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samsung galaxy s10e

created  2019/03/08
modified 2023/10/18
category hardware
views    12

in 2019, samsung released peak phone with the s10 series, specifically the s10e which is the smallest variant of them. theoretically there could be a better phone, but none are available for purchase at this price

my s10e faltered and stopped being able to charge, and even with direct voltage applied to the battery protection circuit itself with the battery itself removed, would refuse to power on any more. so i bought the a52s 5g - the only samsung phone with a lineage distribution and higher specs

samsung galaxy a52s

samsung galaxy s5

lineage os

gsm arena


on average you can find one unlocked second hand for ~200€, 4 times the price of a second hand s5

down from 300€ since last year!


authorized repair replacements;

most repairs have gone up by 10€ since last year :(

spec breakdown


