Project Gemini

In the beginning, before there was an official Project Gemini mailing list or even a Project Gemini capsule, absolutely all of the information about the project was hosted in Gopherspace. In order to make the project's history more accessible, some of that early content has now been migrated in Geminispace, and links into Gophespace are provided for stuff which hasn't.

Background phlog posts

Before the "Gemini" name had been coined, before it was even clear that an actual real life protocol people actually used was going to be the result, Solderpunk wrote a series of phlog posts musing about Gopher, the web, what was drawing people from one to the other, and what interesting possibilities might exist in between. These posts provide some informative background for Project Gemini, but aren't technically a part of it. The links below are Gopher links to posts in Solderpunk's personal phlog, and you'll need a Gopher client to read them:

2019-03-03 - Pondering what's inbetween gopher and the web

2019-03-31 - Why gopher needs crypto

2019-04-07 - More on gopher and crypto

2019-06-12 - The soul of gopher

2019-06-16 - Protocol pondering intensifies, Pt I

2019-06-16 - Protocol pondering intensifies, Pt II

2019-06-16 - Protocol pondering intensifies, Pt III

Project Gemini side-phlog

Once Project Gemini started in earnest, Solderpunk set up a separate, dedicated side-phlog for discussion and communication. These posts definitely are a part of Project Gemini, so they have been minimally translated to gemtext and rehosted here at the official project capsule. They offer some insight into the very early evolution of the protocol. Note that many of these posts include links to Gopher posts made by other people, so you'll still need a Gopher client to get a complete picture.

2019-06-21 - Featherweight text protocols

2019-06-21 - TLS overhead

2019-06-21 - Redirection

2019-06-22 - Gemini in the wild, AV-98

2019-06-22 - Cold blanketry

2019-06-23 - Gemini maps

2019-06-24 - Gemini maps 2

2019-06-24 - Slowing down

2019-06-24 - Gemini in 100 lines

2019-06-24 - Assorted small notes

2019-06-25 - Gemini maps 3

2019-06-27 - Status codes

2019-07-03 - Quick update on link syntax

2019-07-10 - Link syntax, stagnation

2019-07-21 - Link syntax finalised

2019-07-25 - Inputs and client certificates

2019-07-29 - Two proposed status schemes

2019-08-08 - Status codes semi-finalised

2019-08-08 - New servers

2019-08-09 - Request formats, virtual hosting and proxying

2019-08-11 - New server

2019-08-11 - Spec updates

2019-08-13 - Announcing Agena, a Gemini-to-Gopher proxy

2019-08-16 - New server

2019-08-16 - Gemini mailing list

2019-08-17 - Announcing GeGoBi, a Gemini-Gopher bi-hoster