Went to bed thinking about what YouTube feeds. Is there a sort of YT feed? Is is like manga that fits into a classification, slice of life vs mecha? I find I have one in particular, SternTube that is a compilation of "interesting" shorts. It's almost slice of life in a way. It's not Win nor Fail, not just funny either. A lot of tech reviews and music after that "type".
1 week ago
@n2qfd - ahh, I see. I suspect that YT has a wide, wide variety of content, and its algorithms tailor suggestions to suit what each user seems to want to see. In that, it's like a platform where all the mangas can be accessed. Its priority seems to be keeping people using the platform. After that, I think it DOES push certain agendas, but that's not a "category of video" question so much as a "worldviews" one. ยท 1 week ago
@half_elf_monk So, manga is catagorical, there are genres that you can bucket the sotries into. Like we do with movies. Rom-Com, Action, Horror, Mystery. So as YT is somewhat crowd sourced, is there a type that you prefer that is more subtle than the way we bucket other media into? I don't know if having lables makes it better, it was just a thought. ยท 1 week ago
I'm not sure I understand your question, but maybe that's my ignorance of manga classifications. Do you mean: "What psychological habits does watching YT feed in people?" Their algos try to get something for everyone to keep you hooked, probably trending towards slackjawed novelty-gasping and stoking outrage. But idk if that's what you meant... ยท 1 week ago