2019-11-05T03:17:13 #kisslinux Alright, I have installed KissLinux almost successfully, but I had a problem configuring the ALSA Audio. 2019-11-05T03:19:00 #kisslinux Since I have never configured ALSA myself I don't know what exactly to do. So if someone, please, could share some information about it, will be great. 2019-11-05T03:19:56 #kisslinux I will leave here some of the commands and their output so you may understand better what could be happening: https://pastebin.com/1BhCNczC 2019-11-05T03:20:44 #kisslinux I'll be reading the logs in case someone has some answers and thank you in advance. :) 2019-11-05T03:23:14 #kisslinux Some extra info: I compiled the kernel just as the docs tell, make defconfig and made some custom configs but those are for network devices not sound, everything else is the default from `make defconfig`. 2019-11-05T03:23:31 #kisslinux If you need to know something else so you can help me, just tell me. 2019-11-05T03:25:51 #kisslinux .. and that's for the moment. See you later! :D 2019-11-05T03:26:06 #kisslinux that's all* 2019-11-05T05:14:43 #kisslinux hello 2019-11-05T05:17:17 #kisslinux hello , I just discovered kisslinux today , and have a few questions about the building of packages 2019-11-05T05:17:49 #kisslinux Do the packages use the default use flags , like in gentoo ? Or can we define them somewhere ? 2019-11-05T07:22:24 #kisslinux lrdy: It looks like you're missing some kernel config options for your audio device. Tried searching for the error you get at boot? 2019-11-05T07:23:30 #kisslinux neel: KISS doesn't have a USE flags feature. See: https://getkiss.org/pages/faq#are-use-flags-supported 2019-11-05T08:37:46 #kisslinux https://getkiss.org/wiki/home 2019-11-05T08:37:52 #kisslinux hehehe 2019-11-05T08:38:01 #kisslinux Still some kinks to work out. 2019-11-05T08:39:55 #kisslinux That'll be nice. I personally think that was needed for new users :) 2019-11-05T08:40:20 #kisslinux Yup 2019-11-05T08:40:29 #kisslinux Came up with a really simple way of doing it. :P 2019-11-05T08:40:49 #kisslinux I see you made update to the looking of the site in general, the new navbar looks good with that little kiss logo 2019-11-05T08:41:48 #kisslinux I always wanted to include the lips in the logo. This just uses the emoji ;) 2019-11-05T08:42:11 #kisslinux ;p 2019-11-05T08:43:20 #kisslinux Now that you're updating the site if I remember well there's still no section explaining how to change the keyboard layout in installation page, I mean it is, but is in the FAQ, someone still could miss that information 2019-11-05T08:43:45 #kisslinux So if you want, it could be to have that info in the installation page :D 2019-11-05T08:44:29 #kisslinux Will do. 2019-11-05T08:49:59 #kisslinux New link: https://getkiss.org/wiki/ 2019-11-05T08:50:51 #kisslinux More handy 2019-11-05T08:54:36 #kisslinux https://github.com/kisslinux/wiki/blob/master/.github/workflows/wiki.yml 2019-11-05T08:54:47 #kisslinux Wiki edits will now automatically update the website's wiki. 2019-11-05T08:56:11 #kisslinux Nice, now we can help each other more easily B) 2019-11-05T08:56:41 #kisslinux You know, I have installed Kiss recently and after compiling/installing xorg in order to use dwm 2019-11-05T08:57:02 #kisslinux I found that maybe you could add some new packages to the xorg repo 2019-11-05T08:57:57 #kisslinux Which ones? 2019-11-05T08:59:13 #kisslinux Dwm has a default bar that can be set using xsetroot, so it will be nice to have it in the repo and it is not much of a deal to have it there, I think it only depends on xbitmap and I don't know if this last one is mandatory to compile xsetroot 2019-11-05T09:02:06 #kisslinux ... and when there was the very first layout of the website there was a section that said KissLinux was only planned to be used as an English focused lang distro. Now we have some info to change the keyboard layout in the FAQs, that's nice, and maybe now we can setxkbmap so users can change keyboard layout when using xorg 2019-11-05T09:03:12 #kisslinux It is possible to change it without xsetxkbmap, modifying the xorg config files, but you know, if there's already an xinput pkg to make things more simple, having xsetxkbmap could be an option too :) 2019-11-05T09:04:38 #kisslinux The homepage still mentions the English part. 2019-11-05T09:05:01 #kisslinux Can you open these as issues in kisslinux/repo so I don't forget? 2019-11-05T09:05:41 #kisslinux It lives: https://github.com/kisslinux/wiki/commit/7b772737a7427452d78fecd5c390773a8824d960/checks?check_suite_id=296134746 2019-11-05T09:10:02 #kisslinux Alright. I'll open the issues later :D 2019-11-05T09:10:21 #kisslinux Thanks :) 2019-11-05T09:10:32 #kisslinux I'm about to go out for a few hours, else I'd do it now. 2019-11-05T09:14:22 #kisslinux Alright, no problem. I'm going to have dinner so I'll see you later, have a nice day/ 2019-11-05T09:14:23 #kisslinux ^^ 2019-11-05T09:14:27 #kisslinux You too. 2019-11-05T09:16:16 #kisslinux kissalreadyused: A good first Wiki page could be setting the keyboard layout. :) 2019-11-05T09:16:29 #kisslinux The install guide could link to the Wiki towards the end. 2019-11-05T11:41:06 #kisslinux dylanaraps: i made mpv working with youtube-dl last night 2019-11-05T11:41:15 #kisslinux many thanks 2019-11-05T11:44:14 #kisslinux Nice :) 2019-11-05T12:35:52 #kisslinux The wiki foundations are done. https://getkiss.org/wiki/ 2019-11-05T12:36:43 #kisslinux I can't wait to see users contribute documentation, tips etc. :) 2019-11-05T12:47:46 #kisslinux https://getkiss.org/news/20191105a 2019-11-05T14:17:25 #kisslinux Wiki pages now display a direct link to the edit page: https://getkiss.org/wiki/setting-the-keyboard-layout 2019-11-05T19:12:18 #kisslinux Hello 2019-11-05T19:22:11 #kisslinux hi 2019-11-05T19:22:39 #kisslinux I'm happy to answer any questions you may have. :) 2019-11-05T19:25:42 #kisslinux no questions, just noticed lots of new stars for samurai, perhaps thanks to you :) 2019-11-05T19:26:44 #kisslinux Most likely. I notice a lot of people I know. :P 2019-11-05T19:26:56 #kisslinux Loving samurai btw. 2019-11-05T19:27:21 #kisslinux Thanks for creating it. 2019-11-05T19:28:58 #kisslinux thanks, i'm quite happy with how it turned out 2019-11-05T19:32:03 #kisslinux actually, i do have one question. how does rootless X work (specifically, access to input and graphics devices)? 2019-11-05T19:33:13 #kisslinux The input and video groups. Not 100% ideal of course but a lot better than running Xorg as root. 2019-11-05T19:33:54 #kisslinux The input group is required for libinput regardless. 2019-11-05T19:35:31 #kisslinux Nothing stops a user from running Xorg "normally" (as root with X as suid). The user can also instal elogind, etc if they'd like to use it. 2019-11-05T19:35:37 #kisslinux This is just the default. 2019-11-05T19:39:06 #kisslinux ah, got it. this is unsafe for multi-user systems though, right? any user in the input group could read key events for another user's X session 2019-11-05T19:39:43 #kisslinux Yes. 2019-11-05T19:40:09 #kisslinux probably fine for a single-user system, though 2019-11-05T19:40:51 #kisslinux Yup 2019-11-05T19:42:19 #kisslinux The Gentoo Wiki has more info: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Non_root_Xorg 2019-11-05T20:25:38 #kisslinux Ciao for now