Equisetum Arvense (Horsetail)

General information

Other names: Foxtail, Pipeweed, Horse pipes, Pine grass, Snake grass, Bottlebrush

Flower color: N/A

Spores period: March - April

Height: 20 - 80 cm

Active ingredients: Minerals, flavonoids, saponins, fenol acids, tannins

Used parts: The fresh, green plant, only the upper parts. Harvested early in summer

Other information

Equisetum is an ancient plant without flowers or seeds, it is a spore plant. Though it also spreads using its roots and it is very hard to get rid of it. Very much people think of it as a nasty weed, but actually it can be quite useful. The only thing is that it is very important to make sure that you have the correct verion, because other horsetail versions are poisonous. The roots of the plant go very deep and there has been a time where people thought that at the end of the roots were rings of gold to be found. The Roman people used foxtail to stop bleeding and they ate it in their salads because of the refreshing effects. During the Middle Ages horsetail was used against diarrhea, inflamed internal ulcers, kidney stones and much more. And because all Equisetum plants have much silicic acid, it is very strong and rough. So it was also used to sand stuff.

Nowadays horsetail is still used for people who are low on energy or who have a depression. It helps against several musculoskeletal problems, it has a constructive effect on lung tissue and strengthens the bladder and kidneys. Furthermore, horsetail has a blood-purifying effect and it increases resistance. It also improves the strength and structure of nails and hair. Lastly, equisetum has na calming effect on stress and anxiety.


Equisetum Arvense should NOT be eaten or used internally, unless as tea or tincture. This is because it contains too much silica, which the human body cannot digest.

You should be 100% sure that you have Equisetum Arvense, because all others are poisonous and they look a lot like each other. This is very important!

Horsetail is best taken during a meal, because otherwise it could cause irritation of the stomach.

Do NOT use this plant for long periods of time.

Do NOT use Equisetum if you have a blood coagulation disorder.

NEVER use horsetail if you have oedemas due to heart or kidney disease.

This plant can break down vitamin B1.

If you use any kind of medicines, ONLY use this plant if agreed with a qualified doctor.