospital (poor dog), i love my cat %)
1 week ago 路 馃憤 breakfast_champion, ruby_witch, m0xee, o9e
@n2qfd not quite unusual, cats, especially siams, are really smart little guys. my cat knows several meows for what he wants. i am hungry, i want hugs, follow me etc... and the most important: i am sleeping on you, how you dare to move human slave!! *grrrrrrrrr 路 5 days ago
I was just thinking about this post again. My cat woke up presumably from a bad dream the midnight before last. It's strange you learn their language and you know the 'hey, come here' cry from the 'I'm scared' cry. My wife went to comfort him and he relaxed and was fine and everyone came back to bed though being a cat he was up and off doing catstuff again before long. 路 5 days ago
@bavarianbarbarian No, no... to share your thoughts about life or spiritual experiences with others, an ordinary person does not need to be on drugs. 路 1 week ago
@o9e indeed, they are family members, not just animals. like every living creatures. treat them with respect, even if it's 'just' a cow what is your next steak. 路 1 week ago
@astroseneca are you doing drugs again? xD I have once met my power animal in my garden, me and the jaguar spoke a long time... 路 1 week ago
We used to have a dog. The dog loved his drunkard father more and treated the rest of the family evenly. Then his biological clock counted down its time, his subtle essence forever separated from the mortal shell and set off to wander through multidimensional electromagnetic worlds. A few years later, he came to me for a moment in a dream. He barked happily and licked me. There has been no further news from him yet. 路 1 week ago
I have a Golden Retriever called Harley. She's only 18 months old, so still a bit of a lunatic. But yes, "pet" has a master-slave connotation, so I don't regard her a *just* a pet, she's a genuine family member. 馃悤 路 1 week ago
I have cats, I think I have already posted them here: gemini://m0xEE.Net/pub/katz.jpeg
They look quite smug 馃樇馃樇
But they are actually friendly and like human contact very much, in fact they often get bored when you don't interact with them. 路 1 week ago
I have an awsome cat too. He got a doe deer mad at him once and she stomped thru the screen on the back porch. He did his best, puffed up next to me but I chased her off with a broom and then had to ask him not to antagonize the deer again. She had a fawn and when he ran up to the screen to smell the little one she did what mothers do... Speaking of, I should go see what the little man plan is for the evening. 路 1 week ago
I have fish. don't want to deal with anything else yet until the kids are older. had a few awesome cats growing up. now I'm allergic. 路 1 week ago