Police Patrol Labors
AV-98 Ingram
- Unit type: Law Enforcement Anti-Labor Crime Patrol Labor
- Manufacturer: Shinohara Heavy Industries, Hachioji Factory
- Commencement of sales: April 1998
- Height: 8.02 metres
- Width: 4.37 metres
- Standard weight: 6.02 tons
- Full equipment weight: 6.62 tons
- Maximum weight lifting capacity: 2.40 tons
- Armour materials: Fibre Reinforced Plastic and Carbon Fibre Reinforced Material
- Standard equipment: 37mm Revolver Cannon x 1 (6 rounds), 90mm Riot Cannon x 1, Anti-Labor Stun Stick x 1
- Minimum revolving radius: 3.90 metres
- Appearances in anime: All versions
The Ingram AV-98 (AV stands for "Advanced Vehicle") was developed specially for the police force to combat Labor crime. It is styled in a way to look menacing. The main unit comes with two weapons; an electric baton (or stun stick, a weapon that can stop Labors with high powered electric currents) which is stored under it's shield in it's left arm, and a 37mm revolver cannon, stored in it's left leg. A 90mm riot gun was also developed by the mechanics at the SV2 for the Ingram. The Second Division of the SV2 use these Labors. Ota's AV-98 (Unit 2) has a customised head which is very different to the standard issue. Unit 3 (the spare Labor) also has a customised head. In "Patlabor 2 the movie", Unit 3 was developed as an experimental anti-electronic warfare Labor by Shinohara Heavy Industries, and it's head is equipped with ECM (Electronic Counter Measures) jamming pod.
MPL-96 Askua-96
- Unit type: Law Enforcement Anti-Labor Crime Patrol Labor
- Manufacturer: Shinohara Heavy Industries
- Commencement of sales: October 1996
- Height: 5.62 metres
- Width: 4.32 metres
- Maximum weight lifting capacity: 1.20 tons
- Armour materials: High Tension Steel
- Standard equipment: None
- Optional equipment: Various
- Minimum revolving radius: 5.20 metres
- Appearances in anime: Original OVA Series (AKA Early Days); TV episode 1
Based upon an old construction Labor, the Asuka-SSL-96 Taisyo. The term MPL stands for "Main Police Labor". This Labor was modified to create the first Patrol Labor. Though the only real modification was the addition of a light unit, police siren and a paint job. The first unit of the SV2 in the original OVA, and second unit in the first episode of the TV series used these Labors. They are fairly clunky and weren't much use against many criminal Labors.
AV-X0 (AV-2) Type X-0 "Zero"
- Unit type: AV Project Prototype Anti-Labor Crime Patrol Labor using HOS System
- Manufacturer: Shinohara Heavy Industries, Hachioji Factory
- Commencement of sales: September 1999
- Height: 8.32 metres
- Width: 4.51 metres
- Standard weight: 6.21 tons
- Full equipment weight: 6.98 tons
- Maximum weight lifting capacity: 3.20 tons
- Armour materials: Fibre Reinforced Material (aluminium/steel) and Carbon Fibre Reinforced Material
- Standard equipment: Large Shield x 1, Anti-Labor Stun Stick x 1
- Optional equipment: Compatible with AV-98 Ingram Optional Equipment, with Exclusive Options Currently in Development
- Minimum revolving radius: 3.20 metres
- Appearances in anime: Patlabor the movie
Essentially the AV-98 Ingram on steroids, this Patrol Labor is much more stronger than the Ingram and can lift a small construction Labor up with one hand a break it in to two. This Labor was designed with hand to hand combat in mind. In "Patlabor the movie", Kanuka Clancy pilots the Labor while it is infected with the Babel Virus. Shinohara have also produced a version for the New York Police Department called the AV-02 Clash Buster which comes with a 44mm cannon, but this Labor does not appear in the anime.
