Hi and welcome to my little journal on gemini protocol.
Gemini is simple and keeps you focused on text content without much distractions and away from the ubiquitous tracking of modern websites.
If you want to know more about gemini check the following sites:
A website showing the most mature development projects:
I decided to use some retro-nostalgic and minimalistic css such amiga.css: https://github.com/justinzero/amiga.css/
The css is inspired on nes.css and I like how the retro style keeps you focused on content thanks to the lack of millions of colors and gradients that modern styles provide. I hope you like it too!
The game logic of fish fillets should be considered completed now: There were some missing pieces of the puzzles such as storing the exit areas direclty on the level's table and also the special rules for the levels at the end of the areas which requires specific objects to be on exit areas.
Thanks to the new rules now the exit areas can be easily added or even drawn with my level editor and they work right away.
Backgrounds till level 11 has been added, the game logic has been updated and now the whole game could be completed (provided there is not any bug I'm not aware of)
The level editor recently added a few new features such as:
I built the music player originally created for fish fillets as a standalone project you can run without the game and added a bunch of extra features, being the most remarkable:
That's all for now, I hope you enjoy this little gemini journal!