< Well what do you know, I'm back
Yes well. I have been working with microcontrollers for over 20 years now. I do have an assortment of such thingies though out the house. They record temperatures, humidity, pressure, the height of water in the cistern and things like that. And through a substantial chain of software collecting and storing this stuff periodically, I can point my web browser to an instance of "Grafana" and see todays or yesterdays or last weeks values changing during the day. I do NOT use any of that for automation. But I can look back into a load of data covering more than 10 years ...
The current iteration, i.e. the fourth generation of this stuff for me, focuses again on stability. I don't want to reprogram any of these wonderful magic toys over the course of the year. They should just work, even if I don't look after them. But that is a tall order, I can now say from experience. The new item in this iteration is a much newer radio component, so maybe playing packet radio rather than transmitting bytes individually may help this remaining "just why the hell does it lock up a few times per year --- and a power cycle does NOT suffice!"???
So, why do I bother? Well, keeps my mind occupied and me out of trouble.
That sounds like an extremely practical and rewarding hobby. The most I ever do is just distro hop twice a year or so and try new things on linux to grphically customise it to my liking.