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When it comes to etiquette regarding mistress feet, the most important thing to remember is respect. As a submissive, it is important to show respect to your mistress and her feet by not engaging in any activity that she has not authorized. This includes things such as touching, licking, or kissing her feet without her permission. Furthermore, you should never disrespect her feet or make any inappropriate comments.In addition to showing respect, it is also important to maintain proper hygiene when interacting with your mistress’ feet. This means ensuring that your hands, mouth, and any other body parts you may use are clean and free from any bacteria or dirt. It is also important to keep your nails trimmed and filed to avoid any accidental cuts or scrapes.It is also important to be mindful of your mistress’s comfort. You should always be aware of the pressure you are using when touching her feet and should ask for feedback as to what is comfortable and what is not. You should also be careful not to put her feet in any uncomfortable or awkward positions.Finally, when it comes to mistress feet etiquette, it is always important to listen to your mistress’s instructions and follow them to the letter. This means paying attention to her verbal and non-verbal cues and respecting her wishes. If she tells you to stop, you should stop immediately and not push her boundaries.In summary, when it comes to mistress feet etiquette, the most important thing to remember is respect. Be mindful of her comfort, maintain proper hygiene, and always adhere to her instructions. By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure that you and your mistress have a pleasant and enjoyable experience.Are there any special techniques for walking with mistress feet??Walking with Mistress feet can be a tricky and challenging task, but it can be made a lot simpler and easier with the right techniques.The first thing to remember when walking with Mistress feet is to focus on the rhythm and flow of the steps. This can be done by taking small, steady steps, keeping your feet close to the ground, and avoiding any sudden jerks or movements. It is important to keep your body relaxed and in-sync with the movements of your feet, as this will help you maintain balance and control your steps.Another important technique for walking with Mistress feet is to practice proper posture. Make sure your back is straight and your shoulders are pulled back. Keep your head up and your gaze forward. This will help you keep your balance and will make your steps look smoother and more graceful.It is also important to practice proper arm and hand movements when walking with Mistress feet. Make sure your arms are relaxed and close to your body. Your hands should form a gentle arc, with your palms facing each other and your fingers lightly touching. This will help you stay balanced and create a more elegant look.Finally, it is important to practice proper breathing techniques when walking with Mistress feet. Taking deep breaths and exhaling slowly can help you stay relaxed and focused. Breathing deeply also helps to regulate your body movements, allowing you to walk with more control and grace.By following these simple tips and techniques, you can make walking with Mistress feet a lot easier and more enjoyable. With practice and dedication, you will soon be able to walk with a graceful and elegant stride.