Midnight Pub patron
reminded me
that browser and text readers can easily detect URLs not coded as html anchors, which has me thinking the species has become far too link addicted for one blogger to do anything about by attempting to make following URLs more difficult.
In fact, I click on such links in lynx and elinks all the time.... <blushes>
So I guess it's back to letting the species destroy itself as efficiently as possible....
Hey ~inquiry,
I often surprise folks by typing (even lengthy) URLs right into the address bar :)
That being said, the copy+pasting would maybe reduce the careless visit of shady URLs --- alas, it is much easier for the IT department to tell everyone "you stupid idiot clicked on that link". But it would be a lot less cleaning up damages by just disabling the automatism. And for that reason I don't use terminal window, which "recognize" URLs. I rather (partially) copy and paste. Cheers!