Reasons for requesting Linux/FOSS at work

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I got a spare laptop from my company to run a proper OS on! I convinced the IT manager to send me a Dell because I want to run Linux. He is an officially certified (r) Elder Unix Greybeard, so he understands why I want to run Linux, and my obsession with simple tools. What stuck out to me was how I was forced to defend my desire for using Linux at work without falling back on the more standard "I only use FOSS because security/surveillance" explanation, since that explanation doesn't really fly at work.

Why would one want to use Linux, or FOSS in general, on a work computer?

In short - stable, simple, customizable tools. I'm a sysadmin - I write scripts and automate things. I want to be able to rebuild a server and lay out its customizations as quickly as possible - install packages, add config files, set up services, and changes settings. Why wouldn't I want the same for my own desktop? It makes it that much less failure-prone.