118 Tauri

12 Lyncis

16/17 Draconis

17 Crateris

19 Lyncis

1 Camelopardalis

24 Comae Berenices

31 Cygni

32 Camelopardalis

32 Eridani

36 Ophiuchi

38 Lyncis

38 Lyncis

40/41 Draconis

54 Leonis

55 Eridani

57 Aquilae

61 Cygni

65 Piscium

70 Ophiuchi

8 Lacertae

94 Aquarii

95 Herculis

AC Herculis

AQ Andromedae

AQ Sagittarii

AW Cygni

AX Cygni

BF Sagittae

BL Orionis (HD 44984)

BM Geminorum (TYC 1913-1170-1)

C58, NGC2360

C64, NGC2362

C7, NGC2403

Caldwell 10

Collinder 399, Coathanger

CY Cygni

EL Aurigae (HD 32088)

FO Serpentis

FU Aurigae (HD 38572)

FU Monocerotis (HD 44544)

GY Monocerotis (HD 50436)

HD 182040, NSV 11960

HK Lyrae


IC 289






k Puppis

Lunar Eclipse

M 1

M 1

M 10

M 10

M 100

M 101, Pinwheel

M 101, Pinwheel

M 102

M 103

M 104, Sombrero Galaxy

M 104, Sombrero Galaxy

M 104, Sombrero Galaxy

M 104, Sombrero Galaxy

M 105

M 106

M 107

M 108

M 109

M 110

M 11, Wild Duck Cluster

M 11, Wild Duck Cluster

M 11, Wild Duck Cluster

M 12

M 13

M 13

M 13

M 13

M 13

M 13

M 13

M 14

M 15

M 15

M 16, Eagle Nebula

M 16, Eagle Nebula

M 16, Eagle Nebula

M 17, Swan Nebula

M 17, Swan Nebula

M 17, Swan Nebula

M 17, Swan Nebula

M 18

M 19

M 2

M 20, Trifid Nebula

M 20, Trifid Nebula

M 21

M 22

M 23

M 24, Small Sagittarius Star Cloud

M 24, Small Sagittarius Star Cloud

M 25

M 26

M 27

M 28

M 29

M 3

M 3

M 30

M 31, Andromeda Galaxy

M 31, Andromeda Galaxy

M 31, Andromeda Galaxy

M 31, Andromeda Galaxy

M 31, Andromeda Galaxy

M 31, Andromeda Galaxy

M 32

M 33

M 34

M 35

M 36

M 37

M 38

M 39

M 4

M 40

M 41

M 41

M 42, Orion Nebula

M 42, Orion Nebula

M 42, Orion Nebula

M 42, Orion Nebula

M 42, Orion Nebula

M 43

M 44

M 44

M 44

M 44

M 45, Pleiades

M 46

M 47

M 48

M 49

M 5

M 5

M 50

M 51, Whirlpool Galaxy

M 52

M 52

M 53

M 54

M 55

M 56

M 57, Ring Nebula

M 58

M 59

M 60

M 61

M 62

M 63

M 64, Blackeye Galaxy

M 65

M 65

M 66

M 66

M 67

M 68

M 69

M 6, Butterfly Cluster

M 6, Butterfly Cluster

M 6, Butterfly Cluster

M 70

M 71

M 72

M 73

M 74

M 75

M 76

M 77

M 78

M 79

M 79

M 7, Ptolemy Cluster

M 7, Ptolemy Cluster

M 80

M 81, Bode's Galaxy

M 81, Bode's Nebula

M 81, Bode's Nebula

M 82, Cigar Galaxy

M 82, Cigar Galaxy

M 82, Cigar Galaxy

M 83

M 84

M 85

M 86

M 87

M 88

M 89

M 8, Lagoon Nebula

M 8, Lagoon Nebula

M 8, Lagoon Nebula

M 9

M 90

M 91

M 92

M 92

M 93

M 94

M 94

M 95

M 96

M 97, Owl Nebula

M 98

M 99

Man in the Moon


Mel 111, Coma Berenices Star Cluster

Mons Piton



NGC 1023

NGC 1232

NGC 1491

NGC 1501

NGC 1514, Crystal Ball Nebula

NGC 1535

NGC 1788

NGC 185

NGC 1931

NGC 1973, with NGC 1975 & 1977

NGC 2022, PN G196.6-10.9

NGC 2024, Flame Nebula

NGC 2194, Collinder 87

NGC 2237, Rosette

NGC 2261, Hubble's Variable Nebula

NGC 2264, Christmas Tree Cluster

NGC 2359, Thor's Helmet

NGC 2371, Gemini Nebula

NGC 2392, Clown Face

NGC 2403, MCG 11-10-7

NGC 2440, PN G234.8+02.4

NGC 246

NGC 253

NGC 2539, Collinder 176

NGC 2655, Arp 225

NGC 2683, UFO Galaxy

NGC 281

NGC 2841, MCG 9-16-5

NGC 2903

NGC 3003, MCG 6-22-13

NGC 3079, MCG 9-17-10

NGC 3115, Spindle Galaxy

NGC 3184, MCG 7-21-37

NGC 3242, Ghost of Jupiter

NGC 3344

NGC 3384, MCG 2-28-12

NGC 3432, Arp 206

NGC 3521, MCG 0-28-30