MPL-97S Python
- Unit type: Law Enforcement Anti-Labor Crime Patrol Labor
- Manufacturer: Manabe Heavy Industries
- Commencement of sales: November 1997
- Height: 7.80 metres
- Width: 4.60 metres
- Standard weight: 7.25 tons
- Full equipment weight: 7.85 tons
- Maximum weight lifting capacity: 2.60 tons
- Armour materials: High Tension Steel
- Standard equipment: Stun Stick x 1, Large Shield x 1
- Optional equipment: Various
- Minimum revolving radius: 5.90 metres
- Appearances in anime: TV Series
Used by Division 1 in the TV series. This Labor may not be as good as the Ingram, but is still effective against most construction Labors. The term MPL stands for "Main Police Labor".
AV-0 Peacemaker (Zero)
- Unit type: Law Enforcement Anti-Labor Crime Patrol Labor
- Manufacturer: Shinohara Heavy Industries, Hachioji Factory
- Commencement of sales: February 2000 (Projected)
- Height: 8.20 metres
- Width: 4.45 metres
- Standard weight: 6.21 tons
- Full equipment weight: 7.00 tons
- Maximum weight lifting capacity: 3.20 tons
- Armour materials: Fibre Reinforced Material (aluminium/steel) and Carbon Fibre Reinforced Material
- Standard equipment: 44 mm cannon x 1
- Minimum revolving radius: 3.20 metres
- Appearances in anime: TV episodes 46 and 47; New OVA Series episodes 1 to 4
The AV-0 Peacemaker is pretty much the TV version of Patlabor the movie's "Zero", with the exception of some design changes and a new operating system, the Neuron Network System. Division 1 receives these Labors at the end of the TV series to replace the aging Python.
AV-02 Variant
- Unit type: Law Enforcement Anti-Labor Crime Patrol Labor
- Manufacturer: Shinohara Heavy Industries
- Appearances in anime: Patlabor 2 the movie
Not much information about this Labor. It appears in "Patlabor 2 the movie", and is the replacement for the Ingram for Division 2.
Type 99 Road Runner
- Unit type: Quick Response Traffic Control Labor
- Appearances in anime: Patlabor 2 the movie
Used for traffic control by the Tokyo Highway patrol, its arms and legs will extend from its basic 'car' mode, allowing it to literally ride over other vehicles and manipulate objects. It is used by the Kanagawa Prefectural Police. It only appears briefly in "Patlabor 2 the movie".
MPL97AV-T (97-AV)
- Unit type: Training Type Patrol Labor
- Manufacturer: Shinohara Heavy Industries
- Height: 7.51 metres
- Width: 4.24 metres
- Standard weight: 4.95 tons
- Full equipment weight: 5.35 tons
- Maximum weight lifting capacity: 1.87 tons
- Minimum revolving radius: 3.90 metres
- Armour materials: Reinforced Steel and Fibre Reinforced Material
- Standard equipment: 37mm hand revolver canon and special policeman's club
- Appearances in anime: Original OVA Series (AKA Early Days) Episode 4
This Training Labor is seen only in the episode "The Tragedy of L" in the Original OVA Series (AKA Early Days). The term MPL stands for "Main Police Labor".
AV-98T Dauphan
- Unit type: Training Type Patrol Labor
- Manufacturer: Shinohara Heavy Industries, Hachioji Factory
- Height: 7.54 metres
- Width: 4.25 metres
- Standard weight: 5.50 tons
- Full equipment weight: 6.08 tons
- Maximum weight lifting capacity: 2.40 tons
- Armour materials: High Tension Fibre and Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic
- Standard equipment: Various Training Equipment
- Minimum revolving radius: 4.00 metres
- Appearances in anime: TV episode 2
Training Labor seen in the TV episode "Kanuka Has Arrived". The design was also reused in the parody episode of the New OVA Series, "The Woman Who Came from the Stars".
AV-02T Lehrer
- Unit type: Police Training Labor
- Manufacturer: Shinohara Heavy Industries
- Appearances in anime: Patlabor 2 the movie
Training Labor seen only in "Patlabor 2 the movie".