10 August 2021, Fer.al and livebooting


Some weeks ago I found out about a very nice game called 'Fer.al'. It is a lovely online MMO game where you have to do really nice quests. The worlds are amazing and well, it is just a fantastic game. Though I am not a really good person to decide if a game is good or not, since I am actually not really much a gamer. Feral is currently still in an early access stage, though it is very good playable. Feral is not only played for doing the quests and such, but also for roleplaying. Several people do roleplay in Feral. There are also people who do hide and seek in Feral. So, it is a game where you can do quite some things. The only bad thing is, it is not supported on Linux. It is currently only available for Windows and Mac. For me, being on Linux, this is quite a dissapointment. Though I did try to run it using Wine, which did not really go well. Then I tried to get it working by using Lutris, which says to support Feral, but to no avail. It still did not work. By now, I have found out the problem and I will probably write about it soon in a new post.


While I was struggling with Feral, I thought of trying to see if the problem I had was caused by my Linux distribution or not. So I installed Fedora 34 on a USB-stick and started livebooting. I soon found out that in Fedora, there wasn't any problem with playing Feral. Before trying Fedora I had though of trying to install Windows to an USB-stick, to be able to live-boot Windows to play Feral. While trying to do this I broke one USB-stick, so I bought two new ones with a capacity of 32 GiB. The one I broke was 16 GiB and the only other one I had was 8 GiB and is the one I installed Fedora to. Livebooting Fedora did go well for some time, but there was not enough space to install Feral, so I had to put that on another external storage. Therefore I used the SD-card from my smartphone, so every time I wanted to play Feral I had to remove my SD-card from my phone. Because that is not a really nice solution I decided to put Feral on one of my two new USB-sticks instead. On the other one, I had installed a live distribution called 'Tails'. The next time I tried to play Feral, it was really slow. Just too slow to play. I thought that might have something to do with the USB-stick, so I searched for other ways. Then I decided to put multiple Linux distribution on the USB-stick I used for Tails and installed Ventoy on the USB-stick and several Linux distros. One of the distros is SalientOS and that has Lutris and Wine preinstalled! That makes it very easy to run Feral from that distro and that has made playing Feral a lot easier for me! Just livebooting Salient, configuring the network in the network menu, opening Lutris and installing Feral!