
It is an interesting color.

It signifies life, vibrancy, nature, and a lot more that I do not feel like talking about because color theory has been discussed to death, and I would like to talk about something else about it.

For the longest time, my favorite color was blue. I am a boy, and due to how gender norms and stereotypes worked during the 00s, I was born with a lot of blue around me. I was and am still okay with it because to this day, I really like it.

I like the blue skies, I like the ocean to some extent, I like the elegance of blue. It has been a pleasant color for me, and when it comes to most tech stuff nowadays have some sort of blue accent at least by default. My wallpapers were all some blue accent, and my android's Material You theme has used blue for the longest time (recently switched to warm colors for my eyes).

My own website has a main blue accent, so yeah I do like it a lot.

My main blue accent color was a bright pastel cyan color, specifically: #90F1FE is the hex code, and I have used it for almost everything.

So, why the switch to green? To be honest, I dunno exactly why.


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