NGC 3628

NGC 3877, MCG 8-22-2

NGC 40

NGC 4026, MCG 9-20-52

NGC 4038, The Antennae with 4039

NGC 4088, Arp 18

NGC 4361, PN G294.1+43.6

NGC 457

NGC 4631, Whale Galaxy

NGC 4656, Hockey Stick Galaxy

NGC 5466

NGC 5906

NGC 6210

NGC 6369, Little Ghost Nebula

NGC 6445, Little Gem

NGC 6503

NGC 6520

NGC 654

NGC 6543, Cat's Eye Nebula

NGC 6572

NGC 663

NGC 6633

NGC 6712

NGC 6781

NGC 6802

NGC 6819, Foxhead Cluster

NGC 6826, Blinking Planetary

NGC 6888, Crescent Nebula

NGC 6939

NGC 6940

NGC 6946

NGC 6960, Veil Nebula (West)

NGC 6992, Veil Nebula (East)

NGC 7009, Saturn Nebula

NGC 7027, Magic Carpet

NGC 7129, Small Cluster Nebula

NGC 7293, Helix Nebula

NGC 7331, Deer Lick Group

NGC 7635, Bubble Nebula

NGC 7662, Copeland's Blue Snowball

NGC 772

NGC 7789

NGC 869

NGC 884

NGC 891

NGC 936

NQ Geminorum

NSV 13571

NSV 15196

Otto Struve 525


Rabbit in the Moon

R Canis Minoris (HD 54300)

R Leporis

RR Herculis

RS Cygni

RT Capricorni

RT Orionis (HD 36602)

RU Aquarii

RU Camelopardalis (HD 56167)

RU Puppis (HD 67507)

RV Cygni

RV Monocerotis (HD 51620)

RX Pegasi

RY Cygni

RY Draconis

RY Monocerotis (TYC 5381-403-1)

RZ Pegasi

SAO 106516

SAO 109003

SAO 128396

SAO 129989

SAO 46574






S Aurigae (HD 35556)

S Camelopardalis

S Cephei


S Scuti

ST Andromedae

ST Camelopardalis

Struve 1999

Struve 2404

Struve 2816

Struve 331

Struve 747

SU Andromedae

SV Cygni

SY Eridani

T Cancri (TYC 1397-648-1)

T Draconis

T Lyrae

TT Cygni

TT Tauri

TU Geminorum (HD 42272)

TU Tauri (HD 38218)

TX Aurigae (HD 33016)

TX Piscium

U Camelopardalis

U Cygni

U Hydrae (HD 92055)

U Lyrae

UU Aurigae (HD 46687)

UV Aquilae

UV Aurigae (HD 34842)

UV Camelopardalis

UX Draconis

UY Andromedae

V1469 Aquilae

V1942 Sagittarii

V460 Cygni

V466 Persei

V614 Monocerotis (HD 52432)

V623 Cassiopeiae

V Aquilae

V Arietis

V Aurigae (HD 44388)

V Coronae Borealis

V Cygni




Vesta 4, Astroid

V Hydrae

VW Geminorum (HD 47883)

VX Andromedae

VY Ursae Majoris

W Canis Majoris (HD 54361)

W Cassiopeiae

Woman in the Moon

W Orionis (HD 32736)

WZ Cassiopeiae

X Cancri (HD 76221)

X Sagittae

XX Camelopardalis (HD 25878)

Y Canum Venaticorum

Y Canum Venaticorum (HD 110914)

Y Hydrae (HD 85495)

Y Persei

Y Tauri

Z Piscium

α Boötis, Arcturus

α Canis Majoris

α Canum Venaticorum

α Capricorni

α Geminorum

α Geminorum

α Geminorum

α Herculis

α Leonis

α Librae

α Piscium

α Ursae Minoris

β Capricorni

β Cephei

β Cygni

β Cygni

β Cygni

β Lyrae

β Monocerotis

β Orionis

β Scorpii

γ Andromedae

γ Arietis

γ Ceti

γ Delphini

γ Delphini

γ Leonis

γ Leporis

γ Virginis

δ Boötis

δ Cephei

δ Corvi

δ Corvi, Algorab

δ Geminorum

δ Herculis

δ Orionis

δ Serpentis

ε Boötis

ε Canis Majoris

ε Lyrae

ε Lyrae

ε Lyrae

ε Monocerotis

ε Pegasi

ζ Aquarii

ζ Cancri

ζ Coronae Borealis

ζ Lyrae

ζ Orionis

ζ Piscium

ζ Ursae Majoris

ζ Ursae Majoris

η Cassiopeiae

η Persei

Θ 1 Orionis

Θ 2 Orionis

Θ Aurigae

Θ Serpentis

ι Boötis

ι Cancri

ι Orionis

ι Trianguli

κ Boötis

κ Herculis

λ Arietis

λ Orionis

μ Boötis

μ Draconis

ν Draconis

ν Scorpii

ξ Boötis

ξ Cephei

ξ Scorpii

ο Ophiuchi

π Boötis

ρ Herculis

σ Cassiopeiae

σ Coronae Borealis

σ Orionis

χ Tauri

ψ 1 Piscium

ψ Draconis