Pulmonaria Officinalis (Lungwort)

General information

Other name: Bethlehem Sage

Flower colour: Pink, later the flowers gets also a bit blue-purple.

Flowering: March - May

Height: 10 - 30 cm

Active ingredients: Mucilages, Minerals, allantoin, tannins, flavonoids, saponins

Used parts: The herb or the leaves. Harvested when the plant is flowering.

A picture of the plant. In this picture the leaves are completely green, though it is more common that the leaves contain white spots.

Other information

There is not very much information available in my books on the historical use of Lungowrt. There is only said that it was already used in the middle ages against several lung diseases, but not really much more is said. Nowadays, lungwort is also not really much used anymore. It is sometimes still used against lung issues and sometimes against diarrhea.


Do not use this plant if you are pregnant.